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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
Real Name
Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Ken is a fluffy owl
Hey, I'm back. I apologise for my extended absence. Your last semester of University is always the most time intensive. I managed to complete it and my degree with flying colours though. Distinction and an email from my course coordinator congratulating me on my marks and being part of the first cohort to graduate from QUT with this degree.
I am Liam Cameron; Bachelor of Biomedical Science, QUT 2007.
Oddly enough, thanks to the interesting nature of my course I can work as a Biochemist, Clinical Researcher, Microbiologist, Bacteriologist, Mycologist, Parasitologist, Cell and Tissue Biologist...and the list goes on and on.
I may not be able to work in these fields for a while though, as I am preparing to serve as a Missionary for my Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Once my papers are submitted, I could leave anywhere from a week to 6 months later and be serving for 2 years with no contact other than snail mail.
I could be sent anywhere in the world to speak any language, but honestly I don't mind where, as long as I am needed and I can work to the best of my ability.
I hate to admit it, but the past 3 years have not been so much about achieving a degree in a field I have grown to love and enjoy being a part of, but realising that I have learnt how to think. I still want to go on and do medicine and I still want to be the best possible Doctor I can be. Maybe I will even go on to be a Radiologist or Neurologist. I've found myself to be very grounded in the past 3 years. I've matured and I found myself appreciating what I can do and what others have done for me. I'm not saying it hasn't been a hard slog, but I'm saying that it was well worth being stretched both mentally and spiritually.
The only unfortunate side affect of the past few years is that my writing has greatly suffered and I need to re-kindle that spark now that I have time, before I don't have time again.
I have made a brief appearance at OB again, and I'm grateful that it's still around. Though I do feel like I'm resurfacing in a new world. I don't know anyone half as well as I used to, and the new cast of people don't know me from a bar of soap.
It's somewhat intimidating to step a toe into the waters again and to write, considering I'm once again posting to a completely unknown audience.
Let's face it, I'm a narrative freak that likes to manage a plot :D. I invest a lot of time and then it fizzles out. It's unfortunate, but it happens. I write better solo, and every attempt I've made at an RPG sort of slides away, and then I lose interest in writing my own ideas and fleshing them out. A bazillion plot devices and story ideas, but nowhere to put them in place.
Meh. I should sign up to something, but I'm too picky. Either I don't think I could cope in a 1 paragraph post RPG, or that I won't mesh with the plot.
I'm a snob. I should really get off my high horse and invest in an RPG. I shouldn't expect people to accommodate for me.
SYF has always been floating around, and I've written chapters in my head but am yet to put it to keystroke. With Asphy gone for months, it may not see OB for a very, very long time. By the time she gets back, I very well may be gone.
Augh. I need to get to work. I play WoW, watch rubbish TV and dedicate time to a Newsagency. I've been wishing I had an intellectual output and here it is.
Expect to see me surfacing in the Theatre.
Also: I apologise for my contributions to the Lounge. I feel I may have killed two threads. 3 years of education causes me to have an intolerance for complacency when it comes to dangerous drugs.
Mimmi Sorry hun, I sort of slipped off the radar, didn't I? Rest assured I won't be going anywhere for a while ^_^
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