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• Liam Cameron
• QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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• To oscillate the doxy
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
She was assessing the girl quickly, looking from the cute face to the well-taken-care-of hair, to the halter neck and sarong.
Hey all! ^_^
So how have we all been?
I've been pretty busy, running around catering to my crazy university needs. [Two days straight without sleep make Liam go crazy tired, fall asleep in an 8am lecture and wake up in puddle of own drool].
I've just finished a week off and was successful in nothing I set out to acheive. I swear, I have no idea what happened to my time. I've been busy with church things which was great, but I completely missed out on doing my uni stuff, apart from a little bit of Quantitative medical science.
Anyhow, got my results back for the QMS prac book I managed to do in 8 hours or so [1am-onwards], managed 67%, which is nice. I would like to have earned more, but I'm grateful for the mark I got considering how shockingly late I left it.
Augh. My face hurts and so does my brain, I'm hitting the sack and I'll maybe update here later.
[Will comment on comments when myOtaku stops hating me]
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Avast ye scurvy gentlemen! I sing ye a tail of the dreaded Surds of the seas and their terrible book vessels!
Avast and ahoy me hearties and beloved mates! Those swabbies and landlubbers that caroused over me death are to be disappointed!
Twas international Talk Like a Pirate Day today, and I made sure of it that I was dressed for the mighty event! Eyepatch, coat and gold piece were all in place for me official uniform. I took the peak hour land barge in [y'know, runs on straight things, rhymes with rain...TRAIN! Thas the doubloon!] and a bunch of scurvy landlubbers looked at me as though they'd nought seen such a salty sea dog as meself!
Me lass was there and she assured me that they were landlocked folk and had naught seen a pirate though they had heard tales of them. Did satisfy me so that I did not run them through with a piercing glare [ cutlass was being cleaned..arr..]. I arrived at me port o' call and bid her farewell and made me way across the water by land. I don't trust those spindly things they call bridges, but I trust 'em more than those leaky tubs they called ferries!
I showed up at me 8am practical and did me work, conversing raucously with me fellow debaucherous pirate pal, Cap'n Aaron. He'd fallen on hard times and had naught of a ship no more, but he assured me next year he'd have a costume.
Two hours later I had a tute, where in more friends lamented the fact they'd forgotten that t'day was t' day they were supposed to be showin' their true colours. T'was a shame, but I were solid in me resolve. A handful of landlubbers there wanted a photomograph with such a handsome sea dog as meself, so I obliged. They were saucy landlubbers, but no where near as saucy as me lovely lass Jess. I tried not t' break their hearts and say that this seaman was taken, so all was well.
Though one enjoyed me pick up lines immensely, apparently I can drop anchor in her lagoon anytime. Avast! Now that's a salty tale!
After such carousin and souvenir's me underdressed crew showed up and complimented their captain on his fine coat 
Tis a fine coat indeed as you can see! Tailor made for me by me lovely mother
After lunch [no scurvy swabbies even mentioned me outfit, 'twas most disappointing] I had a tutorial and a group seminar to give on Blood Gas Analysis. The opening I was was in full pirate talk but it actually hurt and was phlegmy to talk so I changed voices to much amusement of the class. It went well and I managed to entertain myself quite a bit throughout the day, as long as quite a few others.
Right, my lovely lass, Jess. She is lovely and she is my lass and I am her lad. We've been going out now for almost a month and it's been pretty great. A while back we went to the races with Mark and the others, and she received their approval [which is important ;p]

There she is, see? Lovely ^_^. We met in a shift at Supanews, we worked a couple times together and she thought I was cute. I being [typically] completely oblivious, had no idea until she asked me out to the movies a couple days later. After we'd gone out a couple times [first date was amazing. Not going into details ;p] she mentioned that she'd asked around about me because she was new and wanted to find out what I was like. Apparently the staff think highly of the gangly one known only as Liam, which is nice ^_^;
So yes, she is the hotness and a wonderful person.

I know I'm not exactly smiling in there, but out of all the photos it's the only one where my eyes aren't half closed and I don't look drunk. She, obviously, looks stunning in all of them.
Self conscious? Me? No! Don't be daft!
I have had some truly remarkable times with her and I have grown to love her. Talking about those moments so freely on the internets would only cheapen them, but suffice it to say that she has earnt my love and respect in a very short time. She has shown remarkable strength and I've merely bumbled along beside her giving aid where needed. I've liven up to my name I guess you could say.
Uni is incredible. I'm doing my best while trying not to go insane. Once again I've sealed myself off from the world by letting work and uni pile up. Jess keeps telling me I need to take a break from study and spend some me time, and I'm trying. Unfortunately I look at my marks and I know there is no end to the amount of work I have to do to get my smarts up.
