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Friday, October 29, 2004
'We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?'
Talk about intense Friday!
I adlibbed my religion oral and managed to pull off an A [wow. Like it's important, lol]. Bismarck did an excellent job as my capitolist nemesis, and I brought it home as only a socialist could, with hard-hitting spin-doctored information!
[ugh. Getting told off for not doing assignments]
Also last night we had the school Cultural awards night thingy. It's the first in hopefully a long running series of nights. Basically awards for the muso's, the artists and the drama queens, lol.
Well, I was honestly suprised. I was awarded a service award for being in the Downlands Choir for five years, and an award for Most Committed Choir Member of 2004.
A lot of people were finally formally recognised for their efforts and their talents [yay, Alexa!], and I'm still really suprised at the committed thing, and flattered.
Afterwards it was decided that as Alexa received an award for Choir Captain and I received one for most committed, therefore I am her bitch.
'Coming mithtreth...' *limping walk*
Bah. Ancient History is calling my name. As is shower. Hm..
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
'And now, angry ticks fly out of my nipples.'
Thank goodness that we only have six days left. Also I only have exams for three days after that.
The good news is that on November 9 [officially the biggest day, ever] I only have a Chem exam in the morning. This means I can hitch a lift with someone and come home early, or catch the worker's bus home.
You can guess what I'll be doing then.
..studying...obviously *shifty look*
Maths B exam November 8th, 8:45 am.
Chem exam November 9th, 8:45 am
Physics exam November 10th, 8:45 am, Ancient exam 12:40 pm.
And then I have a week off before Valedictory. For those in the clueless side of the hall, it's our massive end of secondary schooling formal thing.
For those looking for a good perve, it means lots of digital eyecandy. It's very good that we have our new camera...^_^
So yeah. After exams, that entire week will be dedicated to the religious holiday of Master Chiefmas. Pity it won't be truly celebrated on it's correct and designated day...
ACK! My shoulder joint is really hurting, this typing is killing me. It's from carrying my stupid bag around everywhere with it's stupid textbooks in it.
For example. Size of bag=
Not much? Contents of bag=
Okay, rant over. I don't have to worry about this anymore after next week.
Today's entry has a few photos, the next three are of my car. Bahaha..
Front of my car! Wee!
Note the cool racing stripe and the 'Sport' written on the side. That makes it go faster. I swear.
Excellent. Note the Triple J beat the drum sticker on the left [even though my radio only picks up Christian Country rock], and the RACQ Free2Go sticker on the right.
Before I go, I might as well adress the comments that were made, yay!
Harley: I'm thinking about it. I don't ever stop thinking you know..
alwaysxprecious: It is a bit flash, isn't it? It cost me the grand total of AU$1.80. I bought the leather tether and Chinese New Year good luck coin at the Brisbane Valley Markets. I thought I had done well for myself.
chickenburger: Oh, I pick up things here and there. If I hear something funny, or read something funny, I remember it and record it in this .txt file [aptly named 'New Document(2)']. All of my subject/headlines are recorded there. Well, at least from when I started doing the funny ones.
Mimmi: Well, we happen to have some brilliant [and cheap] clothing lines here. I mix and match Big W's Wave Zone, Lightning Bolt, Maui and Sons [pictured] and Mango. The more expensive brands are Quiksilver and Billabong, but they're great quality.
Everything there is Australian, as far as I know. I'm certain about the last two. The companies were started by a handful of surf bums in the seventies and they now have shops and franchises selling their gear all over the place.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
'Fat people are harder to kidnap'
Huzzah for the school work fairy. I'd just like everyone to know that I actually could do my physics homework for the first time in a long while.
Chem is now due monday instead of friday, which means I really shouldn't be wasting time on this.
Read, oh it's so funny it hurts..
As much as the work load!
*is crushed*
More stuff with Brie happening, but I honestly don't know what to do. I am in two minds over this matter..
[Also you can now see the photo I uploaded, just scroll down. You know you want to.]
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
'If you say one more word, I'm going to put my umbrella in your pants and open it.'
