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Sunday, March 12, 2006
'I think we need to talk'

Okay, while that comic isn't accurate of my current situation, I still find it an amusing summary of my past few weeks. But not. Whatever. It's depressing and funny.
Henceforth there shall be a new word with which I shall refer to my current existence, 'de-funny'
Hm. No, that just sucks.
Right. I was going to upload a timetable graphic or something, but it turns out I really hate fiddling around with timetables on the computer, especially after only so many hours of sleep.
Let me outline my coming week for you:
Monday 12pm: Pick up pay, 1-3pm: Microbiology Lecture. 3-7:30pm [yes, right on 3pm]: Work at Adelaide st in the city, 10 minutes walk from uni.
Tuesday 11:30am-1:30pm: Biochemistry Prac, 2-3pm: Physiology Tute, 4-7pm: Physiology Practical, 7-10pm: Work at Central Station [20 minutes from uni. ugh]
Wednesday Meant to be my day off, but currently going to be spent summarising and catching up on the past two weeks of material for all of my subjects that I missed out on. Also, I need to go to centrelink. And apparently I have a 7-10:30pm shift tonight even though I specifically said to keep this day free. I'll see if I can weasel out of it...probably can't..[Even weeks I have a Microbiology Practical 1-4pm]
Thursday 10am-12pm: Cell and Molecular Biology Lecture [the one I missed out on last week because I was plagued with sickness]. Long gap here that, for the past two weeks, has had me passed out on a couch somewhere [literally]. 5-7pm Physiology Lecture, 7-11:30pm Work at Central Station.
Friday 12-2pm: Biochemisty Lecture, 4-5pm: Microbiology Tutorial, 7-Midnight: Work at Central.
Saturday 12-6pm: Work at Adelaide street.
Not quite as stressful as last week, it's getting better. Mind you last week work was; M: 5:30-10pm, T: 7-10pm, W: Off [slept all day, sick. Blah], T: 7-11:30pm, F: 4-Midnight, S: 12pm-12am [yes. 12 hours. Well, 11 if you include the 1 hour break.]
Good pay to pick up Monday, I guess.
I have so much work at uni that I have to do, and I'm going crazy just thinking about it. I'm sorry that I haven't updated much in anything but, as you can see, I adopted a suicidal work load. It's making me incredibly unhappy and incredibly exhausted. I felt like walking death last night, after my 12 hour shift. I'm still exhausted now, even after sleeping in till 10 this morning.
There were a few highlights this week though.
I woke up Wednesday morning sick, and in a bad mood to boot [foul in both regards I guess, Ahaha! Belly laugh!]. I wandered past this massive blue box, looked at it through my blurry glassless eyes, deemed it uninteresting, and got a drink before going back to bed.
That was the lead up to the highlight, not the highlight. Shut up. I know I'm not using correct syntax or grammar or something something..x.x;
Right. So I wake up a few hours later and get up to have a shower. Ben, one of the guys who lives here, says to me; "did you get that package of yours?"
I'm like, "mmf? Wha package?"
"The gigantic blue one. On the table, hang on, I'll get it.."
So he goes and grabs this monster of a box, and passes it over to me.
Sha-zam! Package from Mimmi!
I mean, holy cow. That really made it an awesome day. I opened the box up [cleverly labled "soul food"], and discovered it to be filled with a glorious pantry of goodies. So much ravioli!
*hearts ravioli*
I'll post up some photos later, when I've borrowed Lachlan's camera. Other than food in the box, was a sweet letter and this delightful Joker plushie fellow. He's sat with me in the house ever since, as a pernament reminder to how I used to be before all of this mess happened.
It's funny, trying to remember how you were three weeks ago, a month ago even. I have so many different mindsets striving to make a living in my head, that I'm starting to live as different people in my attitude. Morose Liam is becoming more prevalent, especially in the late hours, even more so in the day. Joker Liam is starting to allow himself to shuffle off the mortal coil, so to speak, much to my dismay.
I enjoyed the funny looks the other guys gave me when I was sitting and watching TV with my Joker on Wednesday night, so there should be no fears that I'm 'losing my funny.' I'm just becoming bitter and opinionated, that's all.
Okay, more bitter and opinionated, moving on.
So yes, point of this little shout out/rant? Mimmi rocks my collective sock to the max. ^_^
Other awesome things?
Right right, the Nifty Fifty!. SYF received a place, and I'm terribly flattered about it. I'm honestly glad that people enjoyed it that much that they felt it was worthy of place.
