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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Thursday, February 5, 2004
'Yes, but is it Desbreakfast?
Wow. The year 11 boys in choir are really, really anally retentive. Oh, and they're overdrawn on their testosterone levels for acting 'macho' all the time.
Last year, when they were in year 10, they were really great guys and easy to get along with. They did incredibly well for the musical and were easy to joke around with.
Today though, apart from the groupies, they were seriously creepy.
Sean Cleary, for instance.
A basic gestural assumption of his actions entails me shying away while shielding my face.
When I stole Dave's lamington and sprinted through, ducking and weaving, Sean was just coming up the stairs [Dave reclaimed the lamington, but he gave it up eventually, just to let you know ~_^].
Later on, 'toldi was getting chased by Mark, or Dave, or whoever, and Sean threw the biggest wobbly I've ever seen.
'WHAT THE HELL do you THINK you're doing! You're the leaders of the school. You're MEANT to be an example!'
It was almost comical, except for the fact he was serious. It probably didn't help that after he stalked away, and back again, I asked;
'Sean, are you joking around, or being a psycho?'
Mark said something [which I can't remember x.X;] and then I mused and said, '...actually it's probably a bit of both...'
Sean huffed and stalked off, and proceeded to sulk the rest of practice. Once inside, however, Squeak [nickname] and Gearon [Real last name, however it's spelt] were incredibly testy the whole way through.
I mean, you hear of the lore of 'that time of the month' and see it over-exaggerated on television, but I think we have a male counterpart on hand here.
I mean, they just set themselves off at us.
Squeak said, in his usual 'this is a friendly pay out' type of voice, 'yeah, sit next to Gearon, he's the best singer out of us all.'
And a few of us snorted, only to find both of them glaring at us and Squeak said in a snide tone, 'where's the leadership in that?'
Mark turned to me and said, '...somehow I don't think he was joking...'
Eh, well Sean sulked most of the day, Squeak and Gearon were antisocial, before and after, and the male seniors and I were incredibly confused.
Meh, I guess it's just one of those things. Their balls probably dropped and they haven't quite recovered from it yet...
There is one thing I do want to say to Sean, even though he'll most probably never read it.
Sean, now don't me wrong now, you do have an amazing voice. Last year you held down a lead role in the musical and did it beautifully. You lead the singing in the mass, you play an awesome french horn [especially in the 'Gladiator' song bit ^______^] and you basically wow me with your musical talent.
Quite obviously, the only thing I hold over you is the fact I'm a year older than you, and in my last year of highschool.
Which isn't anything really to crow about, seeing as I only have those things because I inherited them before you.
There is something important I need to tell you though. If you don't stop being such an anal-retentive git, and pull your head out of your backside, you're going to trip over your own self-righteous attitude.
And no-one will give a dead rat.
Moving on, here's the quote;
A Judge's Lecture
Recently a seventeen year old in Florida pleaded guilty to posessing hallucinogenic drugs. He had also been charged with violence toward a Miami beach police officer.
Judge Alfonso Sepe sentence the youth to one year in the County Stockade and four years probation. The comments of the Judge so impressed me that I ordered the transcript from the Court Report sp that O may read it to my own children.
Judge Sepe spoke directly to the youth and said, 'Do you know who is going to serve that year? Not you; your mother and father will serve that year.
'That is what's wrong. THEY get sentenced. They get sentenced for a lifetime.
'You serve a year. Your body is in the stockade for a year, but their souls are tormented for a lifetime. Why? Because you're a selfish, spoiled boy, that's why.
'There is no punishment in the world that I could inflict upon you that could in any way compensate for what you are doing to your mother and father. I have not spent five cents raising you. I didn't know you from Adam. But your mother and father have put their lives, their hearts, their sweat, their money and everything else they have into bringing you up. And now they have to sit in this courtroom and listen to a total stranger who had nothing to do with your upbringing scold you and put you in jail.
'This is at a time when phony kids your age are yelling, 'You adults have your alcohol, we want our drugs; you have polluted our water and our air, you have polluted this and that,' and all the rest of the garbage that comes out of your mouths.
'Meanwhile, you put yourselves above everybody else. I feel sorry for you.
'I want you to think of this for one year, and reason why I say it:
'If you are sick, a doctor with treat you and he won't be on drugs. The lawyer who represents you won't be on drugs, and the people in whose custody you'll be won't be on drugs.
'Your astronauts are not on drugs, and your President is not, and your legislators are not.
'And your engineers who build the bridges that you drive across and the tunnels you drive through are not on drugs, and those who build the planes you fly in and the cars you drive are not.
'Neither are those who build the bathroom that stink up with your lousy, rotten drugs.
'None of them have been on drugs, and this is because of people like your mother and father.
'But in the world of the future,' Sepe went on, 'the same may not be true. Teachers, doctors, lawyers, legislators -- products of the new drug-orientated generation -- may well be high as kites.
'You won't know whom to send your child to, or whom to trust your life to.'
Sepe sighed and closed the file.
'Let's see the world you leave to your children,' he said, 'before you talk about the world that we left to ours.'
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