Human Cell Biology is the bomb, absolutely fascinating how it all works. Cancer, immune system, everything. I have worked in biohazard safety conditions. I have grown cancerous human lymphatic tissue in a flask. I have cyrogenically frozen life and restored it again the following week to normal growth cycles! Incredible!
The other subjects are good, but Human Cell has really caught my interest. I need to buckle down and work, but that's always the case.
Announcements? Promises?
I will set aside the time for my writing again, my public writing. Asphy has recently nudged me and woken up some guilt that I've been smothering. SYF3 will be completed on OB, and that is my promise to you, my faithful crew. Asphy and I will bring you Liam and Rae and resolve this destruction that has been wrought upon them. I won't give clues away to the plot, so you lot will just have to watch the boards for SYF3's eventual resurfacing.
As it'll be just the two of us working, it'll be much easier to get on each other's backs [anyone who laughs will be shot. We can work this!] and get the ball rolling again.
Also, PHT will be organised into something. I've been toying with the idea of setting up an independant website with my writings on it. Shock horror, I have taken up some basic fine line style cartooning [Ligne Claire style, see Herge's Tintin]. Iono, it's for an assignment, but something may come of it once I get fluid.
If I did make a comic based on my writing, it would be far too moody for the child-like fine line style, but a guy can dream.
Anyhow, comic or not, a website where I could do a weekly update or something of a story would be nice. Maybe in the future, I dunno. OtakuBoards will suffice for now. I just need to get disciplined again.
Love for all!
EDIT: Obligatory "myspace" style photo. Shirt and hat are presents from dress, and said hat never leaves my head in my daily doings ^_^
I have always, always, wanted a fedora

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
'If Heaven doesn't take his feet, I think we get to keep them. Technically.'
Okay, I'm back in a manner of speaking. Four weeks of lovely holidays where the stresses of examinations shall cause me harm no more! I've more than made a note to myself to avoid the 5am starts and such, which was a little intense I assure you.
[I had a couple 8:30am exams, one after the other, not cool, not cool at all]
All that aside, I feel incredible about the exams I had, and though I wish I had prepared more for my human Physiology exam, I believe I did well. Out of the four exams I had in total, my Microbiology exam was absolutely incredible! Knowledge just kept flowing through me.
Clostridium Perfingens, the gas gangrene bacteria, commonly afflicts cocaine addicts who use dirty needles and inadvertently inject this bacteria deep into their tissue.
I feel really good. The stress is ebbing away still, but it was great to sit down and think, "what do I have to do? Oh that's right, nothing!"
The YSA [Young Single Adult] Regional Ball Committee that I'm on have asked me to prepare a few things for the upcoming ball in July, and I'm finally able to dedicate some real time to them.
This year's theme is "Pride and Prejudice," and while I would have preferred the earlier proposed "Pirates of the Caribbean" theme, one has to enjoy what one is given.
Or as Tycho Brahe would say, "A General goes to war with the army he's got."
Personally, I believe we can make this really work. I sort of leapt aboard the committee at the first mention of Pirates, and then suddenly my ship became a pleasant carriage ride through the British country side and I felt my cutlass was a little out of place and I felt somewhat improper.
Ah well. There are still a few neurons firing upstairs and I've managed to suggest a few things that have been surprisingly well received. We are to cater the venue for 500+ people and the intention is to make the entire venue transported back in time. I don't want to give too much away, because I'm planning to do an indepth detailed update after the event. ^_^
So yes, the major things I've been asked to do. Right. I've been asked to develop a sculpture to use as a household ornament, ie representing the "fashionable" antiques of the ancestors as a visable demonstration of one's blood and heritage.
Almost immediately the person in charge said, "Liam, you did art didn't you? Would you be able to do this?"
"Well I did do two years of senior art and put a bit of work in sculpture-
"Excellent, you're our man"
And now suddenly I've found fascination in the rudimentary methods of creating a bust. Oh and then a few people agreed, "you should totally make the mould from your own head!"
So, when people are dancing they shall find my stern stony white visage staring impassively across time. And my more comfortable and approachable self strutting through the dancefloor in a stylish Dragoon Brocade evening coat. ^_^;
Unfortunately marble is expensive and I am inexperienced in stone work so I will be looking into developing a plaster-cast version and will probably be putting up a phase-by-phase blog of my efforts on here.
The other major thing that I've been put in charge of is writing a script for a skit to introduce the Pride and Prejudice ball to the general YSA at the next regional YSA fireside coming up. I wrote it the other night with a healthy incorporation of quotes from Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and even Wuthering Heights. I emphasised subtle humour and wrote something that even surprised myself.
The set is the general congregation of 500-1000 people in the Karawatha Stake Meetinghouse and the poor hapless "actors" that have to perform this will need to march straight into the fireside itself to "interrupt" the general announcements.
