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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Monday, September 5, 2005
'Hows about you and me get together and haul some keel?' [Pirate pick up line]

EDIT: Curses. I be having wages, but I know not which to spend them on! I have narrowed down the canditates to two luvverly shirts. The question is, which one?
Shall I go with the forever wanted Men In Hats Aram "The knowledge you exist is a burden on my soul," or the Whiteninja "Pirate Juice, the ultimate refreshment" [] ?
Curses. I'm torn between the two. The white ninja one be more pretty [and relevant] but the MiH one is a sum of 3 years of highschool hilarity. Not to mention the comic is now over. Agh.
Help? [and soon!]
[Resume normal transmission]
Arr, it be nearing that time of the year again! There be a soft shivering of timbers and an irresistble urge to be lascivious and laudy!
That's right, this September the 19th is Talk like a Pirate Day
Prepare ye'selves for boarding? [Womenfolk that is] You'd better!
Anyhow, I've completed 4/5 of my midsemester tests, and my fifth is this evening. I should be studying but my brain is mush and I've been wanting to wax philosophical with ye landlubbers.
Ahem, sorry, a bit of the pirate sneaking back in.
I've been contemplating my spending of time and money and have discovered for myself what I've been taught for years. I've been taught that the most fulfilling thing in life is gaining of the eternal knowledge. You know, spiritual subjects as well as educational.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd rather spend my time reading, watching TV or playing a good video game, but I feel so much more enlightened when I stick to the first two. I feel so much better after unravelling the mysteries of the universe than after watching Star Gate.
Of course, I absolutely love that show and I'm ticked at where the season finished for this year, but I feel like I could have used that time better.
You may well be. This line of babble makes sense to me and it most certainly may not be clear to you.
What I'm trying to say is, the pursuit of knowledge is starting to become more of a current thing for me. I start to feel a guilt, no. Wrong choice of word. I'm starting to feel a longing for my Book of Mormon or uni study notes after I watched tv or played a game on the computer.
I'm actually repulsed by the prospect of playing anything on my computer. I'm abhorring the very notion of wasting more than an hour of my time on mere video games.
..and yet I want to waste my next few paychecks on a PSP.
It's quite scary.
The Liam you know and love is being torn in half.
I'll still be a uni bum and verify this through laziness and computer games, but I'll wish I'd used that time better.
I long to have the mysteries of the modern and ancient worlds working happily in my mind. In fact, I delight in the simple process of mRNA translation ticking quietly over in my mind.
Am I prematurely aging, or am I simply being opened up early to the truth before my time?
More than anything, I have an unslakeable thirst to improve myself. It's been growing all year, but my personal [incredible] progress in physics has pushed me. Currently in the institute lounge we're studying the Parables that Jesus taught in his time on the earth and the one that has really stuck in my mind is the parable(s) of the ten talents.
You know the one where the lord gave the servants in his house one talent each, and all of them gave back to him more than they received, bar one?
I'm starting to wish to prove myself so that when the time comes and I stand before the Lord, I can say 'I improved myself. I inspired and entertained others through my literature, I helped heal people through the use of science and psychology. I devoted myself to others.'
I guess I just want to return with a profit of talents, but I also want to help others do the same.
I've been told I'd make a great doctor, but I'm only as good as my education. I've been lax in it last semester, but I've thrown myself in in this one.
Quite proud of myself.
More than anything [I've said that line before, yes, shut up], I want to go on my mission. I want to give my time and be sent to serve, to proselyte and to serve.
I don't care whether it's to Vladivostok or Sydney, I'd just be grateful to go. People come back different. They have a glow, a resolve you can bend a bar on. More than anything they come back with an incredible maturity within the gospel and without.
They seem so much older, older than they years. I've been told that I'm like that, Brie frequently told me how I was such an inspiration to her, that she couldn't understand how I could be so strong and fervent in my faith.
I'm not so sure now, after we broke up [badly, I might add], she dropped out of sight, completely. When I moved here I saw her at institute and she always seemed to be pernamently affixed to a different boy.
...and she always dragged me over.
Attempts to make me jealous or compensate, I don't know. In hindsight, she did seem to be living on my testimony of the gospel.
Now I've been told by one of her old friends [now a good friend of mine] that she's dropped out of church completely, and quote 'gone weird.'
*sigh* Once again I feel as though it was my rejection that led her down this path.
I'm sorry, I've left on a tangeant.
Right. Anyhow. Yes.
Also, I've made note to never go to another party involving my friends and alcohol. It's incredibly depressing.
Incredibly depressing.
I must have looked it too because people kept coming up and asking if I was okay. I mean, the first hour was fine, but then it just went downhill.
I don't like being there because I feel like an outcast. I'm definitely a concientious objector at the parties and I feel like an idiot. I don't like seeing my friends at their worst. My mere presence screams 'don't do that, you'll regret it,' and I've lost count of the amount of times I've stopped myself from warning against something or other.
Ugh. It's heartbreaking too. Absolutely heartbreaking. I shouldn't go. Several people had a pernament pained expression on them when they asked about me or apologising for this not being 'your kind of party.' People being sick seem to gravitate to me and apologise.
It's just a big mess and I'm not getting involved in it anymore. Seeing my friends again is an incredible rush, but seeing them drinking just kills me.
Right, that's out of me.
I ordered Dad's father's day present the other day [finally] and it should arrive 2 weeks late.
That's okay, it'll be worth the wait. It's the t-shirt 'Chewy is my Co-pilot.' Dad saw it over my shoulder and couldn't stop laughing, so I decided to get it for him. I finally have a debit card so I now have a paypal account to do fun stuff with.
The Men-In-Hat's t-shirt shall be mine!
I finally managed to have a conversation with my Britty Kitty, and that's just made my day. It's been, what?, six months?
Anyhow, I need to end this before it gets too out of hand.
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