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Friday, December 17, 2004
'Take that to your backface!'

Mum has finally bought some photograph paper for our printer, and it can print some excellent photos. No joke.
Of course it doesn't hurt that we have the glory of 4.0MP Fujifilm.
So yeah, printing photos is fun!
I worked yesterday [2pm - 6:30pm] and it was really good, except for the last hour. I was only supposed to work 'till 5, but Grace asked me to work an extra hour as she'd be the only one in the shop otherwise.
So we run around restocking things and dealing with customers and these two youths come in. Automatic tailing for Liam. You see, the biggest deterrent for shop lifters is customer service. Just try going up to a shifty looking individual and asking if he needs assistance. I'm serious, it's rather amusing.
Anyhow, these two guys are wandering around, and I'm keeping an eye on them, and then 5/6 other customers wander in, pick up stuff and go straight to the counter.
Insert conundrum. Grace had just ducked out to wash Catch-a-bubbles off her hands, so all I can do is man the register.
Two minutes later, one of the kids nicks something and buggers off out of the shop.
Don't you just hate that?
It was only a $5 torch thing, [which beats the two $34.50 binoculars that disappeared last time], but it's still the principle of the thing.
Anyhow, rate me as a pirate, arr!

What kind of pirate am I? You decide! You can also view a breakdown of results or put one of these on your own page! Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
'Chocolate cake! It has eggs in it! And wheat! It's practically healthy!'
I love pay day. It's the best day in the history of the world. Just opening your account at an ATM to say, 'wow, I did a lot more work than I expected..'
I was intending to ring up a bunch of people to order them to come to a movie tonight, but apparently I have a family thing, so ergo I can't.
Ah well, next week it is then.
Wait, isn't it Christmas saturday week?
Wow, I completely didn't realise until now.
And ye verily, the knowledge enveloped him, causing him to realise his grasp over the english language was slipping..
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
'No I did not change ze baby! It is ze same baby!'
Ouch. I right royally screwed myself with my driving test. 11 minor errors and two critical errors.
I'm allowed a threshold of 8 of the former, and 0 of the latter.
I'm not going into detail, but today was a really crap day. And I still haven't posted that stuff yet, the last of my money went on petrol before the test.
In closing, please enjoy our formally taken photos, courtesy of $50 and Owenstudios

The full group in all our glory

Ratpack 2.0, we're hoping to release our first boyband CD in late 2005
That's all for now, g'night.
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
'So you want me to burn all of your stuff? You do know that once it's burnt, you can't ever get it back, don't you?'
You can get me back, however. I was, in fact, mildly sunburnt owing to me going cruising on a step-through moped for two hours in full sun...and without sunscreen because I am a forgetful fool.
But it was still really sweet.
Fun, sun, sickness, sunburn. Everything has it's equal opposites. Somehow I ended up with a really nasty cold, most probably thanks to my brother, so I was out of it for three days. Agh. But we watched DVD's, and Friday made up for it.
On zat day, we took a trip on the LARC [Lighter Amphibious Resupply Cargo vessel], and it was good. As pertaining to its name, it was amphibious fun, we travelled around all over the place, through water, over hill and over dale, and checked out the beach fronts of 1770. We learnt of the disasters and intrigue that hung around the constructuon of the lighthouse, and of Captain Cook's complete uselessness at thinking up names for stuff.
I mean honestly; 'Middle Island' 'Far rock' 'Middle rock' 'Close rock,' lol.
It was great, we got fed well, and we got to sand board on some of the biggest dunes I have ever seen.
So much fun.
The only problem was that I realised how horrifically unfit I was as I climbed up the sand dune for the third time.
Photos will be posted of my exploits [of course] as well as of the beautiful views we had from where we were staying.
The house itself was a bitter disappointment, it was like camping in a house that hasn't been completely constructed.
Ah well, the point was the views, and getting out, not staying in.
I also discovered that 1770 was the heart of CDMA phone country, and thus I was unable to get any reception whatsoever. I did for two seconds on one of our walks, it was a messagebank one that mentioned I had a message. When we were travelling home sunday, I rang 101, to be told I had no messages.
