Birthday • 1992-01-05 Gender •
Female Location • in my own little world Member Since • 2005-07-29 Occupation • part time student full time friend and anime freak Real Name • ysianel
Achievements • i dunno Anime Fan Since • i was born Favorite Anime • lots Goals • watch all the animes in the world Hobbies • computer and many to mention lenaisy
Sunday, November 20, 2005
yeah finally got the sonh i wanted
Don't steal any of the crappy stuff I have in this site, if YOU do i'll hunt you down and kill you.
Ask for help.
September Layout : How old are you?
Feat. : Bella Swan and Edward Cullen
From : Twilight
All graphics (c)Lenaisy
All coding done by Lenaisy
Div Layout code done by Chibim
Hosted By
Image By
Song By
Ysianel is the name also known as Lenaisy (lenaisy is ysianel spelled backwards). 01/05/92 is my D.O.B, and is currently 14 yrs old and attending Maples Colligiate as a freshmen. I spended 10 yrs of my life in the Philippines and is now living here in Canada. I love Graphic and all, but my life is mostly all about anime, which is why I made this Otaku your in right now. I was a member since 07/29/2005, But i took a 3 months hiatus. One lasting if you need anyhelp just ask and I'll try to help but please don't ask me for the DIV LAYOUT Code cause it's not mine to give out so just go to the credits area for that.
Sign the Guestbook, Friend Me, And I'll be doing the same right back at you. Enjoy
hey if u guys remember i was searching for the latest naruto ending song and i finally found it and rigth i'm just waiting for da download to finish lol, well w/e bye