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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Friday, February 11, 2005
'That's it, I'm going to live here and sell children guns.'

Huzzah! Loaded is finally back in my head, and its muse has stopped slacking off. The goodness is back, and I'm aiming to finish it and have it published by the end of the year.
..also I'm hoping it won't be a pipe dream, again. lol
Men in Hats is back online [yay!], but his posts are sporadic [awww]. Ah well, at least he's back.
Bad news is that Black Books has finished its 2pm Friday run, so that means Fridays are going to be a little slower.
Ah well, there's only one left before I move, which is quite scary. I've done the majority of my packing [books mainly and various little trinkets that I'll use for uni] and it all fits in one 'UN' box.
I've got plenty of junk, but I'm only taking a little so I have more room in my car and don't need to make many trips.
The sad thing is, even with the computer included, I'm hardly taking anything down at all. It's kind of funny when you go down to moving the bare essentials [not even that really] that you realise how little you really have to move in your life.
Ack. I really, really wish I had a job.
Thus far all of my lecturers [who seem to be pretty nice and not Mrs Ellyett-ish at all] have emailed me back and have explained my QUT timetables to me.
The online registration service is purely for allocating classes that we need to allocate. The reason why I appear to have so few lessons is because I have to attend the rest of the lectures and need not assign them.
There's still a lot of thinking behind sorting out a weekly timetable for myself, but at least I now understand what's going on, sorta.
Open day will hopefully be of an even bigger help ^_^
Yay, getting free stuff!
The good news about my computer is that it may possibly run better down in Brisbane. Dad has a theory that as the Highfields power is screwy, it's doing something to the computer, which explains why at certain times of the day it doesn't work.
There're supporting things to this theory [the fact that it was fried by a constant slightly-higher current a couple years ago]. Mainly our nextdoor neighbours having their washing machine fried, and all the lightbulbs in the house varying in degrees of brightness.
Personally I think its simply because last time everything on the computer was replaced, except for the video card. As I've been getting video errors and display errors, and because the card is 6 years old, it's simply over the hill.
We'll see I suppose.
But if it's crap, I'm going to have to stick with it.
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