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Thursday, April 14, 2005
No witty remarks or teenage angst today. Ellinore just told me that Tom Makim took his own life last night.
I'm just in shock. I can't believe it. I mean, we were never bosom buddies, but he always had time to talk, even if it was some witty remark about being a slave for macca's, or being 'upgraded' to the Coolibah Cafe.
I just don't know what to say.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
'Ahh, barrel 'o crabs'

Frustration level rising...rising..rising...
Turns out that Physics is not the bane of my existence, it's merely a puppet of my true arch-enemy, complex mathematics. Augh. I can't believe how easily I dropped into a tailspin after one really bad maths lecture.
I wasn't on the ball. I had, in fact, stepped on the ball, slipped, and landed with a bell curve pointing up an acutely painful part of my spine.
Wow. Mental images.
Agh. I just feel so stupid sometimes. I mean, I can easily study for my other subjects, chem, life science or psych, whatever. But there's just something about Maths that cuts me.
I mean, I study it, it makes sense, I get a warm fuzzy feeling, but as soon as I try to implement what I've learnt, I am completely disarmed.
It's as though Obi-wan gave a lightsaber to Luke, and Jedi mind-tricked him into believing it actually had batteries. And then Luke goes on to fight Vader...hmmm..
[Do not ask me where that came from. It's appropriate..somehow...]
It's all about positive thinking, I know. I'm being positive when I do my study, but it's still a brick wall. I'm going to attend the maths support sessions here and see if someone can teach me some learnin' without being patronising...
Well. I hope I'll get at least one of those
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
'Parenting is a sometimes job'

Ah yes. If you're wondering about the source of today's quote, I suggest you head over to www.pvponline.com and read the newspost and a couple comics back. The cookie monster is going healthy..hmm...
We had General Conference last weekend, and I managed to see 3 out of five sessions I was able to attend. The priesthood session on Saturday night and the two Sunday sessions.
Definitely well worth it to experience the message and to hear from the the prophet and his counsellors.
I actually didn't see the Saturday sessions because I decided to be evil and do half of my maths assignment.
Study is sort of non-existant. I started believing I could study every night, but every time I look at my notes I think, 'meh. I know this.'
I'm such a bludgerrrr!
Also...still unemployed.
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
'She was as easy as the TV Guide crossword' -Metaphor found in a year 12 HSC essay

The amusing thing is that I was actually correct in stating that I wouldn't have enough time to make an entry. The truth is that I haven't made any time, and that's simply because I don't like the idea of frittering away countless hours in front of the computer.
But, thanks to Katy bugging me about it when we drove to Brisbane the other week, I felt I ought to get off my pompous perch and post a pickle of a point.
Well, not really a point...I just liked the way that sentence was going. lol.
For all intents and purposes, I'm loving university life. I was not much of a social creature in high school [though some may disagree], and I'm pretty much the same way now, lol.
I've found that by not having various associates during lectures, I actually learn more. Surprising, I know.
The opposite is true for tutorials and practicals. I have friends in all my subjects, but owing to the size of my lectures, and the various times people arrive, I've only been able to sit next to them once or twice. Tutorials, however, are much smaller groups for a reason, and I have a few good mates there.
To use a McDonalds trademark without permission, 'I'm lovin' it'
While I cannot sum up my current existance with the same amount of flowery words as Flynn, you know what I mean.
My living arrangements with my Aunt and Uncle are great, and the greatest blessing of all is my foray into the Young Single Adults and, in particular, Institute.
I knew it would be, but it's still a surprise to be a part of this whole new world for me. The YSA I've met are so openly strong in the church, that it's refreshing to have peers that can be so...well...open about it.
Back in Toowoomba, you knew the church was true, but none of the other youth said it, unless on special occaisions. Meanwhile down here, it's just a part of casual conversation, observations and that.
It isn't bragging, it's just a normal conversation, and it's really quite liberating.
One of these days I'll get my digital camera out and take some photos to post up here.
Right, well. I've submitted my first assignment to the online Psych site, and while I don't feel comfortable about the quality, at the same time I feel as though it's been written the right way.
Kind of odd really. I just started writing it up, and I knew to write it that way.
I guess we'll see if it was a folly or fantastic when I get the marks back in a couple of weeks.
The only downside is that I am still unemployed. This is my fault, and I'm not going into detail because I've walked that road before. Anyhow, I have three promising options cooking away, hopefully one of them will give me a ring.
Money is a big problem, even more so now, but when hasn't it been?
It's not strangling me, I'm not starving and [so far] it hasn't affected my education. I would appreciate having the prescribed $189 10th edition textbook for Chemistry, but I believe I can make it without it.
The proof is in the pudding, as they say.
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Friday, February 18, 2005
'They're there to eat people.' - Matthew Reilly, when asked about why he has scary creatures in his books.