First thoughts? "Now that is an incredibly cool looking graphic! Hey! I always wanted dogtags like that for SYF, I wonder who did it so well?"
Second thoughts? "Holy cow, Batman! There's some obviously researched information on those tags! I'm pretty sure those dates were the times the RPG's started also..yikes. This is beyond cool and awesome..."
So yes, terribly flattered.
So it was Mimmi again this time, but the rest of the committee enjoyed it also. It's the little things that make life enjoyable. Who said a little escapism was a bad thing?
I love you all, fo' real! I'm not sure that it's just the codral or the sheer overwhelming mass of emotions speaking when I say that, so accept it. I may say it only once this year ~_^
Who am I kidding?
I'm glad you peeps are enjoying and have enjoyed my RPG babies, and I'm terribly sorry that I haven't updated them as often as I would like. I'll try to make it up to you when I can, I have a USB and possible spare time when I'm on campus.
It could work.
Mimmi [Three mentions? Wow, you're on a roll ^_~]Being smothered in undying love would be interesting, but [as you can see] that care package has done me a world of good. ^_^
Harley I bought lunch there once, does that count? It's okay, the black [emo] plague still disgusts me. Or fills me with pity. Either or. ^_^;
JJ Emo Liam is always lovable, unfortunately he's not exactly much of a magnet for love in reality. More like a magnet for self pity, lol. I'll sort myself out and stop being such a whiny little girl at some stage or another, lol.
Asphy *hugs*
Teh Solo It is revolting, but it's getting better. ^_^ Mind you though, that gun and pillow combination is a good idea. I could use the pillow [providing it's filled with feathers and not synthetic] as a silencer and...we'll leave that train of thought where it is before it sets sail.
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Friday, March 3, 2006
Just got home from work, it's 12:53am and my brain hurts. Got up early for uni and was roped in to working an extra 2 hours [til midnight]
I have work tomorrow at 7am. I need to get up at 5:20am.
My schedule is suicidal.
Work: 30hours Uni contact hours: 20.
That's not including study.
Also, I'm incredibly unrestrained emotionally now due to serious stress and a nightly rest of 6-8 hours, so will someone shoot that guy who keeps posting in PHT before I do?
Thank you and goodnight. I'll need this 4 hours sleep for my 11hour shift tomorrow followed by a 1.5 hour drive home to toowoomba.
[Also yes, I have no friends and I'm incredibly lonely. See Lady A for further detail on why I'm lonely, dejected and overall: emo]
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
'I'm sorry, where are you from? Sorry, I thought you were from Germany.'
Ah, random cute German girls. One was convinced I had a German accent and that I was from Germany. Funny, except I don't think I have a German accent. Ah well, maybe I was subconsciously imitating hers..
Anyhow. Got up at 1am this morning. I freaked out and thought I had missed my alarm clock and rushed to have a shower. It wasn't until I was in the shower that my head woke up and said, "No wait. 1am, no need to be awake until 5am"
..and so I went back to bed and woke up for work at 7am. I finished at 5pm and start again at Central Station for a solo 7pm-Midnight shift. Fun fun.
It's good though I guess. I have no sleep and my immune system is incredibly weak, but I'll have money to buy course notes and pads for uni. Maybe. Food would be good idea too, I guess.
I apologise for my rantings and ravings. It's my thing. To make up for it here's Peace Hangs Them". Go forth and frolic. I'm terribly sorry that it's not up to my usual quality, my mind was elsewhere I guess.
Augh. Midnight? And I can't sleep in tomorrow because my housemate decided it would be a good idea to organise something at 9am tomorrow morning. I think he did it to spite me. Him and his stupid $1103 check from his parents. Grr..sassafrass...
Anyhow. Lufforz j00 all. For real.
Mimmi: I don't think it's possible to scrub yourself to death in the shower..maybe with a wire brush...let's not go there.
You is my Mimmi fo' rizzle, and a saucy fan-wench to boot. You're not Karen and are not similar...unless I made you cry when I didn't intend to because then you are similar..uh..
On your previous comment; *huggles* I hope I do find someone. Someday. Maybe ^_^
Teh Solo: I hope they do die down too. She hasn't emailed me since the last one. I'm just not going to reply and let her sort it out. There's nothing more I can say to her. I don't want to fall into the same trap she's in. Like you said, emotionally charged conversations=bad. I don't want to be blind to the situation.
Harley: Yus. Yus they can be. Not cool, but I'll live. ^_^
John: Almost getting past it, almost there. I hope there are no more dark clouds on the horizon..
