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Friday, January 16, 2004
Each morning I wake up on the wrong side of capitalism
Here's me forgetting to ask you guys what you think of the new orangeness
Go on, be honest.
What else? Ah yes, I stole Ken's quiz, and I want Dave to hurry up and post. Otherwise Rai will steal my kidneys.
and I need them so..X.x;
I am an Intellectual
Which America Hating Minority Are You?
Take More Robert & Tim Quizzes Watch Robert & Tim Cartoons
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Thursday, January 15, 2004
"Wow, 130,000 troops on the ground, nearly 500 deaths and over a billion dollars a day, but they caught a guy living in a hole. Am I supposed to be dazzled?"
I think Charles threw down the gauntlet with his 'add self as friend,' so I think it's only fit that I give you;
On another note, welcome to Liam's recommended listening list!
<*>The Surrogate
<*>Universal Game [Specifically the song: Time is Everything]
<*>Blueline Medic [Wake up Sleepyhead]
<*>The Living End [Everything, lol]
<*>TZU [Summer Days, officially the only Rap song I enjoy]
<*>Special Forces
<*>The City Lights [Curse on Everyone]
<*>Butterfingers [I love work, another awesome song ^_^]
<*>Jet [Can not forget them]
There'll be more to come. Especially if I listen to Home and Hosed tonight ^_^
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Wednesday, January 14, 2004
'There is a shortage of perfect breasts in the world, it'd be a shame to lose some such as yours'
Heh, Blair and I are in the middle of watching the Princess Bride, so expect a few more of the above quotes in the rest of the week.
Basically I'm just sitting around at home, bored out of my skull. I mean, it's wet outside [I'm not a fan of wet weather...when it's near me] and I'm lethargic.
Starving for human conversation...x.X;
So that's why I'm on AIM and MSN, and everyone appears to be in the middle of something, afk, on their way out, or just not talkative.
Meanwhile, I've decided to invent a new segment for your viewing pleasure!
Humorous Burns! [Not the ouchy physical ones][...you know what I mean...]
Ryu_Sakura: So, i may not be the smartest or most politicly aware. that is all i have to say, of and I don't have a TV. only a porsible dvd player the TV broke 2 years ago, and i havent gotten off my but long enough to fix it
amibasuki: ..how can you possibly make fun of the way George Bush speaks when you yourself can't form a decent sentence to save your life?
*bursts out laughing*
I just love this segment ^_^
Stay tuned next...time!
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Tuesday, January 13, 2004
'We were thinking of moving into a second hand missile silo before he hits puberty..'
*contented sigh* I finally got round to writing again and added some goodness to Loaded.
I should probably change my word counter on here...
Ah well, I'm thinking of doing more of that HTML stuff and sorting out some more pages or something, and some more Loadedness.
..and I should prolly post in SYF too eh?
EDIT: *sigh* My CSS Hover is not working for me. There's probably something wrong with my code. I think I've bitten off more than I can chew...maybe I should listen to 'brekky and get Dreamweaver...
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'I knew I should've put snipers on the roof. Job interviews require snipers.'
I know I should have edited my previous post to tell you, but this is important enough to be spoken about on its own.
To you, this may not be big, but to me, I'm ecstatic. I'm learning HTML and CSS thanks to the one and only cloricus. If he hadn't told me about HTMLdog.com, I wouldn't have bothered with 250free.
Now, I'm not saying I'm an expert, I have a long way to go yet, I am saying that I have enough to get by.
I give you a new home for SYF
Finally you can all see my brilliant banners [ego boost here, lol] without the demonic plague of red x's.
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Monday, January 12, 2004
"Which is why I propose we kill Sam as a message of continued creative freedom"
What? Come back to school, two days early?
That's utterly absurd.
Well...not really...I mean, it is for our benefit, and we do get to play in the mud...I mean 'practice leadership exercises.'
'The 2004 school year commences for Year 12 on Tuesday, 27 January with a one day training program for all Year 12 students encompassing a range of skill training, leadership development and team building using a variety of outdoor experiences and personal challenges provided by the facilitators from Emu Gully Adventure Education Group Inc.'
Sounds peachy.
Seeing as they cannot accomodate our entire grade, we're going in halves. I get to go on the first day with my CLP, Mr Wheatley's, Mr Kauter's and Mrs Ball's.
[The good news is that Flynn, Luci, Dave and Hannah are in Mr Wheatley's]
As I said we are going two days early, what are we doing for the second day, I hear you cry.
Well, the second day consists of us being 'prepared for the first day of school.'
Looks like we've regressed to being ickle year 8's.
On this 'bonus' day at school, we get to do some extra awesome things like 'collect textbooks, timetables, lockers [and] etc.'
Basically all the stuff we do on our previous first days back. Apparently Year 12 time is too precious to waste on such frivilous things as 'collecting textbooks'
It'll eventually get to the stage where we won't have Chrissie holidays at all...
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Sunday, January 11, 2004
'Matthew, I love your books. I work for a machine gun manufacturing company in Germany, would you like to come to a secret location and see our latest supply of weapons?'
AHA! I want one, lol.
I was going to say something else, but I've fogotten. Hm.
Ah yes, I remember now, I've thought of what I'm going to do for my 12 Art piece.