I have the sneaking suspicion that I will be asked to perform this skit myself fairly shortly, and my roomate insists that I wrote this skit with myself and he in mind. However, I must disagree, as I merely wrote them out because I do enjoy a good bit of playful banter.
You may feel free to judge for yourselves as I shall be
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Monday, May 15, 2006
Like a metabotropic receptor for your love
Okay, well that was fun! I'm going to avoid being overly sarcastic and bitter over all of this. Quite frankly, I'm feeling very low in spirit and incredibly overwhelmed. I'm not going into detail until I have the time [June. Ha.], but let's just say that Liam is less than chipper over the prospect of going to jail for six months. Especially when friends make light of that fact. Okay, understandably they were trying to get me to laugh. Complaint discounted. I need to lighten up.
Couldn't sleep last night, my head was going a million miles an hour, most of it with me hanging on the back and screaming at the top of my lungs because my seatbelt snapped and I'm hanging on with my fingertips and I'm pretty sure the last restroom was back on Earth.
...o rly?
Anyhow. I'm on hiatus. I feel guilty about not posting here frequently, and that's something I don't want myself to be subconsciously stacking on top of the pile of reasons why I suck and have problems.
Don't ask or trivialise this. It was a very, very interesting night last night.
Stress to the max!
I don't know about PHT. It'll still be there. I'll put something up eventually. Don't hold your breath, I'm cutting off everything. I'm very frazzled, and I certainly doubt I'll be up to implementing any of the ideas that I scribbled into my notebook.
I'm just letting you guys know that I love you all, but don't be surprised if I vanish for a long while. I may comment when I get the time [or my iron fist of 'you need to study!' slackens], but I'm aiming to chill out and regain my genuine happy-go-lucky attitude.
I've been running on autopilot for a very long time, and it honestly scares me how little I feel. I lost the ability to distinguish true feelings from my self-engineered autopilot. The machine finally popped a sprocket and...well...lets just say that, while I was trying to doze off last night, I had a mild panic attack that left me immobile and trapped inside my own head for I don't know how long. It was like my self doubt and worries were on infinite loop...and solidly compounding in my head with the voracity of the proverbial tenacious ferret up the scotsman's kilt.
[I'm full of odd analogies. I apologise]
It's funny. I sort of got that good at living behind this mask that people had no idea what's going on inside my head. Mark dropped past work the other week, having not seen me in ages, and automatically picked up that something was wrong. Cue moment where he sort of poked at the dam of existential angst and came out floating on a rather bemused raft.
At the end of it, betwixt various customers, he basically said that I had some serious unpleasantness and shouldn't worry about being emo over it.
Well. That's not a direct translation, his words were more colourful and with much more emotion, but I wanted a general gist up here because it's easier to remember.
So yes. Woo.
I'll see you in a couple months.
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Monday, May 8, 2006
'Hey Noah, it's the dog and bone for your china plate' [Translate that and reward yourself]
I'm going slightly nuts. Please roast carefully and add a dash of sea salt for maximum flavour experience.
Workload and studyload are causing stress. Various legal issues are causing much much more stress.
Failing two exams that I thought I was awesome to the max on, is heartbreaking.
Remind me to sleep when I get the time.
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
'His feet found purchase in the soft sand as he rushed; a steady cry built itself in the back of his throat, growing with every step. [Loaded]
April 8
Harley Kanye West is not an entertainer I enjoy. I don't know why, but I find his music to be incredibly irritating, not to mention all the gushing everyone on the radio seems to get into [Even on triple j! Gasp!] whenever his name is mentioned... Though yes, he certainly is putting the angst back into gangsta. We now know that Tupac is not dead, he merely had a child with pansy goth and Kanye is his weepy offspring.
Wow. That was the worst insult ever conceived.
Mimmi fo' Rimmi! Curse those landmasses! And all of the people and countries on them!
Flogging Molly are starting to phase themselves more and more into my current life soundtrack. I've fallen in love with them all over again because of listening to that song again ^_^
April 4
John :o! I shall! Feel free to scroll down and inspect the first of [if I don't vanish again] many [several] installments!
Sere I know, I know. I've been so lazy ;_;. I've denied the world too long of the goodness of the Nina x Jonathan dynamic and the gripping storyline goodness.
I am uncertain if I enjoy being remembered alongside a crazy stalker...
Harley It's another name for an autotroph. The rock eater...well, the "non-organic" eater. I just want a jarful of them that I can throw on walls and such. So..y'know..people a few hundred years in the future won't find a wall there any more..
Rayvin? Thanks for the kind words. Sometimes you just need someone to say that, it never hurts to have outside support fueling the inside ^_^
Mimmi I miss Loaded, such a shame that the RPG flopped...twice. lol. I find it funny now, but I didn't at the time. It appears I am slightly cursed when it comes to making these silly things.