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
'Could you just do me a favour? Just-just step on my head and squish me'
Actually, how about you just read this instead? I've had four hour's sleep and am quite grumpy. This does nothing to resolve the situation. All my cards are on the table, unobscured, but she insists on ignoring what I've said and incorrectly interpreting plain truths.
Yes yes. I over utilise my vocabulary when I'm frustrated or feeling a trough/peak emotionally. I'm terribly sorry. I have a...unique...turn of phrase at certain points that is somewhat slow to understand.
"For starters, use words that I could somewhat understand? Not everyone has the same high vocabulary as you." [Quote unedited]
Right, right. Sorry. I'm ever so far above my plebian counterparts. I try to throw a scerrip of a scrap as a perambulate early in the evening. How was I not to know caviar is unpalatable?
Look, guys, I'm sorry but words cannot describe my frustration. Picture this, me growling from the back of my throat with both my fists punched and clenched high above me, that's my stress level.
She contradicts herself so often that I'm just letting it get to me. I'm not even attempting to sift her email, to see if there are any nuggets of new thought or an actual point [perish the thought!], anymore.
Every time I read this email it just makes me want to shout through a megaphone at her house, "WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHAT IS YOUR POINT? DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND YOUR OWN THOUGHTS?"
Honestly, I just need to teleport you all over here so you can read over my shoulder and guage the rage. I could break her entire email up and post it here, with my own notes and cross-references to the "*ARGH!*" and incorrect assumptions. [Assumptions that are superflous as I said my true thoughts in my email. Yet she keeps assuming I was thinking something else. That's what you get with me, I'm sorry. The truth. AGH!]
See? This whole email asserts my reasons to me why I broke up with her. She just doesn't understand. From reading her email it's as though that this email is simply too well engineered to have such throw-away comments that infuriate me.
I would liken this bit of mail to a web forum troll, but I don't think Karen would purposely do this.
Maybe she was too blinded by tears to read what I said [Note: AGH! GRAH! NNGH!..thankyou].
Also, she's said this before, though this time [for the first time in a long while] had me tearing up. It was just devastating to me that I could do that to someone.
And then a little voice in my head politely points out that "Oh, excuse me Liam. Sir, you see here? Your relationship had no actual depth enough that could possibly cause such devastation to someone. Unless they automatically invested all of their emotional eggs and hopes and dreams into one basket. Oh wait, that's happened before right? Ah yes. You seem to be looking at me funny sir. Sir? I don't like where you-!"
I deliberately didn't invest anything until I knew my feelings were true, and void of any hormonal influence [see: lust!].
Right. Right. On a tangeant. The quote:
"You seem to have gotten over me already...And that's what I'm confused about. I mean we just spent the last 5 months in a relationship and you don't even seem upset? And I don't feel I'm demonising you? I just want to know what was going through your head? I spent all Saturday night crying and I even cried myself to sleep and all Sunday morning crying because it had ended. (I didn't go to Conference, mum said I could stay home because I couldn't even speak without crying) All because I was hurting and confused as to why it had ended?
I have never Loved, Hurt nor Cried so much in my life. And I hope it doesn't happen again."
[Emphasis added]
Right. There it is. Shall I commit seppuku just so you'll feel better? I know it will make me feel better. Ultimate sacrifice so I don't need to continue receiving emails from you asking questions of my answers to your first set of questions.
They're answers. Do not question answers. They are concise. They don't need another twenty emails of discussion!
We broke up. You told me to delete you from my phone.
Do not hassle me with this!.
I deal with my emotions very, very differently from other people. We know this [those that know me irl], it's who I am. I informed you that I am complex for reasons I can't [and now blantantly refuse] disclose.
Also, now [despite prior confirmation from her] she is blatantly denying anything she ever said to me about her problems with our relationship. Apparently this now all revolves around me not telling her how I felt about her [Hey wait! I did that! Ages ago! What do you want? A daily update? Here's news, you have now crossed over to mild irritant], and not that I..oh just forget it.
I'm now too angry to even discuss any actual thought I had prior to receiving this email.
For the love of all that is good and happy in this world, why must you do this? Am I suckered to your leg or are you clung to mine?
I have a very, very apt sense and respect for women [see: "saviour complex"]. I'll never, ever, get over this until I've fixed you and helped you. Currently the only way to fix you is by removing my self. Or continually re-explaining myself in an endless loop for the rest of my life. [see: "404"].
