Monday, October 23, 2006
hey everyone hows it going? pretty good here i guess, i'm about to go to bed so i thought i'd post an entry.
wow....i read gackts autobiography....wow that's all i have to say....it so made me question gackt's sexuallity. speaking of sex, he has a whole chapter about sex and he talks about how he never masterbates because he feels ashamed XD! and he said he wouldn't get married again, *sigh* that's not fair gackt! how can you only let one girl experience you as a husband!!! grr-ness... but it was a good laugh, me and my friend played roles as we read, it was so funny. but you know, if gackt sad down and told me about his life....i'd cry...haha but my friend christine said that if you had miku sit down and tell you the same story, you'd be scared to death! lol, and of course we made references to gackt being god so many times. and there was apart where he said that he didn't want to have children and i was like "omg! then how was miyavi born?!" if you don't get that, a while (maybe a month) i said that my friends and i refer to gackt as god, meevs is jesus, die is joseph, kyo is satan, and shinya is mary. there are more but those are the basic ones that we talk about.
well i also made a couple of icons, 125 x 125 so you can use if you want. sorry, my icon skills aren't the best.
Gackt (yeah, once again a reference to god)
Draco (i dunno why)
JaeJoong (a.k.a. Hero) from DBSK (i dunno, i've been listening to them all day and hero and uknow are so friggin' hot, yeah yeah, i don't care if they're in a boy band)
well bai bai i guess!
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