Welp...I am uncertain of whether or not it is a good idea to ask Tori any more about our ways. Some of her comments on OB have been quite disheartening...
Ah well. Scroll onwards! ^_^
I've been a bit of a jerk, I know. I've been cheating on you with Oblivion. It's such a fun game and I think I'm strong enough to say that I may be able to get through the coming weeks of uni without playing it. Maybe.
I've also just been completely out of it. I sort of just didn't get around to posting here, so a lot of stuff has built up. Aha. *cough*
Articles of Faith
Joseph Smith first wrote them in a letter to John Wentworth, editor of the Chicago Democrat, in answer to his request to know what members of the Church believed. The letter became known as the Wentworth Letter and was first published in the Times and Seasons in March 1842. On 10 October 1880, the Articles of Faith were formally accepted as scripture by the vote of the members of the Church and were included as part of the Pearl of Great Price.
History of the Church, Vol. 4, pp. 535�541
1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam�s transgression.
3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.
6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.
7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.
8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
9 We believe all that God has arevealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.
10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal� glory.
11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
13 We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul�We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.
[Taken from here in the Gospel Library section of]
[Further basic information at]
I'll keep putting up things that are important to me, but you guys are free to ask me anything in the comments and I'll reply in the appropriate manner.
So yes. Just finished holidays, and I'm going back tomorrow to uni. I have a cell and molecular biology prac in the morning and that's going to be interesting.
The exams I have had thus far were incredibly good. All the answers to the questions just popped into my head and went straight to paper. I feel really good about it and I fervently hope that they joy and elation I felt afterward was not misconceived...
I have one last exam friday, on biochemistry. Should be okay with study [well..duh Liam..].
I went home for Easter and vegged out, having a great time with my family. It's kind of odd going home now. My parents have a boarder now, a lovely young girl Selena, from their ward. She moved to Toowoomba and needed a place to stay while she studied and worked, so my parents took her in and now she's staying in the spare room.
I say it's kind of odd because, when I go home, I feel like such a dork. I've been home twice since she's been living there, and it feels kind of weird. I mean, I keep on thinking of her as how I last knew her [girlfriend of a friend], and I see her now as a part of my family.
Iono. I'm just not used to it I guess. It's great that Blair's getting on with her so well, Mum's taken her under her wing, and Dad's dubbed her as "Barbie" simply because she's a typical blonde girly girl. lol
She wasn't there when I came home for Easter [visiting family], so the family ended up actually explaining the entire situation to me and so on.
[I actually only initially found out about her when I came home the same weekend she moved in, lol]
I also went to church at home [weird being back in the old ward...I missed my YSA ward], and managed to catch up with everyone. It's kind of weird. After talking with everyone, I got the distinct impression that I'd become some sort of hot property. It's weird, I've moved to Brisbane, and come back to find everyone my age has remained exactly the same. No one has grown at all.
It's sad really. I look back on the past year and find myself to have grown so much through moving out and making it on my own. I come back home and find the guys my age have just sort of remained the same or gotten worse. Iono.
Wow, I really haven't talked to you guys much about life at home and the various things.
Basically, Selena is a good friend of Bonnie, who is the younger [and attractive!] sister of Sis. Marler who moved into the ward a while ago with her family. Bro. and Sis. Marler are wonderful people. Bro. Marler makes a point to come up to me whenever I visit, and nudge me to say, "you know, Bonnie is still single"
What was my point?
Right right. Well mum was talking with Selena, and apparently for quite a while, Bonnie had a rather large crush on me. Unfortunately, this was when I was going out with Karen. [*shakes fist*]. Anyhow, Bonnie is over that crush now and pretty much feels that if I'm interested, I'll say hullo.
It's kind of sad that I haven't said 'ullo to the poor girl. I never get around to it when I'm at institute, despite the fact that I was in her class last semester [oh wait. With Karen. Huh.]. I should probably saunter over this week and properly introduce myself.
I also should probably invite her to the YSA ball, which this year is PIRATE THEMED!.
Yes, I have a costume in the works. Yes, it will be awesome. Yes, my mother insisted she'd make it from scratch [I just wanted to know if she'd come op-shopping with me o.O;], and yes she found original templates from 17th Century France, translated them from the original Frehch, and proceeded to take my measurements for it. Also, yes, there is a tricorn hat to be involved. lol.
Fun weekend. ^_^
After it, Blair came back to Brisbane with me and we spent a couple days together. I spoilt him rotten [as you do] and we basically wandered around Brisbane and such. We were going to catch a movie, but there wasn't really anything on that would finish before he had to catch the bus. So we went and got Phantom and Usagi Yojimbo comics from the Comics Etc! store in the city.
It was a good time, he enjoyed himself and I'm grateful for the time we could spend together before he had to go back to school. ^_^
Oh yes. Katy and I decided we might spoil you lot rotten with [yes, that's right] a SYF update!
