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Friday, January 7, 2005
'See if you can cut your way out of the digestive tract by the way of the wallet..'

My work on Loaded has been sporadic at best, and my parents are clamping down on my use of the internet. I'm trying hard to suck up as much bandwidth as I can before I have to kiss it all goodbye, but they don't like that.
Personally I'm getting sick of realising that it's 1pm when I started at 10am.
I should really take a break.
Anyhow, I posted one of zee items today, and found that Airmail was much cheaper than I expected, so it should arrive at Juu's how before the end of next week. As opposed to three months from now if I used seamail, lol.
Now all I have to do is organise the other one.
Excuse me while I go and sleep.
...I still haven't thought about SYF.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
'Taxes are used to buy cake to feed Tony Blairs! He needs his cake strength to fight the giant death-crow that threatens our shores!'
Ah Scary-go-round, utter hilarity. Okay, Juu wanted me to take some photos. So I took some...from the hard drive...and I'm putting them here.
56k, I feel for you. Press 'stop' now.
For once this holidays it actually rained really heavily, alleviating the heat and giving us some cool air and a breeze for the first time in what seems like weeks.
Dad has his shed now, and apparently Titan didn't do the guttering drainage because it's not part of the deal. Thusly we had to dig trenches and attach pvc pipe so it wouldn't flood, and so we'd meet council standards for drainage.
Yay! digging a trench is fun. We got absolutely soaked, but it was so warm that it was actually quite comfortable. Blair took some photos of us working out there, so here they are:

The backyard view from the back of the shed

Diggy diggy...

See? I'm there, using the implements of mass garden..ness..
I found a couple christmas shots as well, but this was the best. Christmas Eve, later in the evening:

Mmm, just some examples of what I was grazing on.

Boxing Day, when almost all the family came over. The guy about my age is tEh cousin, teh Basketball Brad
And finally, I found this excellent shot Blair took:

