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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
'No, you don't understand, he actually took his car bungie jumping'
Last night's party was quite good. Brad had music, food, basketball and glowsticks. It was a really good night, I managed to stuff myself with Meatlovers pizza.
Brad has a phenomenal gift of winning free CD's over the radio, as such, he has a library of over 300 music CD's, and, not surprisingly, he hasn't listened to many of them. Unfortunately as they were won over commercial radio, he has mainly pop and RNB. However, he had won The Living End and Live, which surprised me.
[in a good way]
We sat outside, talked, ate and then went inside to watch The Singles Ward DVD. Ah, funny LDS humour goodness.
When that finished, we went outside and played force-em-backs with a glowstick, and it 'twas riotous good fun.
At least until my younger cousin started being an idiot and deliberately started aiming below the belt. Cameron is generally what one can easily classify as 'a fat idiot' and 'socially inept.' Even his brother, Brad doesn't like him.
Anyhow, he deliberately throws it, almost hits me in the 'nads and laughs his head off. I am very grateful for the ring on my finger, because if that little tube of plastic had hit my knuckles, it would really, really smart right now.
He cheers and whoops and laughs his head off, and dares anyone to try and hit him.
I should have let it go, but I said 'okay!'
..and sprinted up the backyard and tackled him to the ground.
*cough* >.>;
Okay, that's a white lie, he ducked and I hit the trampoline below the ribs.
Luckily enough the bar hit me in that sweet spot where it doesn't hurt and you don't feel a thing [no bruises this morning either], so I scrambled to my feet and grabbed him [still laughing his head off], lifted him off his feet and dropped him on his back.
To put it lightly, he was stunned. When I didn't apologise [as if I would], he turned on the waterworks and sniffled and hid behind the shed.
The cold-hearted beast that I am, I went back to the other side of the yard with the other guys, and Brad congratulated me on a nice tackle.
Corey and Ben complimented me as well and we continued tossing the glowstick to the girls and back again.
Just as Brad said to me, 'I'm really surprised, if I had done that to him, he'd go nuts and beat me up! I mean, he always beats me up!'
I laughed and said, 'he beats you up? You've got to be joking.'
Five/ten minutes later, Cam screams and comes charging down the grass, straight for me. I was surprised, and put one foot back, lowering my weight and leaning forward. Owing to his height, he hit me fair in the chest and bounced.
In that moment, I put my hands out and threw him to the ground. Not very nice, but a very fulfilling memory.
Y'see, for a while now I've really wanted to bounce that fat idiot for bad mouthing the rest of the family, and mainly just how he walks into grandma's and takes food out of her refridgerator. that was a sweet moment.
Okay, I had an unfair advantage of being 4-5 years older, and a good few feet taller, but still, I was quite guiltily impressed with myself.
Just quickly, I'm also really impressed with the amount of money that the Australian public donated during the world vision 'Reach out to Asia' concert thing that the three commercial stations put together.
In three hours, around AU$16 000 000 was raised. It's just amazing, it really is. $1 billion of the surplus tax revenue and then $16 million from the public and Australian companies.
I'm so proud ^_^
In final news, I have found my computer for university. It's cheaper than a laptop, smaller too, and it's an apple.
I give you the mac mini
Oh so good. I can keep the monitor from the HP and just use it. Including the bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse kit, it'll cost a little over $1000 after GST. Which is a saving of $600 from the iBook.
And if anyone insists that I should stick with a PC, don't was your breath, I'm not switching back.
Oh so good!
Just a heads up, tomorrow evening I [hopefully] will be crusing down to Brisbane to hang out at the Fabulous Baker Boys house. Mark has been playing Halo, so if Brisbane gets too boring, lol, we can practice being uni bums and play Halo a lot.
Agh, I almost forgot! At 12am tonight, the first round of course offers come through. OP's were important, but this is the most exciting part. I'll find out tonight whether or not QUT thinks I'm sassy enough to do their Radiotherapy course.
Wish me luck!
EDIT: I can't believe this! I can't believe it! My second preference was accepted! QUT made me the offer of my Bachelor of Biomedical Science degree!
I'm going to Uni!
*runs around like a madman and talks in caps*
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