Go figure.
I aslo had a haircut. Shaggy haired Liam is no more, he is dead.
It's 5:59AM, I'm going to watch really bad TV because I [and the rest of my family] are finding it difficult to sleep in.
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
'Right, so I paid the Telvanni wizard 400 septims to make you visible again...and you aren't giving me riches right now. May I ask why before I stick this Daedric Auctoritas in your eye socket?'
About that quote, the Daedric Auctoritas is a very sharp, very shiny, double handed Daedric Katana with a magic alteration of my own that causes 60-70 points of lightning damage.
An no, I didn't kill the guy.
...though I really wanted to.
Hey, just because I have finally earnt 100,000+ of gold pieces/drakes/septims/whatever, doesn't mean I enjoy being swindled out of 400. I used to be nice. I was naive.
Right, my Christmas shopping is done, and I'm doing the postal chrissie packages when we get back a week from now, assuming I have ze money left, of course.
I posted in SYF, for all those fans out there. [I'm looking at Mimmi mainly] So stop the death threats.
Ah well. Enjoy your week. I know I will.
Oh wait. I forgot to give out my coolest statement ever.
'Sucks to be you, northern hemisphere!'
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Monday, November 29, 2004
'Detonating a nuclear device within the city limits results in a $500 fine'
I actually had a reason to get up early today, aside from the usual unable to go back to sleepness.
Yay for 4 hour work shift!
[and money] [can't forget that]
I enjoyed myself [as always] and had a few added bonuses. Emily and Alice wandered in and said hello, and after chatting for a while, I realised that I was supposed to be working, lol.
I messed around with the Yo-ho Diablo for a while, because an evil customer wanted a demo, lol. I managed to get it working, but failed the tricks miserably. And I completely forgot to borrow it out. Damn.
The other added bonus of the day was going to our communal stockroom near Sanity [As in the music store] to retrieve some Mystic Christmas Trees, to find Lauren performing stock checks and fulfilling her duties as a Zellow's Bag-wench. So we chatted while I dug through boxes and boxes of our stock, trying to find the stupid trees.
Now I can truly say that during summer I spent some time with a hot girl in the stock room.
Right, back to Morrowind. Finding this stupid talking mudcrab merchant is a lot harder than I first thought...
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
'Just then, the box flew open- and out poured a black carpet of deadly Hobo spiders.'
Friday night was insane. We had a hub, three TV's, three 'boxes, 13 controllers...and three crossover cables.
Okay, for the less technically inclined of you, a crossover cable, while being able to be used to link two 'boxes, cannot be used in a hub.
Another guy came with a hub [because he thought ours just wasn't working, this was because we forgot crossovers don't work] and two LAN cables.
We then realised we needed another LAN cable, because we remembered that crossover's don't work in hubs.
All was not lost, because a friend of Corey's little brother recalled that he had a blue cable linking his computer. Seeing as crossovers are predominantly yellow, and LAN cables predominantly yellow, celebrations ensued!
So a few minutes later, he returned with the blue cable of goodness! We connected everything up, Corey set up a Coagulation Team Slayer, and everyone signed in!
...except Cam, Carl and I, because we were stuck with the bum blue cable.
Turns out it was a crossover, even though the kid swore it came in a pack labled 'LAN cable'
I really should have had the foresight to bum some cable off Bismark, as well as his hub..ah well..
But it didn't matter because two players left [one of them being my cousin] and the other two were just his 12 year old brother and duly noted friend.
So another friend of theirs was called up. [*much shaking of fist* This is the same kid from the land of Brag-a-lot, a far less mystical and far less magical thrice inbred brother of Camelot, that no one likes to talk about because he spends his times ogling chickens and boasting how many he's 'laid' ]
*deep breath* Wow, that side note got out of hand...
Anyhow, we ended up playing 3vs4..and then 2vs5...and out of all of the innumerable matches, we only lost once, because we were playing capture the flag on Zanzibar and we had absolutely no bloody idea where their base was.
We regained ground easily when the computer automatically swapped out positions, and I somehow became 'flag boy,' and ended up retrieving the flag every time.
It was so sad.