Well, I'm back again. In terms of school work, my weekend was a complete waste of time.
In terms of recouperation, huzzah!
I'm still tired, but I'm better than I was.
Also I managed to pick up a paperback copy of Mathew Reilly's Temple, for a surprising $7.
I got it at a second hand shop, and it's an ex library book, so there's a little damage. Mostly corners, but nothing that inhibits the ability to read it.
So yay!
And I managed to watch Kung Pow, which happened to be on TV.
And I saw some really strange things, aside from the usual. For instance, the guy wearing a bull costume.
He's just standing in the background, during the stable scene.
I only got on 10 minutes ago, and now I have to get off..and do absolutely nothing. Great idea Mum.
Managed to upload a photo. Apologies about my eyes being closed, I didn't notice.
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Friday, October 22, 2004
'The term 'Sniper' is an eighteenth century british word. It applies to the disciplined mindset needed to take on the difficult task of shooting a bird called a Snipe'
Guh. Exhausted. It's only 4:41pm and I'm fighting to stay awake. Chem is incredibly difficult...for me. Ancient is proving very difficult. I have approximately one week to finish it, or choose a new topic.
English = Death.
Chem assignment = Death.
Physics = DEATH!
Waking up at 4:30am to travel up to Hervey Bay = DEATH and AGONY!
EDIT: New Finepix SLR 3500 Fujifilm camera = so deliciously beautiful that it burns to look at it lustfully.
Fact that it requires XP to use webcam function= pitiful irony + DEATH!
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
'Hey look! Mr Smithers as sperm!'
Sittin' in religion, doing absolutely nothing because it's religion. I really dislike this subject, it's such a waste of time. I'd be better off with a spare.
Meh, sitting on the computer with marbar on one side of me and Bismarck on the other.
Oh and Unholy Newt is next to marbar.
Last night's training went pretty well. The region manager was there, and he basically played with the Yoyo Diablo [and was really good at it] and basically told us that the key to gaining interest is by knowing the products and enjoying ourselves.
My first shift is next Tuesday.
Two weeks till my assessment is due, I'm screwed!
But after that I have exams.
And then a week after that I'm done for good!
This weekend I'll be up at the coast, away from schoolwork...but...ugh...
I need to do it..
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Friday, October 15, 2004
'My new goal in conversations is to make people unsure of whether I am making fun of them, or am just a complete idiot.' [Aram:MiH]
Has the whole world gone mad?
Sorry for leaving this out in the cold for you, but you know how my Dad has to drive my Mazda?
[Because our old Subaru is dying]
Well, I don't have to worry about that anymore. Only jealousy...
The point being, we've needed a new car for a very long time, and that the Subaru has held on by just the skin of its teeth.
So, for 5-6 months, Mum and Dad have been sorting stuff out and such financially.
And we got our new car.
I'm sorry, your car is now obsolete, please bolster your self esteem before finding out exactly what ours is.
Wait for it...
Volkswagon Golf Trendline 2.0
also known as, 'The safest vehicle on the planet'
The safety people [I can't remember, Mum knows..] gave the Golf a safety rating of 12. No other vehicle or car company has acheived this, even with a concept car.
If we were in an accident, we would be safe, owing to several features;
Front passenger and driver seat airbags, rear passenger side airbags and 'curtain' airbags that inflate to completely cover the windows and prevent any glass from harming the occupants.
Not to mention the entire interior is set in a secure 'safety frame,' similar in practice to the French 'Tiger' attack helicopters.
So yes, we drive a tank.
Oh wait, almost forgot. The German engineers even took into account the pedestrians you may accidentally run over. Apparently if you had a choice of which car to be run over by, your safest option would be our Golf.
Our car is such a sexy beast.
Pinch me, because I still can't believe its finally here.
I wanted to go to the Shootout film festival last night, and on to C7, but Mum arrived home late. Why? Because she was getting the car, and was legally required to have an hour long training session in the features of our car.
So she got home, and tooks us for a burn in town. Dad said we'd pick up her prescription on the way, but the Pharmecist's was closed. The Shootout showing was nearby, and I asked Dad to go past.