Rae stared at him for a second. Eve and Ryan were there; quiet, waiting. Ryan broke the silence. �Rae, we have to go.� His voice was tense. Ryan was so on edge, and why not? They were fucked. They were absolutely screwed, and they knew it. Rae nodded, and went to leave with them, but still couldn�t look away from where Liam had walked out.
�Rae, are you coming?� He wasn�t tense now, he was scared. His voice was harsh accordingly. Not good. Ryan had to maintain control over the situation.
�No,� Rae said vaguely, still staring out the door. �No.� She looked back at him. Now that she�d decided, her panic, her lethargy, was gone. �You take Eve to the rendezvous point. Don�t be seen. Keep her safe, meet up with Bradley and Zharra. I�m going after Liam. If we make it back here, we�ll have wheels. Otherwise�the mission is in your hands, Ryan. Do what you see best.� She nodded at him, and, feeling like it was the most natural thing in the world, followed Liam.
She couldn�t see him; she was glad. He was being safe, he was being cautious. Thank god she�d always had the talent of being able to tell when people were around. It had saved her numerous times � now it was going to get her into a fight with her best friend. Because there was no way she was going to let him go off and play the hero � not without her.
She ignored the little voice in her head that said that she felt safer on a mission with Liam, even when the mission was more dangerous.
They were a team, she and Liam. She would not let him break them up just because he was scared.
It was hard to manoeuvre in a dress. Grabbing the knife she had stashed, she slashed the dress up to her thigh; much better. Running quickly; avoiding bright spots and open areas, she made her way in the direction of the extraction point. It was the only place she could think of that he�d go.
She was in luck. Within seconds he�d grabbed her around the waist, his gun at her head. �Give me one good reason why I shouldn�t shoot you now for not following orders,� he hissed, malice and frustration and anger all in his voice.
She was silent for a second. His arm tightened around her and she admitted the truth to him; �I�m scared.�
The gun didn�t drop, exactly. He was too well trained to drop a gun
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
It's late and I will do a proper update later, I've just been introducing my housemate to OtakuBoards.
Anyhow, here's the one song that I find incredibly appropriate for Liam in SYF3. It's a bittersweet song that just...fits.
It's called "The Spoken Wheel", from Flogging Molly's album, Within a Mile of Home
Your passin' broke the silence
On that dark October day
The sun was headin' for the west
As it did I heard you say
I set my sail for a gentle breeze
Now I leave this world as it was meant to be
And you, did you listen to anything I said?
Did you ever listen to me?
Though now it seems you'll never know
But every lad to a man must grow
Till winter comes to celebrate
Then proudly chills the bone
When at last they bury me
Into this ground you'll someday see
And you, did you listen to anything I said?
Did you ever listen to me?
Though the face we wear
Sometimes seldom speaks
From the babe that cries
To this grown man's feet
May the hand still write
And its' heart shape keep
Till our fathers, sons and daughters agree
So I will pave this road till glory
Sets our broken spirit free
From every cross-soaked nail pours endless rain
With tears no eye should see
But they could fill our highest ocean
And the rivers in between
With every blade that flowers must grow
then drown
With love our cruelest sea
It's a haunting piece that you should be able to listen to on the official Flogging Molly website at [caution: bandwidth heavy]
You may not think it appropriate, but it's what I feel fits. To me, I can just play this track on my MuVo and automatically just start brainstorming. Iono, things just click sometimes..
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
'Ship builder in the America's, ancient times, people settle South America, and he decides to explore north? Possible drawing of inspiration from Eric the Red' [Random story idea written in the train]
While on the train I listen to my music [whether Triple J radio on my phone, or my mp3's on my MuVo] and peruse my notes. Generally it's a 15-25 minute period that I have to myself and I can really think or chill out.
For example, after my late shifts, I crank up the music and really contemplate where I'm at. I'm too tired to bother understanding the importance or significance of chemolithotrophs*, so I start to think about what I can do to improve myself or my attitude. Generally this time is spent reading my scriptures or [as is the case with my current subject quote], I think of my story ideas and development. Currently the back of my Physiology lecture notebook has about 2 or 3 pages of notes on SYF and PHT. These aren't the major plot ideas, but rather various little things that act as delicious morsels along the way.
Quite a few fun PHT things [most of which won't pop up for a while] is currently in there, along with quite a sombre PHT moments. I can't say much that I haven't said before, but suffice it to say that my Physiology notebook could very well act as a tiny little almanack of baby-author-Liam goodness. A handful of ideas for other stories [or current ones, remember Loaded and Eden?] have been written in there also. As I go along I'll decide which ones I can declassify and put up here without spoiling too much.
Anyhow, apologies once again for my absence. I have been rather busy with work and university. I have a Microbiology exam on Friday, Biochemisty Prac Exam Tuesday, and Cell+Molecular Biology and Physiology exams on Thursday of next week.