There we go, backyard shots, Christmas, family, sunset, me in a tight wet shirt, everything you could possibly want, lol.
Before I forget, Asphy propositioned me with the idea of posting an SYF discussion thread in the OB: Underground. I'm in two minds over the issue and I'd appreciate any advice on the matter of what to post in there.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
First the communist and now the terrorist...and we're still screaming at the wailing wall...
Welp, Ben has nicked off home again, after three days full of Timesplitters 2, DBZ Budokai 2, Colonization, Nerf Arena Blast [hey, I found the demo] and DVD's.
He brought over one of my favourite Terry Pratchett books, The Fifth Elephant, so I was reading that in between.
So much fun!
I swear I'll actually do work at Uni.
So yeah, yesterday was borange. Work, while short and far between, has been great, especially unexpected 1 and 1/2 times pay. I seem to have only 2 shifts a week, with maximum of 4 hours. I suppose I shouldn't complain, it's better than nothing, and it does give me more Loaded time.
Apologies of the short post, there isn't much to say. ^_^;
Harley Really? Now all I have to do is turn you into a uni bum that plays Halo all the time. Like me and Mark
arnica Correction, tresgeek
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
'Who wants a slice of rasin bread?'
Happy New Year and all that stuff. In the past few days I have succeeded in adding another 3-4000 words to Loaded, and have thought up some delicious plot developments. The story is only 25000 words or so, but that's almost half of the way there.
I finally managed to get myself a working version of Colonization [Legally, it's freeware or whatever now], only to discover that it was still installed on our '95 laptop.
Heh, small world.
The decent demo version of Daggerfall [around 56mb] installs, but refuses to work, and I'd love some help with that. As soon as it tries to run, I end up with, 'unexpected error 0 has occurred'
Don't you just hate that?
Also a couple days ago [I forgot to mention it in my previous post] I had a PC all-nighter with Ben at the Brasher's. There was only three of us, but it was excellent. Bismarck snubbed us for Ascension and 40 other players, but he regrets it now...
We played Farcry, Halo and Starwars: Battlefront. Ben and I attempted Battlefront 1942, but it sucked beyond belief.
..probably because we didn't know how to get the planes off the ground. Mind you, it was fun to blow them up while they were on the ground...
Halo was frustrating as it was the first game I played there, and had to get used to using the mouse. Not fun. I consistently came last. Then I started to get better. On the last three games we played, I found a Fuel Rod Cannon and the sniper rifle on Death Island.
Boy that was fun.
Farcry was excellent and definitely lived up to the hype in my eyes. Using a sniper rifle, where holding your breath increased the accuracy of your shot, was too good to be true. We made the mistake of selecting some of the giant maps and spent 3/4 of our time horribly lost in the woods.
Then we discovered a quaint little selection of tropical islands, complete with easy-access rocket launcher.
The game started off slow, but then I found the rockets and began swimming by myself, picking off the other two when they least suspected it. I love how you can duck under water and no-one can see you..bahaha...
Starwars Battlefront we easily played the most of, simply because it was fun! Ben shined the most at this game. Whenever we were put on opposite teams I could either never find him, or never put a scratch on him.
Oh! Unreal Tournament 2004. That was fun. Three of us playing invasion, fighting wave after wave of wee beasties. For some reason I was always the one who survived and had to bring them back.
Probably because I learnt that holding position was a stupid idea, and the best way to survive was doing laps to the health, shields and ammunition, and killing anything that got in the way.
They didn't think of that, and insisted that I was running away. To which my response was, 'well duh.' I ended up killing more of the beasts anyway, without the risk.
Ben's coming over to stay for a couple of days, so we'll be playing lots of Colonization, Morrowind and other things. It's a shame that Cameron isn't getting back until Monday night.
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
I am so incomprehensibly deep that I failed twice!
Hooray! The powers that be have deemed me unworthy of the possession of a Provisional licence!
That's right, I failed twice, thus breaking the folklore that the reason why you fail first time is because they automatically fail you.
This time it just means I suck, so hurrah!
The ironic thing is that if you combine both good halves of my tests, it'd count as a pass.
Not to mention the guy wasn't lenient [I knew he wouldn't be] but he was real nice about it. I suppose it counts for something. Something as in being allowed to keep my learners.
I mean, what the hell. The last guy said I drove perfectly well, the only problem I had was observation.
This guy said, and I quote, 'your gear changing is ragged,' 'your road position in two circumstances was out of whack.'
Well great, thanks, I love you too.
I didn't have a critical error this time, but I am moving around when it comes to non-critical errors. 3 more than the allowed limit.
Maybe next time I might not fail as much, because it seems I'm getting slightly better every time.
Hooray for Alan [referred to by a workmate as 'the Terminator'] and his failing of me, but being a really nice guy.
EDIT: I just paid yet another $37.25 for a practical driving test, bring up my total expenses to $111.75.
They guy behind the counter was good, when I asked to book another driving test he said, 'hey, everyone does better the second time round'
Me not being in the best of moods, said 'maybe it's the third time's a charm for me.'
He winced and pulled a face as much to say 'what? Since when did that happen?' and said, 'yeah, I had trouble getting mine too, it's worth it in the end though.'
My next test is the 17.01.05, and if I fail it then, I'm not going to Brisbane because I won't be able to book again until February/March.
Hooray for being inept and paying through the nose!
Dammit! That was my Uni/laptop/boarding money. It's just not fair!
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
'I'm sorry you use an inferior OS'
It's amazing. I really can't believe how close I am to really being on my own. I always looked at this day with confidence, and now trepidation clings to me with its binding claws.
I'm moving at the end of this month! I can't believe it.
Tomorrow I have my second attempt at my provisionals, and I'm nervous. Beyond that, but you know that already. If I don't get my P's before I go down, all this practice has gone to waste, including my car.
It's amazing, I stand at the edge of the cliff, and I no longer have the audacity to spit over the side.
Aunty Mary-anne is really nervous about me staying there. Before she was really excited but now she's worried she won't be able to do a good job. They don't have any kids, so she's worried she won't be a good mother.
She called Mum the other night, and Mum basically said all she needed to do was give me food to graze on and point me in the right direction.
I have more depth than that I swear.
Unfortunately she's still nervous, and decided that I'd stay there for three months, and if it didn't work out, we'd sort something else out.
And if it didn't, Bismarck offered for me to stay at his [very very nice] flat. The odd thing is that he didn't even know what I was doing for accommodation until he offered today. It'd be excellent to stay with and I'd be comfortable with it because I'm not in danger of being put in a situation where I'd be uncomfortable.
The thing is, I'm kind of hoping the thing with my family doesn't work out so I can stay with him.
I don't know, but the thought of staying there is even more hair raising, simply because I'll truly be living outside of my family's influence. Yikes, independence.
But it's just so exciting.
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Monday, December 27, 2004
'painted Jezebel! Whore of Babylon, the great deceiver and temptress!'
Trust me, the byline is very important. Unfortunately this is a flawed medium, so I can't mention the context. Oh if I had not frittered away my privacy..
Anyhow, driving test this Thursday, and I'm still freaking out.
You have no idea. Maybe my paranoia will help me, maybe the driving instructer will be lenient as it's my second go, or maybe I'll just completely lose my concentration and awareness at my first mistake, just like last time.
But there is a great weight of guilt off my shoulders now, and those in the know will understand what.
G'night. Now that Christmas is over, I'm back to normal hours again, thank goodness. Though I would appreciate more money and working flat out until I leave...
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
'...why did grandma give me a christmas tree pinata for my car?'
Grandma Cameron gave us this impressive present, a pinata shaped like a christmas tree, with presents stuck to it. My one had fallen off, so the tag stuck to the top was misleading.
'Dear Liam, I thought this might be helpful in the car, Love Grandma XO'
You can imagine the images conjured in my mind.
'the accident seemed to be cause by a young adolescent attempting to break open a Christmas tree pinata inside of his small Mazda 121 while doing 100kmph. Specialists expect that we may possibly retrieve half of the contents of the pinata. The same figures unfortunatley do not apply to the adolescent's internal organs...'
I did find the package later on, it was an excellent little first-aid kit...which might have come in handy if the previous speculation had come about..
Anyhow, my parents bought me some flash car care stuff, which is appropriate seeing as they bought me a car, lol. [not to mention a Colorado watch and a Roger David suit...]
The thing that really blew me away was Blair's gift. It was a wooden CD case with a slide lid, with the Triple J beat the drum logo on the lid, 'tripod,' on the front and 'Linkin Park' on the back. All of which had been done excellently and true to the actual cover/band font/style.
Inside the box was my very own shiny ball-point pen with my name engraved on it.
I was honestly surprised.
All I got him was Dragon Ball z Budokai 2, mind you he hasn't stopped playing it since 7:30, lol.
Phew. We had a couple of the missionaries over and Ellie and her two boys as well. We absolutely stuffed our faces. So full. Going to be sick. Ooo! Chips!
..that's basically how the day has gone for me, lol.
Also, a big apology to my postal receipients. Post is more expensive than I thought. I'm waiting for next pay before I even look at the prices again.
Phew. Really tired. We got up at 5:30am, and the Cameron family side are coming over tomorrow, yay!
*plays Greenday Single*
Also I'll work on the post for SYF, you'll all be pleasantly surprised by the amount of stuff I've picked up while I've been working.
*evil cackle*
It's such a shame most [actually, all] of my writing time is spent on SYF now.
Ooo! Chips!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
'SEVEN Deadly Pirates, we're the SEVEN Deadly sins'