I just just cut loose and respond to this email with.
"That's great. I don't care anymore, yay!"
Or, better yet; "I've just realised something. Nothing I say will ever resolve or help you. You're right. Some problems can only be fixed by you. I broke up with you [SHUT UP! IT'S OVER! AUGH!]<[x.x<] and I am dealing with it my own way."
"Oh and PS: I'm blocking your email. Feel free to delete me from yours" >[x.X]>
Just alleviate me.
Breaking up with her was the solution, I know that now. My parent's advice [from a while back] was to just let her run her own course and resolve it. How can I just let her alone, and ignore her emails? I have a very dominant saviour complex. I've got to fix everyone who is close to me. Even if they aren't any more..
...I could just ignore her actually. If she asks, I can simply say, "There's nothing left to say."
[That would result in me crushing her spirit even further, resulting in another email [[wait, why didn't she just say all of this to my face? Bah. Not going there]]...I over analyse far too much..]
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
Well that was pointless. And now I'm down twenty bucks!
Basically, I'm really quite frustrated. Really, very. Spent the day with Karen, attempted conversation and communication about our relationship. Got nothing. Nada. One sided conversation. And trust me, I waited a long time for any response. Long time silence.
Welp, only response to that was my internal Liam crying "She's playing stupid games, holmes! She ain't never gunna stop doin' this! You ain't need this, you ain't need this at all"
Don't ask me why my internal Liam likes to think of himself as a wigga. I try to keep him quiet, but he brings up the same very good point that Mark and other friends have said.
Okay, maybe not in the exact terms, [others simply said, "She's being a b****, Liam"] but the general idea was there.
I told her how I felt. I finally said everything [well, most of everything. I didn't say that she was being ridiculous and petty] that had been plaguing me for some time. Nothing. No response.
..and there was quite some time and ample opportunity for her to respond.
I wake up this morning feeling incredibly uneasy about it. After a whole lot of mess, it's not supposed to end under such...neutral...terms.
I get an email saying that I hurt her and how our only date was our last and how she should appreciate the irony. [Well that's a lie. We've been out on several dates, but that's beside the point]. Apparently she's loved me and always loved me and that she hopes the next girl I meet won't hurt me as much as I hurt her.
I'm sorry, it's a bit late. I spent half a day with you, giving you ample time and questions trying to find out what was going wrong and how to fix it. You gave me no response, apart from to mundane questions such as "reckon I can park there?"
Congratulations, I feel terrible. I'm pretty sure that's what you wanted. Hooray!
I'll get over it. It's all good.
Also, apparently I should fear the wrath of her myspace people. They're quite emo and live in unfortunate proximity to Brisbane.
...I will be very, very unhappy if she spams my email address.
[P.S: This all happened yesterday. I didn't want to leave her home alone [family were out], but she insisted that she'd be fine. Turns out she sent the emails exactly one hour after I left. One of which titled, "Saturday the 18th, the day you broke up with me."
Bitter much?
See, now I'm incredibly frustrated, guilt is aside now. Apparently she didn't talk [read the second email] because she was trying to think of what to say.
Half a day!
An hour spent waiting in my car for a way to get into her house [locked out], and she said nothing. Though she did borrow my phone to message her sister that she was home and was locked out, but that's probably the indication that she really did want to talk to me. I don't know.
Attempting to move on. Now.]
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Sunday, February 5, 2006
'Front disc brake pads, 65% worn. Rear drum brakes 55% worn. ' -Ultratune Diagnosis of my little white car
I have my baby back, fully serviced thanks to Dad. I'm grateful for it because that was something I couldn't afford to do. The engine response time is much better now, so now I can do some fully sick drag racing, eh bro?
[..that line does not translate well to text..]
I'm happy now. PHT has a full compliment of cast members, all of who are talented and seem to understand where I'm going. It's all good ^_^
Once I'm done doing shopping today, I'll get started on the first post and have it ready for when Drix adds his little piece of back-story. We're entering the endgame before the good ship sails.
Speaking of shopping, I have been living off instant noodles for the past week. Unfortunately I had to pay rent as well as my car insurance on the weekend before last, leaving me with nuzzing!
...I miss fresh fruit and vegetables..
Will be back later, I have to go and pick up my pay.
EDIT: And back. Don't ask me what was going on. The otaku network didn't exist for me last night. I couldn't access anything, and Harley found it quite amusing.
Girlfriend troubles. I have the emotional depth of a kumquat, apparently. I've been told, repeatedly, that I don't share enough emotionally. Apparently all she sees is me happy.
