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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
Favorite Anime
To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
'I had to stop by the cool weapons surplus to pick up a new num-chuck gun.'
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's a combination of not having enough time and that myO disliked me for a while. Stupid losing information.
It was the only thing open on my computer [yes yes, I was signed out of AIM, MSN and the like] and it froze up.
Our computer is getting old in opposed to sammiches.
Don't understand physics. Chemestry has finally descended to the level of 'utterly boring' and 'headachey goodness'
English is..
For crying out loud! Would you damnwell make your minds up?
The assignment was due this friday, I'd almost finished the stupid thing on Saturday. We were told it was a feature article focused on responding to a socio-political issue.
We received a few lessons worth of 'this is how you're meant to write it'
Today, three days before it's due, we're told, 'no, you're not supposed to do it like that at all. We held a meeting and changed it.'
What. The. Hell.
So now I have to re-write it as a bloody essay and comment on how it positions people.
And yet at the same time, I'm not to.
*stabs it*
I'd like to see them re-write an essay with the appropriate five resources and hypothesis in three days time, while having to worry about 4 other assignments.
Bleh. At least they gave us an extension until next Tuesday, grudgingly I might add.
Lucky for us our english teacher is actually half decent. She hates the new syllabus.
I'm thinking of getting a shirt printed that has, 'I survived the English syllabus and all I got was this lousy OP' across the front.
I talked to Mrs Jackson the other day about my new art project, and I ended up receiving the proverbial kick in the teeth when it comes to..well, you'll see.
I was talking to her about my idea for the 'Sublime' theme of this syllabus. It basically consists of a wooden box with 'Suggestions for the Sublime' across the front.
People write their suggestions and put them in, only to find them shredded by the paper shredder hidden inside of the box.
lol, I'm such a mean bitch.
..and I didn't type that or think that, I swear ~_^
Anyhow. She talked about my previous syllabus entrie, and told me that none of them resolved [which I have no idea what the hell she's on about. Quoth Michael, 'its just...just, resolved okay? You need to do that].
'Liam, you have some damn brilliant ideas, better than what I've seen, but you just don't resolve them. I mean, look at the last one. How would you put that in an art gallery?'
'...well, I'd move the boxes one by one and-'
*light slap to shoulder* 'They're just not resolved.'
'...' [What the hell is resolved?] 'Resolved..wha? So very confused.'
So basically, I'm brilliant, but I'm as thick as two bricks.
Whatever. This is the fifth subject this week that I have no idea what's going on.
Physics: All, Chem: Damn maths, Art: 'Resolve', Ancient: Finding a freaking hypothesis I can work, English: The changes to the assignment.
I'm so tired. Not physically, but mentally. I just want to curl up and play Morrowind until my eyes bleed. I'm that sick of homework.
At the moment, sitting and trying to give myself cancer with my mind, is more profitable in my eyes than bothering with the stupid questions she gave us.
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