The above quote has been my MSN tagline for a while, and the appropriateness of the number rather tickles my fancy.
I received my OP 7 in the mail [Overall Position, 1 being the highest and 25 the lowest], which indicates I am in the top 30% of Australian year 12 students. It's not something to be sneezed at, and it can do the job.
It would have been excellent beyond belief if I got a five, but that's wishing for a bit too much.
But still, 7!
I think only one of my QTAC preferences needs to be changed, and I think the Medical Radiation Therapy preference doesn't have an OP score against it as is a new subject or something. Fingers crossed because that subject would make my day, even make my life.
Also, I received a QCS mark of A.
See? I knew I had some smartness somewhere.
Also, Harley needs to be congratulated. Storey just told me that Harley received an OP1, which is bloody excellent and is well deserved after all that effort he put into chem.
Just think, if my chem mark pulled up into a HA, I'd be into a 5.
Wait, let's not think.
Anyhow, 7!
I'm soooo 1337
EDIT: Could someone please point out to me the QTAC number to ring when you lose your QTAC application number? [this is the second time, curses]
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
'What am I supposed to say at this reuinion? Hey! I killed the President of Paraguay, how have you been these past years?' [Grosse Point Blank]
It's amazing what you find when you go rifling through your old folders. For instance, check out this beauty. Steve made this strip around the middle of the year.

So far Price has received his OP, but is yet to be run over by a bus. It has long been a running joke [since last year even] that Price will have worked so hard only to be lose it all because of being run over by a bus or truck or other form of transport.
I can't remember for the life of me why that it has always been Price that has been the butt of such jokes, but it's still hilarious.
I myself am yet to receive my OP as I bungled my QSA internet account [like many others] and have to wait for the post instead of accessing it online [like all the lucky ducks who made the changes in time].
I start work tomorrow at the precise time the post arrives, so I'll not find out what I got until Dad gives me the letter when he picks me up tomorrow.
I'm calm and collected on the outside, but I'm absolutely freaking out on the inside. I mean, this is the letter that ultimately influences what I'm going to do in the immediate and distant future.
The other thing really weighing down on me is that I have a letter from QUT [Queensland University of Technology] that guarantees a placement if I get an OP of 5.
More stress. I need to relax and realise it isn't the end, but it is difficult.
I posted in SYF for those intrepid fans out there. Aside from those in the RPG, it's mainly Mimmi, but it can't hurt to have some extra outside interest.
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