Well, I'm sorry that you're only seeing my good side? What?
It's also slightly hypocritical of her, she's told me quite often that I'm too serious and don't smile enough. Blah.
I'm pretty sure that something must be going wrong in her life. This was only a problem until just recently, in the past...week?...so something must be happening that causes this to spill over into our relationship.
I offered myself, saying I'd be happy to help or even be a shoulder to lean on, but I was told that it wouldn't work.
She told me that "there's no point." She then went on to say that, as I'm always happy/laughing all the time, she's not comfortable telling me what's wrong. She feels I would make a joke about her problems [see: trivialise them]
Yes. Because I do that all the time.
I mean, it should be funny. I should laugh. It's ironic, even that after the hell I went through in year 12, that someone would say to me that I would laugh at someone's problems.
Now I just feel fine and dandy.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Urge to BURNINATE rising...rising...
Where's Trogdor when you need him?
Okay, currently I'm cleaning up the kitchen after my idiot house mate started a grease fire. No burn damage but the kitchen is now covered in olive oil and meat juice. Also, every pot, pan and plate is filthy. Did I mention I have only used one bowl, for breakfast this morning, because I was away for the weekend?
Liam is very, very unhappy. Basically said housemate sat on his backside for the past 12 hours or so instead of cleaning up the mess. Oh no, wait. He did make an effort. The grease on the floor now has newspaper over it.
Someone give Trogdor a call, I have a peasant for him to burn.
That was written as my AIM away message. I didn't end up cleaning the kitchen because the amount of dishes had doubled since I last looked, and I'm sick of being the one who always cleans up.
Also, as an interesing side note, I can't seem to stay angry at people. How odd. I can't really use a blog in the correct manner [ie: Emo ranting] unless I can really get upset at people.
Work has given me decent hours again [17-20 this week] so it means I have a chance of buying at least one textbook this year. I paid my car insurance so now my account has reset itself to $12.30, and my wallet is empty. I would have money this week [I did 17 hours last week], but I had to pay rent and purchase credit for my phone. Luckily I have plenty of pasta and such to live off until I am paid next Monday.
I'm pretty exhausted currently because I've been going to bed late, and continually get woken up at 8 or so in the morning by various different things. Today was a phonecall from my Dad [getting woken up by my Franz Ferdinand's "This Fire" ringtone, is still as awesome as it is frightening] informing me that he had good news and bad news.
The good news is that he'll be dropping my car back to me on Saturday. The bad news is that they'll need it back in March when the parts arrive for The Golf. [See 2004 Model 2.0L Comfortline Volkswagon Golf. Affectionately known as the "Kubelvagon"].
You see, I haven't been entirely honest with my Christmas escapades. I finally [finally!] was allowed to cruise around in the 10 speaker airconditioned beast, for the first time since I left home for university. After driving my shoebox '90 Mazda 121, it was a beautifully refreshing feeling.
And then some guy [who was speeding, how cliche] smacked hard into the side of it while I was turning right, crossing the oncoming lane of traffic. Hilarious. I had obeyed the road rules to the letter [friends will testify of my cautiousness], I waited and checked, and made sure it was clear before going over. I was half in the desired street [Jellico], and was driving straight then.
I had a distinct impression to look over my shoulder and saw a yellow ute come hurtling along, [abnormally close to the gutter for some reason] straight for the middle of the car. Logically, I did the only thing I could and smacked my foot down. The engine roared wonderfully to life and it leapt forward, my mother and I both throught we had made it through. We hadn't felt a thing and nothing was broken.
Unfortunately there was the whole crashing noise and such.
3 panels dented on our side, $1000 or so in damage. [will post photo up from my phone soon].
The guy in the ute had an illegal bullbar [essentially a welded star-picket] and as such only lost an indicator.
I'm going to cut a long story short and just say that the police [who I, responsible as ever, cooly called] were awesome. They checked out where the glass was and the damage taken and said it wasn't my fault, but they didn't have any police eyewitnesses to prove the guy was speeding or driving without due care and attention.
They sympathised with me [to a degree, of course] and told me not to let it "ruin [my] Christmas" because "these things happen, it's a part of growing up"
Also, it's going to cost me a point off my licence because I was legally in the wrong [crossing a lane of traffic to make the turn, remember?]. Oddly enough though, I haven't received any form of notification and it's been a month.
