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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Saturday, April 30, 2005
'Riiight. This is coming from the guy in the tiger suit.' [Apple Geeks]

Home for the weekeend. It's great to have an excuse to do nothing. I have assessment, yes, but nothing is currently pressing.
I enjoyed the "Sherwoodstock" musical last night, and am quite proud of my little brother's involvement. Sure he has work to do, but he's only in year nine. As we were coming back home after the performance, we were talking about the musical and his role. He thanked me for pressuring him into the musical in the first place, and I simply told him that the musical gets so much better when it's your last one.
So yes, I enjoyed the musical, though the entire musical was carried on the back of the camp Sherriff of Nottingham. Let's not forget that some parts of it didn't make any sense, but that's purely the script's fault. The students gave it their all, and they deserve all the acclamations they can get.
Mind you, I felt incredibly old while I was waiting for Blair to finish up in the after party. Teen spirit is such a stupid thing when you watch it from a third person view. lol.
I now know what it feels like to be my parents.
I was just honestly surprised at how the year 11's [12's now] and other grades came rushing up to meet us. I mean, when the past years students came to our musicals, I didn't have the same sort of reaction as I was only merely acquainted with them.
I guess it shows the semi-influence that we, as a year group, had upon them. Warm and fuzzy feelings for all.
I was still taken by surprise when Karina ran up and pretty much tackle hugged me. ^_^;
Ah well. The worst part of it all is that the night had to end. It would have been great to spend more time, but I didn't feel comfortable being there and, since everyone from my group had nicked off to Jeorge's by then, I felt it appropriate to usher Blair to the car and home again.
I really am proud and pleased of them.
MInd you, Katy was still nuts for accepting the job as production coordinator or whatever. Completely nuts, but she seemed to handle it beautifully.
The Peace slogans written all over her face were a nice touch.
Anyhow, I wake up this morning to find that half of the clothes I had packed are now gone. Only underwear and a singlet remains. Obviously more clothes than I had expected had been sucked out of the car.
Not making any sense?
Well, after I had dropped Prowse at his house when we first got to Toowoomba from Brisbane, I didn't check to see if my hatchback's hatch was properly closed. [Sometimes the catch doesn't lock].
Basically I got to my driveway [after cruising at 100k's an hour on the New England Highway], to hear the hissing of the hatch gas struts lifting my boot open.
Not cool.
So I had taken a cursory glance and believed I had only lost a shirt and a pair of socks. My new jeans were still there, and my suit was safely inside the car itself, no harm done.
...turns out I've probably lost two more shirts and two pairs of shorts.
I'm hoping I actually forgot to pack them, because if not, my small wardrobe has become even smaller.
It's actually quite funny because I opted to use my O-week guildbag [which is essentially an upper market shopping bag], instead of my bulky travelling back.
At this point I have to wonder if I had went with the proper bag, would I have lost all, or none?
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