I do know my stuff, but I do not feel that I have an unshakeable foundation of knowledge on all of those subjects. I have developed an understanding, but this little things escape me sometimes. [ie: Tetrodotoxin is the toxin isolated from the puffer fish, it prevents the generation of action potentials by blocking the flow of Na+ into the cell]
So yes. I have the knowledge in my head, but it needs a little prompting to get it pop up and be clear. The important thing here is that I absolutely love it, all of it. I mean, I start to nod off in my lectures because of my late shifts, but I kick myself afterwards for being so slack. All of this knowledge is absolutely fascinating and I'm a little overwhelmed that I'm actually participating in all of this stuff, and that people actually look to me as being a valid source of information.
It's kind of weird, I know. It feels petty to say it, but I honestly enjoy people coming to me and asking me to check their answers or understanding of a topic. During highschool I was the loser that had to ask for help all the time because I understood naught, generally I relied on Harley and Mark to be the smart ones and help me out when I stumbled.
Crazy how things change.
I mean, the other week I was wandering aimlessly around the careers fair, and Masood [Bahcelor Medical Science, 2nd year] came up to me and dragged me over to a booth or two. I got talking to the girl at ACPFG [Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics] and she quite happily handed me her card and told me to look her up in third year for advice on my electives or for a possible placement in the company.
Masterfoods seemed promising also, but I'd have to specialise in biochemistry and organic chemistry. The idea of working for the company just gives me an incredible rush, [I'd have to move to Wodonga NSW or Ballarat VIC, but they'd pay for all that], but I find biochemistry to be more of a tool than a life choice.
What was my point?
Right right. It seems that I have valid career choices in my life if I decide not to go through with medicine.
Somedays it just hits me how much I've really grown up in the past year and a half. Living away from home on my own paycheck, studying a university degree, looking at professional job's all a bit overwhelming. I feel like such a geek, because I just keep thinking of myself in highschool and what a dork I was when it came to the learnin'
Another harrowing thought is that people [ie: my brother] actually are looking up to me and using me for a role model. I don't think I've ever been used as a role model, to my knowledge. I just seemed to look up to others and think, "wow, I wish I was as good as them at this."
Now, at university, the playing field has dropped away and I've got nothing but myself to draw on.
Growth factor +2.
All that aside now
So I went back to the musical at Downlands [it's becoming a tradition now], and it impressed me. It certainly made up for last year's "Sherwoodstock" and the year before that's "Divorce me Darling," I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were ups and downs, but it ended up on a positive.
The definite highlight of the evening was seeing some of the peeps again, and needless to say that Katy and I almost smothered each other in love. It'd been a long time since I'd seen my lovey, and it was just a wonderful experience to see her again. ^_^
Blair has grown so much, and I'm terribly proud of him. He only has 2 more years of highschool yet, and that's just crazy how quickly time has passed. He seems honestly happy now, and from the looks of things he is the darling of the musical department. Mrs Timbs and the other musical teachers gushed to me how wonderful he is, and it's so good that he's grown up and found his niche.
[I'm also very, very, slightly perplexed/jealous that the first thing most teachers said when they saw me was how great Blair is going, lol. It's okay, the looks of fear and awe showing in the young'uns eyes as I wandered around the music department made up for it ^_~]
I've been perusing the boards more and more now, and I even posted a few times [shock! Horror!] in some threads that interested me or just struck a chord with me. One thread I didn't post in was "Your Religion" or whatever the title was. I remember the day when I was *bam* stuck my hand up in there and said quite happily "I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, (I'm a Mormon)"
But now I'm more...well, not bitter...but wary of doing that. I looked at the post [and searched back previous topics on religion], and found myself very much disheartened at how people reacted to the Church, my Church.
I mean, people have mentioned their Faiths and the members [unsurprisingly] generally responded with maturity, or at least avoided being offensive. Either way, very impressive considering the potential nastiness that can be unleashed on the internetz.
I noticed, however, that whenever my Church was mentioned, there was an automatic response of "it's all lies. They stole everything. Read this "anti-mormon literature.html" It's a stupid religion"
I would have responded, should have responded, but there isn't much point. From reading the posts, it all seemed very aggressive, like it was almost goading "us" to say otherwise.
I don't know, but reading people's opinions on it just breaks my heart. I should understand by now that people are entitled to their own opinion, especially in the freedom of the internet, but to say such things with an obvious lack of understanding or [empathy?] just left me depressed.
I'll never deny my faith, and I'll happily answer any questions asked of me, but I'm not sure I wan't to leap headfirst into those threads anymore.
Okay, one thing that irked me. Someone [deliberately not naming names here] mentioned that person x was a member and that they more or less really sucked, and by default their impression was that the entire church was filled with said sucky people.
