Female Location Take a long, good look behind you and guess... Member Since 2007-01-18 Occupation i'm a killer, i'm a younger sister...and i'm insane... Real Name Nakita...and you shall never know my last name...
Achievements i haven't reached it yet since my achievement is reaching my goal... Anime Fan Since for a long time... Favorite Anime Naruto and many others Goals to help make our group the most feared of all kunoichi and ninjas...and to take down the only people who ever escaped my wrath...Izuna of the Sand and Ari Aroshitori... Hobbies killing the people that stand in my way... Talents kill...that is all you need to you can take it to your grave*a bell and another slash then silence again* LetsPlayRevenge
You foolish person...did you expect enter this place to find open arms...did you expect to enter and see a happy place filled with short stories of the day...well looks like you walked through the wrong door today...and you'll never be able to walk back out!!!! You have entered my section of the Yakunan...yes thats right, the Yakunan, the well known band of rouge ninjas from the Village Hidden in the Night...and you must have heard of the four of us...My eldest sister Lanori who is techinically our leader and the most skilled fighter of us all, my older twin sisters, Yukai and Moria, they are the ones who are better at making our escapes our arrivals...and our death ideas, i am Nakita and u can say i'm insane or mad, but what can u that u walked into your doorway to *the ring of a bell, a slash and then silence*
XXNakita of the YakunanXX
Saturday, March 3, 2007
It's not fair!!!!
i was asked by a family memeber if i would like to go to the god forsaken movies theater. I gladly agreed, but after a while she said we couldn't go because the person we were going with couldn't find a babysitter. so we stayed home for a while and waited. with out fucking asking me she volonteered me to babysit for the kids and they two of them go to the movies together!!!! honastly thats a lil fucked up in my book...u don't toy with ppl like that 'cuz its really fucked up!!!! Comments
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
Hope u like the photos my dying victims took of me before i sent them to hell Comments
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
Anger and hatred is what i feel!!!!
i hate everyone right now!!!!! my sister lanori won't leave me alone about something and when i tell her i can't she pushes the question further and further when i already said no!!!! two lil monsters r also giving me a hard time with fighting that i can't stand!!!! Everyone right now in my eyes is evil and making me hate MORE!!!!damn everyone who is making me pissed off to noe end right now!!!!!!!!!!
XXHer Mistress Of Hatred, Nakita of the YakunanXX Comments
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Monday, January 22, 2007
To: who really gives a fuck to read
I'm guessing that if u'r reading this then your eithor bored or a person without a life...or a petifile for all i know or care...well anyway my day was normal...or as normal as it gets around this place...well so far i know i managed to get another recruit, but my sisters byt the end of the day seemed to have adandonedd me...Moria and Lanori walked off to Lanori's house and leaving me alone, where i am, with a few ppl i like or hate...well as u can tell i hate my day and am pretty pissed so o well life can suck sometimes, but i guess i'll find a way to feel better...but i don't feel up to drawing right now so screw this warm up drawing and screw drawing Urahara and Ergo, Lanori, My shift for today is done...i'll do it tomarrow when i'm in a better mood...
XXNakita of the YakunanXX