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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
'Want to come play Quidditch? We're playing double-blind indoor Australian rules...' [something to that affect MacHall comics]

Terribly, terribly sorry folks. I've been rather busy, and I haven't bothered to post here. Bad Liam. [he basically wears leather hot pants and carries a trident]
I have a job now, currently under a trial period, and I believe I'm doing well. I'm as yet to find out how much I earn, but I'm just grateful for the opportunity to work.
I finally managed to get a text book [just in time for the exam next monday...better late then never], though I haven't had the chance to properly study it.
My Monday and Tuesday schedules are killing me, but I'm performing better than I did in first semester, which is good.
My physics marks [brace yourselves] are quite high. I'm currently sitting on about 80% from what I've been graded on so far. I've had an exam and 3 pracs, all of which I did well on.
I have another exam next Tuesday, which I need to restudy some concepts for, but I should be right.
Human Anatomy is excellent. I'm learning heaps and I'm surprised at how much I retain when I do the practice prac exams.
Chemistry is an eyesore, but it's organic chem and study shall see me through.
I'm starting to slow up from mental and physical exhaustion, but spirits are high.
I'm quite pleased that I've managed to maintain a standard, however, despite my two 16 hout days.
Now that I'm employed, I'm keen on getting a debit card so I can buy some things online [t-shirts from favourite comics, etc]. The sooner I get, one the better.
Aaron Farber [MiH genius], has decided to stop creating the comic as he has lost his mojo for it. Old news according to the site, but new to me. This means that I may have lost my opportunity to purchase the Aram 'The knowledge you exist is a burden on my soul' shirt, but the store on it is still active.
Hopefully there will still be stock there when I finally get paid and have a debit [and Paypal] account.
The NOISE competition is due in on August 30, I've known for months now, but I completely forgot. So I now have 2 days to write three 3000 word stories and to post them to Canberra, and study for 5 examinations.
Through sheer absentmindedness, I've lost an opportunity to truly express myself and become an acclaimed and awarded young author like our dear Asphy.
SYF is on hiatus, possibly till christmas. Like Aaron, I've lost my mojo. I'm sorry, but all of my attempts to write updates have been flawed, so I'm not going to burden you with them until I have a clear head.
Yes yes, I know this is a rushed and breathless summary, but at least you have some love! from me ^_^
And Mimmi, I will post to you! Will!. I'm working on something fantastilogical just for you.
...well, sort of. It's half done and waiting for the rest.
I'd make a terrible surgeon.
So yes, life is good. I have a mohawk, contacts, and a 30cm giant freddo frog.
I'm also terribly lonely in my downtime, which is an indication that I need to keep myself busy.
Right. Aaaand, done.
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