To quote one officer, "these things take time, sometimes even the paperwork may get lost"
I was told it'd take 2 weeks, tops, to process it. I haven't received anything, lets hope it stays that way. I can't afford to pay a $150 fine.
Anyhow, what was my point?
Right right. So yeah, AAMI car insurance is awesome. Same day car repair and such...but they have to order in the parts from Germany. That leaves my parents without a car, so they need mine [they bought it for me, so I'm not complaining]. Toowoomba has no formal public transport, so there's no alternative really.
I can take public transport where ever I need to go. I still feel like I've lost a limb though.
And I still feel really, really bad about what happened. I've been told by my parents, and even the police, that it wasn't my fault. It was still an accident. I take some comfort in the knowledge that I acted logically and didn't panic in the situation. [I'm surprised that I didn't react at all]. I'm also grateful that we weren't driving my little car at the time, because I wouldn't be here now.
The Kubelwagon is the only car in the world to receive a 5 star safety rating, it's designed to hug the road and have a low centre of gravity, if you have a look at photos of one, you'll note that the tires are angled slightly inward to provide more balance. It deserves the name of "ole ironsides," because we didn't even feel that ute smash into us.
If we'd been in my little tin can, we would have rolled and crumpled into oblivion.
Okay, now I'm all depressed and emo. You may call me LEmo. I, Liam the Emo, have used a web blog for what it was designed for.
Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
I know an SYF update has been long overdue. I'm sorry, but I've been rather lax about it. PHT is still in the dry docks [once Drix is done, we can sail!], so I can't divert your attention there. Sorry about that.
You'll just have to rest assured that it will be awesome.
On an SYF note, as I was browsing SYF: Garrotted Threats, I remembered how I always wanted to ask someone to draw out the characters of the cast in a rather nice style. [Something along the lines of http://netheroak.keenspace.com/ ]. I'm thinking of starting that hunt up again, but I honestly don't know anyone who draws in that style. I do have a couple friends who can draw anime rather well, but they're both unfamiliar and uninterested in the story.
Basically, can anyone help me out here?
I really wouldn't mind seeing Liam finally brought to life, complete with his MiH Aram shirt, lol.
Wow. That was longer than expected.
I'll get up early and work on SYF tomorrow. You've all been so good and deserve a treat. [Particularly you, Solo. Your Enter the Net makes me chuckle so. Still can't believe I didn't know about it until just recently..]
EDIT: A wave of nostalgia overcame me and I ended up doing some digging of my own. Remember back to the Otaku Awards of 2004?
I found something interesting, lol
[Apart from that I received quite a few more nominations than I remember..]
The Harlequin
Member most likely to be here in two years: Liamc2 (He has absolutely nothing else to do with himself, after all.)
Member most likely to be here in two years: Adam (if he's not here we're not here!)
Honourable Mention: LiamC2 (how could he ever leave, the chains are too tight)
Member most likely to be here in two years: Liamc2
...damn their ability to see into the future.
EDIT2: ...I am really not that proud of my 2002 self. Not proud at all. Apart from the...embarrassing...emotional outbursts [I claim insanity and make them void in any judgements you make of me], my 2003 self seems rather cool. Also, I believe my 2002 self was undeniably cute [and annoying, judging by my post quality]. Can't believe those photos are still attached there.
What am I doing? I've got to stop rambling about this. I don't want to encourage you lot to dig. Give me back those shovels!
EDIT3: [It's 1am. I'm stupid. I know. Shush]
Comments on Comments..in fact, Comments Squared
Mimmi: I love you too Mimmi. ^_^
Harley: You and your spirits. What are these right reasons you speak of?
John: It's good to be back, even if I am slightly crazy from lack of sleep. Damn internet.
James: Aww James, putting yourself down uneccesarily while putting me up. Let's just say we're both awesome and leave it at that.^_^
Also, my AIM is right there, feel free to bounce it off me. I'm always up for some intellectual wordsmithing ^_^
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
'LAMBLOR smash puny studentunion-wraith!'
An explaination for that subject line AND for my absence?
Of course!
"You still have to pay Student Guild fees: Students are required to pay Student Guild fees for enrolment in any teaching period during the first half of 2006. Payment of Student Guild fees is a condition of enrolment at QUT, and non-payment of Guild fees may result in cancellation of enrolment. For more information see Essential Facts 2006."
Basically VSU is king, but not yet. See, our "voluntary" student fees [money which is spent funding "Queer Pub Crawls" and "The Chocolate Lovers club" [[Also another reason to smash]] ] are actually mandatory. Basically I spend my textbook money on people indulging themselves on chocolate, or "Queers" [Their term, not mine] getting smashed and flirty.
