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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Saturday, January 1, 2005
'Who wants a slice of rasin bread?'
Happy New Year and all that stuff. In the past few days I have succeeded in adding another 3-4000 words to Loaded, and have thought up some delicious plot developments. The story is only 25000 words or so, but that's almost half of the way there.
I finally managed to get myself a working version of Colonization [Legally, it's freeware or whatever now], only to discover that it was still installed on our '95 laptop.
Heh, small world.
The decent demo version of Daggerfall [around 56mb] installs, but refuses to work, and I'd love some help with that. As soon as it tries to run, I end up with, 'unexpected error 0 has occurred'
Don't you just hate that?
Also a couple days ago [I forgot to mention it in my previous post] I had a PC all-nighter with Ben at the Brasher's. There was only three of us, but it was excellent. Bismarck snubbed us for Ascension and 40 other players, but he regrets it now...
We played Farcry, Halo and Starwars: Battlefront. Ben and I attempted Battlefront 1942, but it sucked beyond belief.
..probably because we didn't know how to get the planes off the ground. Mind you, it was fun to blow them up while they were on the ground...
Halo was frustrating as it was the first game I played there, and had to get used to using the mouse. Not fun. I consistently came last. Then I started to get better. On the last three games we played, I found a Fuel Rod Cannon and the sniper rifle on Death Island.
Boy that was fun.
Farcry was excellent and definitely lived up to the hype in my eyes. Using a sniper rifle, where holding your breath increased the accuracy of your shot, was too good to be true. We made the mistake of selecting some of the giant maps and spent 3/4 of our time horribly lost in the woods.
Then we discovered a quaint little selection of tropical islands, complete with easy-access rocket launcher.
The game started off slow, but then I found the rockets and began swimming by myself, picking off the other two when they least suspected it. I love how you can duck under water and no-one can see you..bahaha...
Starwars Battlefront we easily played the most of, simply because it was fun! Ben shined the most at this game. Whenever we were put on opposite teams I could either never find him, or never put a scratch on him.
Oh! Unreal Tournament 2004. That was fun. Three of us playing invasion, fighting wave after wave of wee beasties. For some reason I was always the one who survived and had to bring them back.
Probably because I learnt that holding position was a stupid idea, and the best way to survive was doing laps to the health, shields and ammunition, and killing anything that got in the way.
They didn't think of that, and insisted that I was running away. To which my response was, 'well duh.' I ended up killing more of the beasts anyway, without the risk.
Ben's coming over to stay for a couple of days, so we'll be playing lots of Colonization, Morrowind and other things. It's a shame that Cameron isn't getting back until Monday night.
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