I'm sorry, but that's just not true. That's like walking into a Woolies, [Best Buy *insert shop here*] and coming across a moody sales clerk, and automatically saying "I'm never associating myself here ever again. The service is apalling"
I'm sorry, but isn't it possible that it's that one person that is apalling? It may not be the entire customer service?
Sorry. I don't usually go on and on about religion here. It is myOtaku after all, I guess, so I'd distract you all with my feelings on the topic.
I was going to post something similar to this in the thread, but I didn't like the idea of starting something there that will leave me even more depressed.
I'll probably be mentioning a few more things about my Church in the coming weeks/months, depending how much time I have. This may be an indication to some of you to use your scroll mouse and skim a lot, lol, but it doesn't really matter. I'm putting it up there so people can understand how I really feel on the topic. It's more of a selfish thing than anything else, I guess, but I'll make it up to you in SYF goodness
Rayvin I'd love a tropical nap. With holidays coming up, I'll hopefully be able to invest in some serious nappage on a beach somewhere. We all know [*glares and shakes fist* All! lol] that I have a variety of premier knowledge and sources on the topic of piratage, and I'm happy to delve into it whenever asked ^_^
Harley Yeah, fits in with our schedules. Mind you though, I wouldn't mind it moving slightly more quickly, lol.
Sere If he's been eaten, then he has a wireless internet connection with him, he mentioned a week or so ago that he'll endevour to fingers crossed that it'll be soon.
..isn't it crazy how PHT only has 4 replies, but over 200 views? That's an incredibly high ratio when you compare it to the other threads on that list..o.O;
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
Agh I need a week long nap
It's up
Second post! Only took a month. What happened to drix?
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
Sitting in the library, books at my side. Not a whisper, and yet my companions speak and deride
I'm downstairs in the computer labs doing very important LSB358 Physiology lecture stuff, and I discovered something that I could share. It accurately summarises the unusual flavour of humour that seems to eminate from these biology types.
This is quoted directly from the end of my online lecture from the second week of uni:
"The critical thing for you to grasp at this stage is that if the membrane is selectively permeable to one ion species (i.e. only channels for this ion are open) then the membrane potential will be equal to the equilibrium potential for that ion (which in turn can be calculated from the Nernst equation). If you understand this concept you are well on your way to grasping one of the most complicated aspects of physiology and are once step closer to gaining total enlightenment!"
I personally find it thrilling that I perfectly understand the concept [for once] and would particularly enjoy engineering a situation where I could play with some nerve synapses and exploit this recently inherited knowledge.
It also doesn't hurt that, as an added bonus, I'm one step closer to enlightenment. However, considering my field of study, my enlightenment will most likely be akin to Plato[?] and his statement that "a wise man is he who, through his years of learning and education, admits he knows nothing about the ways of the universe"
Just lettin' y'all know that I'm following a wise man's words and not letting a system get me down, and I'm trying to enjoy my big city life.
[A cookie to whoever can cite where that pop culture reference comes from..]
Just for your information, this message has been brought to you by Day-time Liam, who is yet to work a 5 hour late shift. I'll be sure to keep my trap shut after tonight, unless anything particularly untoward happens..
EDIT: Ha, lollerskatez
"Excitable tissues are traditionally considered one of the toughest topics in human physiology. For the most part the principles of electricity are not popular with biologists (who may indeed have turned to the life sciences because of a dislike of the physical sciences)."
EDIT 2: Also, because I needed a breath of fresh air in my head, [and because I am a kind and benevolent being] I wrote this up for you all. It didn't feel good to leave this hanging for so long and then work on PHT
^_^; [yes that will come also. Patience please]
It was as though the air had suddenly been sucked out of the room and replaced with a cold vacuum. What team morale that was left had been snuffed out of existence. Liam could see his own feelings of helplessness being reflected in their faces. A lump of fear was now freezing him to the spot. Inside of him a very small voice was screaming for action, with all the force of a suffocated shrew.
As one, the group stared out of the window at the plume of smoke on the horizon. The only sound in the room was Eve�s sobbing.
The door opened as Zharra and Bradley sidled in, Zharra pocketing a credit card that she�d used to open the basic lock. Bradley walked closer, eyes fixed on the billowing smoke.
He whistled and muttered to Liam, �damn! Did we do that?�
Liam snapped and grabbed Bradley, seizing him close so that they were eye to eye.
�Don�t you even dare start with me. I�m pretty close to slapping you around right now, just so that I can warm my hands up. Do you hear me?�
Bradley shuffled under Liam�s grip, and quailed under the ferocity of his glare.
�Right. That�s better.� Liam pulled him closer, so that his forehead touched Bradley�s. �We are in a bad way, to put it incredibly lightly. We have possibly just lost our extraction point, lost one of the targets we were supposed to be protecting, down one team member, and our only source of defence is sitting inside the computers in that conference hall that you just came out of.�
Liam knew he was acting on borrowed time here. Zharra would surely be sizing him up for extermination; he had to get his point across, and fast.