VSU was voted in [which, everyone says it's a bad thing, but I disagree] which means that people who want clubs have to pay for it themselves instead of mooching off the students. There are lots of other things too, but I was really looking forward to not having to pay my living+textbook money for nothing in return.
Oh wait, I am paying the "not getting kicked out of uni" fee according to that memo. I'm pretty sure that the $6000 a semester, or whatever it is that the government covers, should be quite enough. I still have to pay all of that back you know.
Not impressed in the least.
What was my original point?
Ah yes. Internet was down because someone moved out but didn't transfer the account correctly. Only just got the net back this morning.
I'm running away from Supanews the first chance I get. After a few weeks of earning between 100-120 a week, I had enough and started applying elsewhere. I have some good impressions from David Jones and Harvey Norman. Should be good because now I really need that money.
Also, papa would like a brand new pair of pants.
Peace Hangs Them is still in the loading dock, which is a shame, but it's gaining momentum. Drix sent me a pm, which I'm in the middle of replying to. We now have a medic, which will be nice. Hopefully others, like Drix, will become interested in PHT. Mimmi surprised me [*see girlish squeal of delight*] with her flattering mention of my RPG endeavours [my little kin, all growed up!] in the OB nifty fifty. *EDIT: James also loves the SYF? My fan base has effectively doubled! Excuse me while I squeal myself unconscious! ^_^
[A rather juvenile attitude not becoming of an aspiring young author, but you get that. lol ^_~]
I wouldn't have even found out if Asphy hadn't pointed it out to me [she had internet, I didn't. Go figure.] I'm really quite honoured to have a mention at all really. I'd say I could die happy now, but I don't like the prospect of leaving my babies in the cold and unfinished. lol.
I must say though that SYF would never have been so grand and refined if it weren't for darling Asphy. Almost every plot twist or development and twist in SYF was bounced of her [especially the emotional flares and fights between Liam and Rae] and always came back sparkling. PHT them promises to be even better. ^_^ [/shameless plug]
Also, James and Mimmi [who I have prodded before, lol ~_^] I would love to have either of you aboard the good ship SS Blow-stuff-up-but-still-havapoint
Right, that's my life currently. Uni is back inside a month, hopefully I'll get the scratch together that I need before then.
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
It's very hard to be a camp lumberjack cum hairdresser named Sven, and vomit at the same time.
John: Actually, Vodafone has pretty cheap rates for internet. I've been downloading stuff and surfing the web a lot, and it still hasn't put much of a dint in my balance. Seriously, the only disposable income I have is the $100 I have left on my phone that I have to use by Monday.
I love the vodafone $49 cap so much. [$49=$230 to use in 1 month]
Flynn: We've already met and exchanged B.F.F. bracelets, I assure you. lol
James: Yeah, my internet seems to run around 56k in page loading times, but I think that's only because the phone lacks the processing power to load anything faster. I mean, I downloaded a 106kb photo my girlfriend emailed me in about 5 seconds, so it's quite fast when it wants to be.
My only problem with using the net on my phone is that I don't have a proper keyboard, hence the lack of html and proofreading in my last update, lol.
But yes, look into Vodafone for it =gooooood. [They should pay more for all the recommendations I've done for them ^_~]
Mimmi: Giraffes are cool, I even have a crazy toy one. I shall post a photo up of him sometime ^_^

I'm back! I'm sure you all missed me, deep down. The internet is apparently being stupid because the modem keeps overheating. I'm not surprised considering it's been hovering around 38-40 degrees.
But now it's cooled down and it's still being stupid.
*le sigh*
Anyhow, Christmas was rather good. Terribly exciting things happening and such. Importantly, there was a whole lot of delicious ham, which is a very integral part of a pirate's diet if you have read Daniel Defoe's PIRATES!: An adventure with scientists. My family loved their gifts, and I shall list them so:
Dad: a Shintaro 512mb USB flash drive [shockproof/waterproof/shatterproof]. You see, there's actually a story behind this crazy little gadget. When I was growing up [he still does it now] whenever Dad was throwing stuff for us to catch, he would cry "shintaro!" and throw it ninja style. Shintaro was apparently a B+W show about a ninja assassin named Shintaro [obviously] and was very popular with him.
As soon as I find the boxed DVD set, I shall have a birthday present for him.
