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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Monday, January 26, 2004
I smiled weakly at the man. It was, after all, the first time I had ever been given the excrement of a jungle animal as a token of appreciation. Temple
Great, Emu Gulley tomorrow. I mean, it's not as though I'm going to hate it, I actually might enjoy it, it's just the possibility that I'm going to hate it, just only later.
Ah well, iono, it should be fun. With all the mud and the running and the jumping and the crawling and the being forced to do stuff.
After all, if we're going to spend 14, hours or so there, it has to be good.
What else?
Umm..raked the yard...umm...went to a Seminary thing which, apart from the fun in between, really sucked.
[I mean, c'mon, I've seen both the movies before, and the latter only a couple days ago. Oh yeah, the movies? Legally Blonde and Legally Blonde Two]
If I had stayed home, I would not have missed out on yet another X-box Link-up
I've only been to one, and it was alright. I've missed out on four others because I was out.
Today was the fourth.
My loyalty to my Seminary class sometimes galls me.
Ah well, there's always next time, isn't there? wait, there isn't. School starts tomorrow...irony or something like it, eh?
There is a glimmer on the horizon, cloricus informed me that he's thinking of setting up a 'box lan, some serious goodness going on there.
The idea of 25 people duking it out in Blood Gulch just makes me want to salivate, lol. would be able to get any guns...hee...^_^
Team Slayer would be awesome too, you'd be able to fill up all the vehicles, no probs.
So so very good...x.x;
Anyhow, before I went off to gaming la-la land, what was I rambling about? *scrolls up* That's right, school and seminary.
With Dad now back at Uni, he'll have to get up early to travel down and arrive on time. Now, from a non-seminary student outlook, that doesn't matter, the bus is cool.
Not for me, I have seminary [which is the highlight of my school day, second of course to my lessons, I That's right, you read this now, don't you?] and with it starting at 7am, Mum can usually just drop me off on her way to work and I can hitch a ride with Sis. Antuar.
With Dad going in early, I get dropped off, at the latest, at 6:30 in the morning.
Much being early and having nothing to do.
Basically it means I have to get up around 5, [because if I get up at 5:30 I'll be half asleep still at 6, big no-no if you're in a hurry]. I'm going to have to fight for the shower, and my conciousness.
Ah well, it's all part of last-year hectic lifestyle, I guess.
Ooo! Ooo! [I can't believe I just said that, lol]
This April, TFY is back on!
Mmmm...seriously good stuff. It's on every three years, so this is my last one, or my second last one, whatever, depends if I'm 19 or 18 in the last year. [and 19 year-olds can be counsellors, which would be awesome].
I'm looking forward too it, I mean now that we have so many more youth now that are over 14, I'll actually have people from my own ward to talk to.
Last time I was kind of thrown out there by myself, which was cool [but I was not, lol. Go the geekiness ~_^], but it kind of sucked.
This time now, I'm a heckuva lot more confident, so I won't be sitting around and hiding in my bucket hat, avoiding people.
I wasted too much time at the last TFY with getting confident enough to approach people, this time I'm just going to be me.
[Is it just me or does no-one pay attention to the long entries, lol]
Ah well, tea's almost ready and I've got to start getting stuff ready for tomorrow.
Oh and I'm sorry Britty, but apparently I just missed catching you by half an hour.
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