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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
'It's like having a 14 year old installed on my computer.'

Right. It seems this PC of mine has stopped eating itself and spawning dark demons of lascivious desire. I know not why, but I want to kick the tempermental thing.
I'm not going to go into detail, but basically it was being a frozen asshat. Like an Inuit who steals fish from his neighbours and blames it on polar bears, only to be lost in a blizzard for his crimes.
I've enrolled in my subjects, and discovered that I will be spending just under AU$300 on one semester's worth of text books.
Also I have discovered that HECS may not be covering as much of my course fees as I would hope. From what I've gathered from the online booklet, HECS-help will only cover 20% of costs over $500.
That means I'll be paying AU$6400 a semester.
I can't even afford half of my textbooks.
Someone please tell me what the firetrucking owies is going on? My parents can't afford that.
EDIT: Aha!
Frankie – The Nerf-coated kitten of Bungie harmlessness. says:
another piece of the puzzle. The picture is clearer
Frankie – The Nerf-coated kitten of Bungie harmlessness. says:
You will also need to provide your TFN if you want to obtain a HECS-HELP loan if you fail to make a full up-front payment by the census date. If you do not provide your TFN and do not make a full up-front payment by the census date, your provider will cancel your enrolment. Your provider is authorised to retain your TFN information only for the purpose of reporting details of your HECS-HELP loan
Playing hurting games for fun says:
...I hope that makes sense to you. All I can make out is that it is possible for someone to give you money...
Frankie – The Nerf-coated kitten of Bungie harmlessness. says:
Okay okay. You put in your tax file number [TFN]
Playing hurting games for fun says:
Ah, that's what that is.
Frankie – The Nerf-coated kitten of Bungie harmlessness. says:
if you do not make a payment, because you've registered online as a commonwealth funded student, your Uni bitches to the government
Playing hurting games for fun says:
Of course.
Frankie – The Nerf-coated kitten of Bungie harmlessness. says:
the government throws money at the uni
Frankie – The Nerf-coated kitten of
Bungie harmlessness. says:
the uni, in turn, accepts the payment and spends it on child soldiers or something
Playing hurting games for fun says:
Of course.
Frankie – The Nerf-coated kitten of Bungie harmlessness. says:
the government then says, 'I saved your ass, but you'll have to pay this back in taxes. Suck it.'
Playing hurting games for fun says:
Playing hurting games for fun says:
I say we all move to Luxembourg after we finish our degrees, just to fuck over the ATO.
If you haven't guessed, the other guy in the convo is Harley
In closing, one of the options on my HECS application form: Obtain a HECS-HELP loan for ALL or PART of my student contribution amount.
It just goes to show, don't start looking up the possibilities of paying incomprehensibly large sums of money when you are
A: Very tired because of lack of sleep and working 5 and a 1/2 hours
B: Stressed about costs of textbooks
C: Knowing that your parents can't afford it.
Night all. I'm still ringing and double checking with QUT, but I'll be able to sleep.
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