�Did I also mention that the police are also now rushing here to investigate a disturbance?�
In the distance, there were the sounds of sirens, but it was difficult to tell if they were getting closer or heading to the source of the smoke.
Liam set Bradley down and straightened his jacket, smoothing and righting the tie that he had ruffled. There was utter silence in the room as he did so, and he could feel all eyes on him as he tried to formulate a plan.
�Zharra, Bradley. I need you to go back into that conference hall and start the power point presentation on the CD inside my bag. It should be titled with today�s date. This will give you time to quietly open up the cases and remove the side arms that Callum so graciously brought for us.�
Bradley nodded, taking a few steps back so that he was under Zharra�s protective wings. They both turned, Zharra giving Liam an acid stare, before quietly entering the conference hall.
�Ryan, I need you to take these two and find a safe place to hole up in. It needs to be on the bottom floor on the east side, near that open patch of grass. You need to be able to exit that safe hole through a medium sized window, not a door. Understood?�
Ryan crisply saluted, �sir, yes sir.�
Liam nodded. �Once you have found it, call for Zharra and Bradley to sneak their way down to you. Things are going to get very hot here, very quickly. Avoid any human contact at all costs, we can�t risk anyone finding us.�
�What will you be doing then, Liam?� Rae asked.
�Finding us some transport,� he replied.
They were standing in a foyer of sorts just at the top of a set of stairs. To one side a, now broken, set of doors lead to private classrooms and chambers. To the other, it was an open corridor that lead to the public restrooms. Directly behind them were the large and impressive doors that lead to the main conference room.
Carefully, with the others waiting behind him, Liam cautiously made his way down the stairs. He found a few slumped bodies with heads that sat at unpleasant angles, the security team had met with an unfortunate demise.
He rolled the nearest man over onto his back, ignoring how the head lolled around completely independent from the body. There were the all-too-familiar puncture wounds in the chest, tense expression, and the obvious look of a man caught by surprise. Over time the expression would fade as the muscles relaxed and embraced death, Liam sincerely wished he wouldn�t give up so easily.
Liam himself would, no doubt, have no appreciation for the subtle nuances and details of physiology that made such things inevitable. He found it helped to keep himself above such things.
�Son of a�these guys were just rent-a-cops�what did they do?� Ryan muttered, dragging Eve along behind him.
Liam answered that by picking up a crushed radio and tossing it aside. Without saying a word, he jumped over the counter and rifled around for a while. He pulled open draws and carefully disturbed papers and folders, so as to keep the contents looking untouched.
He looked up sharply at Ryan, Eve and Rae.
�What are you still doing here?� He demanded, putting a small Samsonite case up on the desk.
�Just wondering what you�re doing.� Ryan muttered, looking at him carefully. �We don�t have time for this, you know.�
�Exactly.� Liam replied sharply, opening the case and policing the spare ammunition clips inside. �You need to get out of sight, right now. Do you want to get shot?�
�Do you?� Rae asked. Her eyes were growing cold again, but Liam ignored it by succumbing to his personal mission momentum.
�I�ll do what it takes.� He answered, ducking out of sight to examine another body.
It was the same as the others, but he was in luck this time. It appeared that the unfortunate fellow had managed to unholster his gun, albeit slightly. His hand still clung to the pistol grip, but it was definitely unstuck from the holster.
Liam had pinned from the start that each of the guards had a regulation Glock side-arm, complete with an innovative holster system. He knew the Australian Police Force, amongst others, had them in use to deter criminals from drawing an officer�s gun on them. The holster�s unique lock and catch system meant that, owing to the correct angle and amount of pressure necessary, only the person wearing the holster would be able to release the weapon. In any other case, Liam would have to play around with the corpses for quite a while before he�d be able to remove the weapon, taking up precious time.
He stood up with the pistol and cocked it, tucking it into his belt.
�It amazes me how you always seem to find a little gun somewhere.� Ryan said, shaking his head slowly in melancholic disbelief.
Liam said nothing and leapt over the counter.
�Come on, Rae.� Ryan said, turning his back to Liam to drag Eve to her feet. �We need to get moving.�
Rae frowned and looked hard at Liam, causing him to falter and freeze under the intensity of her stare.
�You always have to work on your own, don�t you?� She asked, gently. �Even in a team, you�re running off after locking us away? We have to hide and sit on our hands whenever it goes bad. What would happen if you were to die?�
Liam turned slightly, stepping toward the door. He smiled faintly and turned back to her, replying softly;
�Then you wouldn�t be the first to know.�
Swiftly and quietly, he stepped over the last guard and out into the sunlight.
As always; thoughts, questions, wild speculation?
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