I mean, I simply walked in, killed a guy, took the flag, and walked back to base. Sometimes I just waited until they respawned...and then unashamedly beat them to death with the flag...
They eventually got their game together and sort of defended themselves, I once had four failed attempts on the flag, in a row, but then Cam decided to stop defending, and Carl stopped crushing the opposition to death with the Ghost and took his place.
Soo, our new strategy became, I run in from various entrances, kill someone with twin SMG's, take flag and run out. Cam then shotgunned/sworded/rocketed/killed in the most humiliating way possible, anyone who tried to follow.
What? We know how to play.
But yes, I love the game. I think I realised how much I enjoyed it when I thought we had started a new game at 11, and realised it was 4 am and light was spilling into the world.
I was planning on sleeping, but I didn't. I had so many Starburst fundrasing packs and Mars brand chocolate packs inside of me, I was full of sugar. [Cam's mum just gave us a fundrasing carton of them and said 'have fun,' lol]
Unfortunately, by 10 am, it felt like 9pm...and I had to work 12-5.
And Dad had the Golf, so I had to drive in with Mum and Blair. As Mum can't drive a manual, I had to drive in and out.
Yay for having to stay awake and alert!
Also I finally managed to finish Morrowind today, just the main quest. I found Kagrenac's library and found a book of his 'plans.' Unfortunately they're written in Dwemer, so I can't read them. Maybe I can get them translated or something by some other people that translated stuff for me..
Ah well, now to randomly wander the continent, and to finish the Tribunal expansion!
..going to bed early because going to bed early last night didn't make any difference..
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
'The simple loving act of gift giving can often be spoilt by misappropriately sacrificing a goat to Baal'
Woo! Halo 2 12-man game all nighter!
I have work in one hour!
I earn money, and suddenly all this stuff needs to take it from me. Petrol [*shakes fist*], lunch, etc.
I put a limit for spendingness, and all these necessities pop up.
I have to take out my last $20 for pizza tonight. Ah well...
...having to get off now.
And did Harley follow my suggestion of picking up Morrowind? Because it is good?
[Also, I dare you to guess where the quote came from]
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
'that's all very good and well, but where exactly are his eyes?'
Queensland Department of Transport are a bunch of dirty Hobos. I mean that in the most unkind manner possible.
No, I'm not angry that I failed my test. Nor would I be if I even had my test.
The Department put down the 25th of October, instead of the requested 25th of November, today.
It's not a fault on our behalf because the 25th of October is in the middle of my Dad's exam block, which is why we chose November.
The most obscene part of it all was when we arrived and requested the test, the girl at the counter had the sheer gall to blame us for the mistake, and then blamed the main transport department.
She even bloody well tried to explain the difference between the months.
I mean seriously, what the hell.
I'm annoyed, because it means I have to wait until the 15 of December until I can go for my P's, which is my only day off in the entire month.
I needed to get the P's now so I could drive myself to work and back.
This is completely and utterly crap.
I wanted to drive to Corey's.
EDIT: Got back from schoolies. I managed to spend about 2 hours with the guys, which wasn't enough seeing as most of that time was spent walking/busing. Ah well, I had fun. I just wish I could stay over night or something.
...and what happened to my phone charger?
Also, I forgot to mention in my previous post that the appropriate music for the photos is 'Rebels of the Sacred Heart,' by Flogging Molly.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
'...I mean dropping $1.5 million of anything out of a plane is guaranteed to mess **** up...'
Well, Liam has officially accessorised. Tomorrow morning I am picking up the best suit in the history of the world.
Constructed of 100% Pure Australian Wool, with an alternative style of pinstripes on the exterior, and polyester brown inner lining.
Did I mention I look dead sexy/suave in it?
Owing to the fact it is a Roger David, it'll last me a while. It should, as it is my chrissie pressie, and possibly 18th bday pressie. And expensive. Very. Oh the humanity..
Anyhow, I have my photo's finally online
Linky: http://syf.250free.com/Valedictory/Sites.html
Feel free to comment here on them, even swap your favourites. Actually, I am as proud of the fact that iPhotos did all of the organising [at one click of a button] and html for me as I am of the actual photos.
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