Mum: Sufjan Stevens Illinoise album. It's exactly the type of music she loves, and she does love it. As soon as I heard the Chicago track being played on Triple J, I knew it would be perfect.
Which it is, because she loves it.
Ahem. Also I purchased The Silly Side of Sherlock Holmes from my favourite little book store, Pulp Fiction. It's a rather clever little book that is filled with original Sherlock Holmes illustrations, with even more original hilarious captions. Very amusing, and also well received.
Blair: Matthew Reilly's Hovercar Racer, because it's an awesome story. My parents love Matthew Reilly's books [oddly enough it was my mother that introduced me to Ice Station] and I figured it was a good idea to get Blair started on the goodness. Hovercar Racer doesn't have the..well, vulgar language that frequents his other books, and it's also deliberately written for a quasi-disney audience. Which is nice.
Karen: A Cutterfish shirt from Threadless.com, because it's just incredibly cool. She loves it, and that's fine by me ^_^. I also got her a Jack Skellington "Tall Mug" prior to Christmas, because I knew the shirt would arrive a couple days after. Anyhow, both were well received.
The blessings are in the giving, but the receiving is still quite nice, though rather materialistic.
Mum and Dad gave my brother and I 128mb Creative MuVo mp3 players, which I have fallen in love with. My thirst for an iPod, once satisfied with the presence of the radio on my phone, has began anew with me. You may not be too interested in an mp3 player before you have one, but as soon as one is given to you it becomes your world.
Also they gave me [as I mentioned before] C.S. Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters", which I'm currently making my way through now. It's a very good read, and I'd recommend it to anyone who plans on visiting their library or local bookstore sometime.
Blair [astute as ever] gave me a Gorillaz: Dare single and a The Killers: All These Things That I've Done single. Very nice. Both have now places on my MuVo.
Karen gave me the best gift a Pirate Captain could have, my very own pirate arm patch! It comes with a rather dashing Jolly Roger AND "Captain Liam" stitched in so those lazy deck swabs will know their place around me, lol. Also, she gave me Terry Pratchett's "The Wee Free Men", one of my personal favourites in the Discworld series.
Truly 'tis the season for giving!
I should probably mention the presents of socks and such, so there we go. Ah, relatives. Bizarrely enough [now that I'm an adult, I'm assuming] I received two boxes of shortbread. I don't know why.
I suppose it's a good thing though, I've been snacking on them since I got home on thursday. Stupid, STUPID, Supanews moved the payday from friday to this coming tuesday.
I have no money. At all.
I missed the friday pay day before Christmas because I left for home on the thursday, so I didn't receive money then. It didn't matter though, because I wrongly assumed I was getting paid the day after I arrived home. Guh!
Lucky for me I had the foresight to stock up on dry goods and such, so I'm not starving to death. However, instant noodles wash the goodness of the Christmas feasts straight out of my mind.
Oh how I long for some more of that delicious ham, complete with my mother's nana's secret ham dressing of delicious goodness.
Great. Now I'm hungry again. Blah.
So yes. Lots of good things happened on Christmas, but Supanews has really upset a lot of people over this pay thing. I'm not the only person who got a rude shock when they got back from holidays.
Anyhow, I have some photos of the rockclimbing exploits we got up to. Blair is incredibly good at it, looks like he's found his niche in the sporting world. One of his time trials for one of the walls was 9 seconds flat. Turns out the manager approached mum and dad and said he'd be happy to offer him a coaching job.
Nice one!
Any how, photo's of me climbing. Even Blair says my height gives me an unfair advantage, but you can see for yourself:

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Friday, December 30, 2005
You have attained the level of super nerd. This means even regular nerds will beat you up for lunch money and look down on you in contempt
Its official. Super nerd status is now officially engaged. Why, you ask?
Well, you know my new phone? Well, I'm currently uploading this post on it right now.
Well, I just finished work and its really really boring on the train. i forgot my cs lewis book: 'The Screwtape Letters' that my parents gave me for Christmas.
Also, thanks to Gmail's latest update, I can read and send emails and such on my phone. Apparently it will even interpret pdfs for me. Way cool. I even downloaded a photo Karen emailed me. So cool. What makes it better is that it is all FREE!
Rock on.
Hey, I even browsed otakuboards. The disturbing thing is, the entire thing was configured and mobile phone ready. It was a wap site!
Adam and James' remarkable foresight continues to amaze me.
Right. Here's my stop. Sorry there isnt more substance, but the broadband is on the blink. I shall attempt a proper update when the occasion offers.
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