That's it people, show's over. Get out of my house and leave my stuff behind. Unless of course you're heading for Brisbane. In that case, please drop my stuff off at 19 Staffordshire Cl Wishart QLD Australia 4122.
There's not much left to pack, as you can see I'm quite full up.
I swear I didn't steal those boxes from refugees

Though with this kind of packing, I must admit I look like one
That's it. That's everything. I've cleaned and moved everything off my account on this wonderful computer and onto a CD. The funny thing is, when I pressed the 'eject' button, the CD actually got ejected out of the computer. Usually it comes out halfway and you just grab the disc, this time it was spat out, and it rolled along the desk and away from the computer.
See? Even the computer is saying 'gettouttamyface. I don't want you stinky files heah no more!' [don't ask me why the G5 has an angry french accent].
SYF will come back. I may be home for a couple days in Easter, and if I'm able to [without double posting], I'll post. You'll get your ending, I promise. It'll just take a long time.
I was debating whether or not I should destroy the surprise ending by dropping the entire story here in one go in note form, but I was kidnapped yesterday and ended up playing pool at Louie's instead. lol.
It's probably good for our only die-hard fan out there, good for me too because I didn't want her to stab me over how cheap and nasty the story dump would have been.
I know I'm supposed to be deep and meaningful and thought provoking. I'm sorry about that, but I got nothing. lol.
It's killing me to know that I won't talk to such delightful people and be a part of their lives in such a small way. They know who they are, you know who you are. There are just too many to list and I don't want to risk missing anyone. Lets just face the fact that I'll miss my online family, all the people that make me laugh and smile. It may sound weird to some, but I did appreciate being able to make people smile when they're down, and to be able to entertain so many [yet so few ~_^].
Well, when I come home on the holidays [if I'm not working], you may get lucky and find me online. I'll throw off my big smoke sarcastic exterior, take off my beret and say hi. It'll be hard, but I'll try.
Anyhow. If you guys want to email me, do that as much as you like. Please keep in mind that I do prefer quality over quantity ~_^. I'm only using about 27mb of my 1000 from Gmail, so I should be able to receive them. You never know, if I have some bandwidth left over the day before it refreshes/expires, I may go crazy and read these little bytes of joy.
Just keep in mind, just because my online life is officially dead in a couple hours, don't mean I will be too.
Much love and thanks for everything. However brief our friendship, even if this is the first time you're reading this, I'm grateful to have had an impression on you, however slight.

I'm going to cherish this sunset
~Auctoritas, Lord Athen, silverstatuec2, liamc2, and finally Liam, have just gone offline
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
'There's a spoon in my ear!' [Dr Hobo]

Second last day before I move and find myself almost completely disconnected from the online community. I'm sorry, but it inspires a strong feeling of, well, relief.
I should probably do something special for my final post tomorrow, but I dunno. lol
I know I've said something along the lines of this before, but it's the end of an era. I will have internet access in Brisbane, but it will be only through the QUT Computer Labs, and use will be strictly for accessing my online QUT Virtual account. Technically I can use the internet there, the same way I do now, but with a limited free bandwidth, I don't want to risk going over my allotted amount.
Sorry guys. I wanted to finish SYF, but I failed. When I come home for holidays sometime I may attempt it again.
I have had some brilliant [if I do say so myself] ideas for Loaded, and it mainly involves some twists you won't expect, and some serious exciting action.
I'm just trying to find the right monster...but it's much more difficult than I thought.
Huh. Well, you get that I guess.
I was going to do a D&M post about why I want to join Doctors without Borders, but I've completely forgotten what I was going to say.
Pity really.
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
'..back to the corner where we went our seperate ways..' [The Wanderlust, FM]

Okay. It took me two hours, but my little white '90 Mazda 121 is clean. Seeing as it's the first time I've washed it, at all, that's pretty good.
I used the 'Polyglaze' car care kit mum and dad gave me for christmas, and the car has come up a treat.
Washed it with the wash gel, and then used the shammy to dry it. Sprayed on the tyre cleaning foam, and then used the car polish to polish every square inch of the metal exterior.
I can see my face in it. Literally. When the garage door is open, I can clearly see the reflection of the garage floor, the driveway and the garden.
But I am very pleased with the end result. It looks brand new and was well worth all the work.
...the Golf looks much better though. European styling and metallic paint tends to do that. I just washed it and used the shammy to dry it as well as the tyre thing, and it looks like we just bought it.
...it also took me 2 hours to clean it up, inside and out.
Dad's gunning for me to polish the Golf as well, but I'm not game. I'm also not crazy, the surface area of the Golf [while a small car] is, like, three times that of my little car.
I'll take a photo later and show off my handy work. Ahh, silky smooth finish. I'm good.
EDIT: It took me long enough [agh, hours. I've lost count], but I tracked down, through email and QUT Virtual, all of the lectures I need to attend this far.
There's still a couple subjects that I won't be able to get tutes for until the 28th, but thus far I've sorted out all of my lectures and such in Excel. Should they ever change, I can easily fix them.
Thus far, including pracs, lectures and tutes, I have a 16 hour week. My earliest lecture starts at 8am, and my latest finishes at 6pm. I have been lucky and have managed to avoid getting lumped with a 9pm finish.
*fingers crossed*
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Friday, February 11, 2005
'That's it, I'm going to live here and sell children guns.'

