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Court Jester
Real Name
Lennie but just call me Len
Graduated Grade School
Anime Fan Since
along time ago....
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Gundam Wing, DragonBall Z
Drawing, Gameing, making people laugh
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Friday, June 30, 2006
Hola, Hola
Lena Jade: Hello! Im posting on behalf of my brother....
Len: Okay...err about that cut on my hand....well it turns out that it was worse than i figured (lenas note: DUHHH!) so yeah *ten stitches later* so i wont be able to write for a while *note this is why my sis is typing for me* okay er...sorry for not getting around i will try to do something laterz.
Lena Jade: *sings* In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight.....
Len: yeah...stop singing, any who im going to take a pain killer and then a adios.....
-the Crippled LEN
Lena Jade: Bye Bye!
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Thursday, June 29, 2006
Hola, Hola
Well lets see...i got to about what? 65% of the sites that updated...not too bad...well not too good either, but whos fault is that really? (eh...if i didnt get to your site jus yell at me...if ya do then i promise ill get to ur site more often!) Welp anywho was pretty good...i had to clean out the garage (this sucked) and i sharpened all my knives...and by doing so i got a mean ol gash on my hand (note: this is not an act of Emo...i am not an Emo, repeate: i am not an Emo...i dont kno how to make it anymore was an accident) yeah at first it seemed like a normal cut but then it split deep like real deep...its been bleeding for like what...2 hours now...yeah it keeps on bleeding...i should get my sis to fix it but she usually burns me with her medical voodoo (voodoo = alcahol[SP?]) Welp yeah...oh and my dad got his new truck finally, Yay cause that means the 67' Chevy is mine! Yay all mine, i luv that truck, its the coolest! i gotta go buy some gray primer to paint it though....Yay for truck!...Well with all of this random-ness im done...ill comment mucho mas nueve...adios mis amigos
(im not Burnt anymore, and Captain Commando Rocks!)
-the Other LEN
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Sunday, June 25, 2006
Hola, Hola
Well its another Saturday night...the only difference between this one and the others, is that i have kno one to talk to!...cursed....yep kno one is even online right now....welp i guess ill go take a nap also tired now...and the sun burn is STILL there....but its alot better...yep, yep...well i guess i wont stay up till the wee hours of the morning this catch up with everyone later! adios
-the Other LEN
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
Hola, Hola
Ok....welp sun burn still there...i kno, i kno i shouldnt expect it to go away already....but its annoying! Welp anywho i commented quite a bit...almost everyone...but not quite...if ive been missing your site when i comment jus yell at me and set me straight =]. Well lets see what else is new...welp...nothing! hahaha...yeah well ill be leaving for now...ill comment and update again tomarrow night....aidos
-the (still)Burnt LEN
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Friday, June 23, 2006
Hola, Hola
*a bottle of Aloe Vera later* DAMN it still hurts....cursed sun...must..destroy...sun...Arg..well anywho yeah im a bit crazy from lack of sleep...cause of the DAMN SUNBURN!...when i get sunburn i get it to the MAX much like right yeah im going to find some breakfast then ill comment a bit later...welp cya then.
-the Burnt LEN
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Hola, Hola
Len is Sunburnt!...Owww it hurts to move....yep hurts bunches....owww im real red....really really red...well yeah i was swimming most of yesterday....that and EBAY! Yay! welp all burnted and such...i also need a nap....yeah i think ill take a nap right now...oh and if i comment on ur stie yesterday i didnt wright the Other LEN, y? because i didnt want to write it a few dozen i just wrote asdffhjkl; and such....Yay! welp i must go....take care now friends, catchya later
-the Other LEN
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Hola, Hola
Well im back from camping....see i was only gone for a few days...but we r going camping again in July and maybe in Aug. Yep Yep cant wait till those times....well right now im more intrested in my sooo tired...sleepless nights out in the cold and lots of work has worn Len out....yep i did most of the unloading and loading of well as taking things down....Lets see...i woke up at about 6am every morning to fish (no fish in the damn lake!) the water in the lake was hella low...i could walk half way into the lake and not wet my hair...but anywho yeah....and id stay up till about i froze in the damn tent...yep it was cold...there was patches of snow...welp i could ramble on, but ive fallen asleep twice now so i bes be going...ill write a bit more someother time....well adios mis amigos
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Friday, June 16, 2006
Hola, Hola
Welp some amigos are going to hate me for this...But i wont be around till probably late Tuesday...and thats bad for ya cause i also didnt comment yesterday/today. Welp i dont have anywho dont hate me too much...i can take a little...but not tooo much...well anywho yeah last few days have been HELL! My dad got mad at me for something or other so he's been working me like a freakin dog! Chores and yard work all day long...all day...all day...well anywho yeah so yesterday i was real upset most part of the day...that is until i found the thing that gets me happy real fast. My fishing stuff! Yay! i had to clean the entire garage...and so i was cleaning it for a while then i took out the fishing stuff casue i need it for camping...and soo i was automatically happy! Yay for fishing! oh yeah and since ill be camping for the next 4 days or so, ill be fishing! yay, Happy times! case the last half a dozen lines or so u didnt figure it out...i luv fishing! YAY! well yeah this post is already long....i guess ill be off...ill miss ya and do die till im back....adios!
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Hola, Why hello people!
This isLady Lena Jade The Other Len's Big sister. Well im just posting a hello and im just letting you know, if you have heard about the haunting~ness across from my grandmas house then you want to check out My site. its a long post but its all true and rather scary. So check it out if you want.
Click to go to Lady Lena Jade's site
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Hola, Hola
So Monday is out of the way...good times...well again ill keep this post real short and simple. Nothing going on in life and if anything does happen it will surprise me...yeah well anywho take care now friends and ill cya around
-the Other LEN
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