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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
Favorite Anime
To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Sunday, July 11, 2004
'I want to leave the jar people room now.'
Whoa, I am so incredibly tired. The problem is that I can't sleep in. I'm the type of person that can't catch up on sleep by sleeping in.
The latest I slept in on Sunday was 9:30, and I only got up because I was lying there and thinking, '...I am really hungry. *sniffle* I mean, I'm really, really, really hungry...'
The Friday night ball was pretty good. Apart from the crappy music. You can only bear 'Superstar' so many times. I mean, I know you can't exactly 'dance' to Opeth, or Muse, but it'd be nice for us to have the chance to at least try.
I've had my fill of pop.
I spent most of the night talking to Brie. I was dragged away from a conversation inside by Jacinta [from my ward] and she pointed out Brie to me outside.
We talked, my cousin made goofy faces and 'thumbs up' symbols to me from the door. Brie's friends and sister made the way past, ['oh, so you're Liam.']
I wish I'd danced more, but you get that I guess.
Mind you, the dress standards were interesting. I mean, 'Priest and Laurel's Black Tie Ball' implies that you get dressed up, right?
About 3/4 of the people there were dressed in the evening-wear. However, there were various interpretations of 'black tie.'
A silver Eminen tracksuit, for example. T-shirts, mini-skirts, skate shoes and outfits, not to mention Ugg boots.
It's nice to be patriotic and all that, but seriously, ugg boots?
They weren't even the fancy dress Ugg boots, they were just the same old sheepskin wear-around-the-house ugg boots.
There were also various interpretations of the term 'modest' and 'church standard.'
Ah well. Aside from all that, the night was fun.
Next morning we had the Temple trip, and then we spent the rest of the day checking out Garden City [which is too big for it's own good].
Sunday. Whoo. Slept in [see previous definition of slept in], had a big fry up for brekky, and then went to Uncle Scott's so Dad could sign some more forms regarding Grandad's assets, and having them transferred to Grandma.
After that we went to church at Rochdale ward, and had one of the most bizarre experiences of the weekend. When Uncle Alex was trying to find where my Sunday school class was, one of the priests said, 'so you're 17? Find Mark Baker, you're in his class.'
'That's Mark down there, the tall guy.'
So that was kind of weird.
We left after class and drove to Brassal for the youth Standards Night fireside, which I had to conduct. Laudy laudy laudy, that was fun.
I basically announce who the next speaker was, next song and such. After my job was complete, and I announced the last segment of the fireside, I sat down.
I should've known better than relax. Stake President Pittman stood up for his talk and said, 'well Brother Cameron is sitting there now probably thinking his job is over, I'd just like him to know it isn't. Liam, would you like to stand next to me please?'
Apparently I looked like a hare caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.
So I stood next to him [about two inches taller], he put an arm on my shoulder and said, 'Liam, these people here have seen you suavely conduct this fireside, and they don't know anything more about you than your name. Tell them something for yourself, what are you doing right now?'
I grinned and leant sideways to the mic and said, 'Highschool, mostly.'
'Well, aside from that, what are you planning on doing tomorrow?'
'Sleep, a lot of it. It's been a long weekend.'
'I see, so what are you planning on doing next year?'
'University at UQ.'
I'd never seen so many people become actively interested in what I was saying. If the Rae girls looked up any faster, they'd have broken their necks.
'What are you planning on doing?'
'A bachelor of science degree in forensics.'
'Ah, a forensic. Hear that? Liam's going to be interested in dead people.'
He continued. 'What about a mission, Liam?'
'When my degree is over, yeah.'
Even more interest, lol.
'Well, does anyone besides me have any questions for Liam?'
Number one, a deacon in the second row: 'What do you want to do with the rest of your life?'
'Return to university and hopefully become a Radiologist.'
President Pittman: 'So what do they earn Liam?'
'Uh, iono, in the hundreds of thousands, something like that.'
Number Two: One of the girls from Somerset nudged her brother to ask this one.
'What does a radiologist do?'
'He's the guy that reads the charts after an X-ray and finds out what's wrong, basically.'
About six hands went up then, mostly from the other girls in Somerset, lol.
President Pittman, 'I'll protect you Liam. I think they're just picking on you now.
A few people looked rather disappointed.
Corey and Ben came up to me afterwards and said, 'President Pittman cut us off before we could ask our question!'
'Which was?'
'Well, we thought we'd help you by asking, "And what ward are you from exactly Liam?".'
Hopefully that's more than enough for you vultures. I'm going back down to Brisbane on Friday, driving all the way this time [I only drove from Gatton for this trip].
Dad's decided that when I get my P's and a car, that we'll drive down to Sydney and back, just for some practice, lol.
That's a 7 hour roadtrip, one way.
We both then decided that we'd drive even further, to Ulladulla, where my cousins live, and that we'd pick them up and take them home to stay with us over Christmas.
That's a 22 hour trip, there and back.
Can't wait. ^_^
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