Huzzah! Loaded is finally back in my head, and its muse has stopped slacking off. The goodness is back, and I'm aiming to finish it and have it published by the end of the year.
..also I'm hoping it won't be a pipe dream, again. lol
Men in Hats is back online [yay!], but his posts are sporadic [awww]. Ah well, at least he's back.
Bad news is that Black Books has finished its 2pm Friday run, so that means Fridays are going to be a little slower.
Ah well, there's only one left before I move, which is quite scary. I've done the majority of my packing [books mainly and various little trinkets that I'll use for uni] and it all fits in one 'UN' box.
I've got plenty of junk, but I'm only taking a little so I have more room in my car and don't need to make many trips.
The sad thing is, even with the computer included, I'm hardly taking anything down at all. It's kind of funny when you go down to moving the bare essentials [not even that really] that you realise how little you really have to move in your life.
Ack. I really, really wish I had a job.
Thus far all of my lecturers [who seem to be pretty nice and not Mrs Ellyett-ish at all] have emailed me back and have explained my QUT timetables to me.
The online registration service is purely for allocating classes that we need to allocate. The reason why I appear to have so few lessons is because I have to attend the rest of the lectures and need not assign them.
There's still a lot of thinking behind sorting out a weekly timetable for myself, but at least I now understand what's going on, sorta.
Open day will hopefully be of an even bigger help ^_^
Yay, getting free stuff!
The good news about my computer is that it may possibly run better down in Brisbane. Dad has a theory that as the Highfields power is screwy, it's doing something to the computer, which explains why at certain times of the day it doesn't work.
There're supporting things to this theory [the fact that it was fried by a constant slightly-higher current a couple years ago]. Mainly our nextdoor neighbours having their washing machine fried, and all the lightbulbs in the house varying in degrees of brightness.
Personally I think its simply because last time everything on the computer was replaced, except for the video card. As I've been getting video errors and display errors, and because the card is 6 years old, it's simply over the hill.
We'll see I suppose.
But if it's crap, I'm going to have to stick with it.
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
'Yes, but just the driveshaft. The rest of the car is sold seperately, at a molecular level'

I was going to post something, but I've forgotten it. To sum up how I'm feeling;
Bored out of my skull because there's nothing to do here but watch really bad daytime television or sleep I really wish I had a good book to read right now
We already know that I still haven't got a job, and what that entails, so I'm not going to burden you with that again. The QUT timetables are still irking me, but I've emailed my lecturers so hopefully something will come of it.
Also I posted in SYF. Let there be feasting!
And, to finish this off, I have one of my favourite stories to stick in here, by the legendary J. Golden Kimball, President of the First Quorum of the Seventy in 1933.
It's a brief one, but those of you who aren't members are able to get the joke for this one.
"Brother Kimball, why don't you come to Logan and see us anymore?" President Romney of the Utah State Agricultural College once asked.
"Ah, hell, I've preached them all into the Celestial Kingdom enough times," Golden replied. "Now they can just go to hell if they want to."
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
Timetables suck

I'm serious, they do. I have attempted to decipher my class timetables and have discovered that I can't, because there's plenty of conflicting information.
Okay, I'm definitely moving to Brisbane on the 19th, thus assuring me to believe that I will be the last to move down there. My computer is still being useless, so I will have to rely on the tech labs at QUT.
I attempted to apply for a $2000 QUT education assistance scholarship, but apparently I'm not poor enough to receive it. I do come from a rural area [it's true, oddly enough], but I'm not eligible as I seem to belong to a grey area.
Ah well.
Until I figure out my timetable, I'm not going to find out what hours I can work.
I'll have to ring up student services, but I'm going to have to wait until the 14th. Some of the information there has mentioned that my online timetable will be active then, meanwhile the majority of other things are saying that it's available now [which it is]
Moving on to more aggravating things, I'm attempting to learn to juggle, and it's verging on an annoyance. [Wow, I'm starting to sound like Harley]
Practice makes perfect I guess.
Also, the Superbowl has to be the mos stupid thing I have ever seen. Since when did a game need that many players? Or that many coaches?
What on earth is going on?
No wonder no other country has adopted that sport. I mean, honestly.
Wow, I've really ragged america a lot recently.
Hey, does anyone remember that hilarious loss the American Eagles rugby team had in the world rugby tournament?
I was planning on putting in something inspirational today, but I'm too hot and frustrated to bother. *le sigh*
University was going to be fun, but so many annoyances have popped up
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