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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Monday, May 30, 2005
'Whut? Eh! Damn straight! ...whut?' -[Truckle from 'Interesting times' by Terry Pratchett]

Wow, talk about an exciting weekend. A few weeks ago, Mark and Lauren rang me about my birthday [which, being so swept up in assignments, I had completely forgotten about], and to organise a party full of 'alcohol free fun, 7up and viking bars. And possibly hats?'
Well, that day was last Saturday, which was coincidentally my birthday. I have to go on record and say that it was, and will be, the best 18th birthday party, ever.
That's right, the 'ever' is in bold. Bold like my statement, which is also bold.
Anyhow, we frittered away the hours playing a multiple of sports, all rather badly, entertaining ourselves as much as we entertained the old man watching us. It's surprising how much football one can play while supposedly being a fielder for cricket.
Anyhow, Flynn has already mentioned the drunken lout that was intent on picking a fight, so I'll speak no more of him, simply because the weekend's goodness simply washes him away.
So yes, there was cheesecake [with my name written on the top in chocolate] goodness and lots of fun. After cheesecake and some hasty last minute arranging while I was being 'cleverly' distracted, the presents came out.
Mark, on behalf of the group, gave me a card and two very nice albums Evermore: dreams and The Killers: Hot Fuss. I have been wanting these for a while, so I was quite surprised that they remembered.
As I thanked, I noticed a change in the group, a quick flurry of knowing smiles that often pre-empt the unveiling of an inside joke.
Quoth Mark 'You didn't think we'd be that cheap, did you?'
Obviously there is nothing one can reply to that, so I sort of stood while they laughed, and someone [I believe Kauter] ripped out a box from under the table and slammed it on top of it.
Mentally I freaked out, but I'm externally stoic automatically when I have no way of reacting.
A incredibly expensive Sanyo mini stereo sat on the table. For me. On table. Expensive. Guh. Expennnnsiiiive. Guh. Mental breakdown.
I thanked everyone, and doing what any sane man would, opened the box with a plastic spoon so I could behold the majesty.
I still believe that it was an absurd amount of money. Absurd! Absolute insanity! But, as Mark explained, they had rung my parents to get an idea of what to get me, and apparently found out about my CD player [He didn't elaborate, but I can only assume what he was referring to]. So Lauren and Lydia decided on the beauty that woke me up this morning with Evermore's 'dreaming pt 1.'
The day was finished with a 4-5 hour game of Risk at Mark's. Lydia was kind enough to give me a lift home, and unfortunately her radiator started boiling as we were five minutes from my place. It managed make it there, but the gout of steam and roar of boiling water in the overflow tank decided it was best that she stay the night and let it cool so I could put some radiator coolant in [for some reason the tank had water in it, and was on the minimum].
She made it home alright, but the problem still occurred as she got home. RACQ is apparently sorting it out now.
The surprises kept coming as my aunty gave me a 1.8m USB cable of all things, and a 256mb Pretec micro-flash drive. It's officially the smallest I've seen, and the 'smallest in the world.' It's incredibly helpful and has saved some serious stress over transporting assignments around.
Right. That's enough explaining. I have a stats assignment to do!
...still an obsecene amount of money.
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