I think I wigged out Mark and the others. As we drove past, we saw them, so I did a very bad bogan thing and yelled out [after winding down the powered windows] 'EH! MARK!'
Mark, Deyve and the others all looked up, and looked incredibly confused.
It was probably that they were overwhelmed by the sexyness of our new car, and probably the luggage pod secured on the roof.
So yeah. That's about it.
Oh wait, no it's not.
Okay, now most youth wish to instantly install some 'phat' or 'daft' stereo system into their car as soon as they get it. If anyone does that to they new Golf, they are idiots, and also stupid.
We had the volume at about 40%, playing 'We Will Rock You' [Dad bought 'Queen: Greatest Hits I,II,III'] and we had to shout to talk.
While they were picking up some things at Action, I sat in the car and put my brother's Linkin Park single.
I, wisely, turned it up only to 75%.
Ow, for the love of all that is good and holy, ow. I could feel wax liquifying in my ears.
But so good.
I'm sure my homies would appreciate lappin' downtown in the Golf with some loud music playing, and the 'pod sitting on the top.
I still can't believe how many heads turned when we drove in town last night.
I mean, obvious, open staring.
People who we passed on the highway were giving us quick glances [as you should] and then just complete double takes and open stares.
Hey, just because our car is shiny...
So yeah, big news!
Also we got out Saints and Soldiers from Civic Video last night [I still can't believe that..]. I went in there to pick it up, and Jess was working. I was hoping that I could set up a card, but apparently only an 18+ can. So, Jess borrowed it out on her card for me.
But if anyone asks, I'm her cousin.
Anyhow, I highly recommend Saints and Soldiers. I thought it would be an excellent movie, and I thought correctly.
Saving Private Ryan has nothing on this. Well, it might...it's all up to you really...just watch it already.
Guh. I really don't want to do assignments today. Or any other day for that matter.
EDIT: Okay okay. They're not images of our Golf, but it looks like this basically.
[Click "New Golf"]
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
'Blackie, if the great minds of our age had not oft written that a woman's head is full of sealing wax and string...I'd mark you the equal of any man' [Scary go Round]
Hooray for everything or whatever. I'm exhausted, and upset, and feelin' stupid.
None of which have anything to do with each other, but I did donate blood yesterday.
Yay! Phat needle in arm!
The nurse asked if I was okay, I said yes, but that my arm felt funny [well, duh..], and she refused to let me get up.
I had to lie on this chair for twice as long as everybody else.
Yay! Embarrassing!
I just want this week to be over so I can die horribly on the weekend.
Managed to talk to Brie last night for a while, which was good. The conversation wasn't so good. Saddening even. 5-10 minutes later, I get an SMS from her. I'm back to the galaxy of the single.
I've screwed up somewhere, that much is obvious to me. I've hurt her, and I'm worried about her.
I don't know.
All I know is that I'm just going back to my little galaxy, and going to enjoy it for as long as I can. Right now I need to focus on my exams and assignments.
I improved my english Feature Article mark to a B1, from a C4+.
It's warm, I'm tired, but there's homework to do that I don't like.
Listen to this, it is funny. So listen: http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/breakfast/listen/gay_school_m953455.mp3
Open it in RealOne or whatver.
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Monday, October 11, 2004
'It's fun to watch disputes that pass the point of common courtesy' [Aram: MIH]
Very long weekend. Very long. Filled with music, bus transport, more music...beachin', lack of sleep, oh and lack of pants.
That's this year's theme for the TNT.
'Don't you hate pants?'
Courtesy of Rozynski and his posse.
It was apparently too hot for pants, so they spent their time in their boxers whenever they could. On the bus, no pants. At meals, no pants. In the dorms, no pants.
Dirty teenagers, very dirty.
Late nights and early mornings for the whole thing, but it was a lot of fun. I'm exhausted, but you get that.
Went swimming at the beach whenever we got the chance to. Got to play in the surf, and I'm an even nicer shade of brown now [*evil chuckle*].
