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myOtaku.com: Len23

Saturday, July 1, 2006

Well my last post till my stiches are out (give me a week) Yesterday i couldnt post cause my hand was numb...completly...yeah the stiches dont really bug me much...but they are on the top of my hand from the nuckle to almost the wrist...so if i move my wrist i strain the stiches which hurts and will mess it up...so yeah ive been straining them all day...so i should really stop....should...should...probably wont...but oh well...damn they gave me 15 shots in the hand...after the 4th i couldnt feel anything...so i didnt really bother...well i did laugh alot...ALOT...pretty much the entire time....so yeah...i got to those who commented (well almost all) uh...yeah so ill probably get on and off every now and then...and untill then i leave you with some tips!
1. Two wrongs dont make a right, but three lefts will
2. Talk to sexual hurrasment panda if you need too.
3. Dont do drugs, sell them....
4. Kidding....dont listen to 3....but still no drugs
5. Dont light all fire works at the same time...it looks cool and...well it is...but it makes the fun time shorter
6. Everything if flameable, u jus need the right things
7. Dont cut urself then hide it...cause u will get stiches eventually
and finally
8. Godzilla, Captain Commando, Link, and Nintendo Rock!!!!

Well im done...have a good week mis amigos...cya when i can type good again, Adios


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