You see, in year 12 art, we have this major art piece that counts for a whole lot of our practical marks.
I was thinking of following up my clay angel and doing a 1/2 human sized one with chicken wire wings.
But not only is it cliche, it's also gambling a lot, because it could probably blow up in the kiln.
So, I just received inspiration about what I can do.
I'm thinking of three seperate canvasses, two 40cm x 30cm and one 60cm x 30cm
The larger one will be in the center with an Interplanetary Crap esque style font, proclaiming: 'syf: special youth force'
Now the kicker here, is that the two smaller ones will have stencilled B&W silhouette portraits of children in the Republic of Congo army.
Now these will be emotive images of the children looking forlornly at the camera, holding their AK-47's that are almost the same height as them.
Basically it's a very westernised view, a popular show, [so, in effect a farce] of child sufferance.
A political attack I suppose, whatever.
Hopefully it will work out well.
I'll try to come up with something for you guys. Damn, I keep coming up with things to do, and I still haven't got my learners, or made any significant progress on Loaded. Curses!
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Friday, January 9, 2004
I'll bring your milktray from a parachute
Lady Asphy: *nods* He's just a little lost. Don't judge harshly.
Silver Statue c2: Too late
Silver Statue c2: *pulls out chainsaw of justice*
Silver Statue c2: Could you hold this?
Silver Statue c2: Thanks, I just need to get the petrol
Lady Asphy: o.O;;
Silver Statue c2: Won't be a minute
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Thursday, January 8, 2004
'AB HOC POSSUM VIDERE DOMUM TUUM'- I can see your house from here.
Aha, the above quote is fitting, for it is the great Halo games day. If you could call it that. Basically it consists of two 'boxes, two games of Halo, a 15m link cable, and a whole lot of LAN fun.
And it also means that finally, finally, you can sniper properly because the people on the other team can't hear your scope zooming, and hence won't look at your screen to see what's happening.
Yeah, that's right, you're going down.
It's going to be awesome fun, because it means that there's going to be a whole lot more stealth involved. I mean, seriously, whoever has ever picked up the invisibility in Blood Gulch knows the frustration of when you're sneaking up on someone [going so slow you don't appear on the motion tracker] and they turn around and click a grenade to your head.
Gee, you didn't look on my screen to see where I was.
lol, ah well, it's easy to get your own back.
I mean, Cameron [friend I usually play with], has kicked up his pace when it comes to playing. I mean, it all started at the last little tourney we had when the squad of players, in unision, cried out 'shotguns Liam's team!'
Not surprisingly, Cameron was a bit upset about not being chosen first, and hence, he's been playing the game a whole lot in his spare time.
But we're still teh DrEaM TeAm.
When everyone initially arrives, they usually segregate into their own little pairs of friends and stuff. [Ben goes with Brock, etc]
After their voluntary segregation, Cameron and I are generally left, lol.
The next response, by all teams, is;
'Aww hell no. That is so unfair.'
But it's too late, they've already chosen, so fear the consequences.
So yeah, much getting into Warthog and crushing some skullz.
An interesting occurance is that at every game, Shaun either;
A: says 'this game sucks! I'm not playing anymore'
or B: 'How can the pistol have more range than the rifle?'
Upon which, the rest of us say, 'well, you see, the pistol has a scope it also has 12.7mm high explosive rounds that are fired in a semi-automatic fashion.
'Meanwhile, the rifle is fired in a fully automatic fashion and has only 7mm rounds, and fires in a masive spray. Meaning that even if the bullets had the range of the pistol, they would still land twenty meters to the left or right of their intended target.'
Mind you, the response has been tailored over the months, to the finished product you see now, which came off the top of my head. So I apologise if the rifle's calibre is not out to its correct decimal.
So yeah, hopefully we'll have at least six people. We definitely have four, which still means we'll have seperate screens and totally oWn, but hey, it's fun.
It might in fact be more fun that playing Blood Gulch with rockets only, and invisible players. lol.
EDIT: Check this out, you must, it's hilarious. [Unless the comment's been deleted..]
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Wednesday, January 7, 2004
'AnkhMorpork had a very direct approach to the idea of insurance. When the middle man was cut out, it wasn't a figure of speech...'
If you've been noting the quotes I've been having in my subject line, good for you. lol
You know what's really odd?
Every time I answer the phone by saying 'hello,' I get one of the following responses;
1/'Ah Martin-
2/'Hello Martin'
Apparently I'm sounding more and more like my Dad, and I have to protest the fact that I am, in fact, his son.
lol, some of the time it's Nana, and she forgets to put her hearing aid on, so I get;
'Martin! How're the kids? How's Michelle going?'
'Nana, it's Liam, I am one of the kids.'
In the background about now, grandad yells out 'Moira! Put your hearing aid in!'
Ah well, it's happening everytime I pick up the phone.
Another thing, the fridge is shrinking! I swear, someone is sawing little bits off every day, I mean, it seems only six months ago that my eyes were just level with the top of it.
I mean, seriously, I can't have grown that quickly. I must get around to finding out my height...
Geh...I need knew clothes..*falls over*
My shorts, bar one pair, have all rapidly become boxers..
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