We even had that jousting beach game thing everybody plays in the surf. You know, when someone sits on your shoulders and you try to knock off the person on someone elses shoulders.
Hooray! Winning lots is fun!
Eating lots is good also.
Mmm, tasty.
I'm finding now that I'm getting more and more hungry, and I have to increase the amount I eat at meals to avoid getting pangs.
Ate lots. Mmm, Baskin and Robins giant waffle cone with strawberry cheesecake and chocolate caramel icecream scoops.
So good.
All the perfomances were great, except the last one. It wasn't so great. We had one audience member. About 9 in total, but they were all passing through, and didn't applaud.
I had icecream, and goodness.
For some reason I had my Tarot reading done. Still don't know why. I was sitting next to Sims, and he did one for me because he had bought cards that day.
The girls were all into that sort of thing, seemed like a bunch of bollocks to me.
We watched The Day After Tomorrow on the way back, and I found it most amusing. By amusing, I mean uh...enlightening and a real eye opener to the damage we do to our planet.
Lost my watch in the surf. My cool litte $7.95 Hogwild Snap Watch was taken away from me.
In all of its coolness.
Well, Bertoldi was disappointed, he can no longer steal it with ease.
He'll have problems with stealing my new one. Mum and Dad come home today and Dad says 'Well, do you want to give it to him?'
Mum said she didn't think I deserved it, because I had been snappy when I got home. [Someone taking my bag, and me getting it back to find that they had gone completely through it and put my wet swimming stuff right on top of my Book of Mormon. Ugh.]
Anyhow. She gave it to me. I open it up, and said, 'Whoa! Shiny!'
Colorado leather band watch
Dad said that it was going to be my going away come Christmas present, but when they found out my other watch was washed away, Dad decided to give me this oh-so-good one early.
Means I'm not getting anything for Christmas, but waaaaatch...
I'm still ticked though, I rang Brie when I got home so that I'd have time to talk to her, only to get booted off less than half an hour later.
We hadn't even got started talking. She was still broaching the issue that I never talk about myself, which I still don't understand. I'm getting told more and more that I do not talk about myself.
And yet when I think on it, I really am quite superficial. I talk about my friends, my family, my opinions. But it isn't inherently me. I refer to the world around me, but not of me in it.
But I've done that my entire life. It's had to talk about yourself, let alone understand the essence of 'self,' when you have had misconceptions from the start.
Finding out that you're a hollow egg, shelled by a thick layer of superficiality, is most certainly a brick to the face.
I just have nothing.
Bah. She'll talk to Marshy tonight [don't get me started], who she already knows more about than she knows about me. Both of them have explicitly stated that Marshy knows more about her in 3 days than I know about her after five months.
I'm such an utter blind bastard of a boyfriend.
Yes, I am jealous, go shuttupa your face.
The most annoying thing about it all is that Marshy deliberately talks to me about Brie, and keeps referring to the fact that she knows absolutely nothing about me.
She even called his mobile to talk to me. His mobile. Not mine, his.
Freakin' mobile phone plans.
Both of them use Optus, while I'm locked to Telstra Owing to Optus giving free phone calls to Optus phones, both of them have spent the last four nights talking until the wee hours of the morning.
Every time I try to talk to her, I have to get off the phone.
Biiiig ball of frustration.
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
'Once the Jell-O has set, throw the container into a ferocious pack of wolves.' [Apple Geeks]
This is all one big headache. Finally got the computer back. Don't have money to replace video card. Owing to this, the guy just said plug the monitor into the hard-drive.
Monitor works, that's what matters = can do assignments.
Also = 16bit colour maximum.
Ah well.
It works, that's all that matters. I'm sorry if I'm being superficial. There are quite a few things to say, none of which I want to leave lying on the internet.
It's a way of release, but sometimes I lack the conviction that these things won't bite me in the ass.
I should really start a *real* journal.
Friday-Saturday-Sunday I'll be away on TNT.
Brie's emailing me some pictures, which I'll post up later. Maybe I'll have some TNT pics.
*goes off to attend duties as big brother, boyfriend and student*
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