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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
Real Name
Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
Favorite Anime
To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Saturday, September 24, 2005
'Here, we have $30 in fifty, twenty and ten cent pieces. Please proceed to count it, I wish to make you suffer because I need optus credit.'
Yeah, the title is a reference to 4 people who showed up to the newsagency. I hadn't had a customer in half an hour and thought 'what the hell, why not' and was down to the last two dollars when 5 people showed up and wanted things.
I wish I had a camera, it was a helluva lot of shrapnel. Turns out that the guy worked at a barber shop or something and it was his share of the tip jar.
Fun fun fun.
lol, it actually was pretty funny. He hefted it up onto the counter is his hat.
Oh, in about a week's time, I will be wearing the equivalent of an PSP, and a game/accessories on my face.
How so, I hear you ask?
Let me explain. You see, I've been wearing my contacts more often than my glasses because my glasses aren't strong enough. Because of 3 13-16hour days each week, this is causing my contacts to deteriorate rather rapidly, not a good thing. This meant I needed to find the time to have my eyes tested.
I did that today, and thought 'hooray! New glasses! Must get some that accentuate my hotness/masculinity/ability to be accepted!'
I had $150 left on MBF and lots [see: all] optical places and optometrists are having $100 off glasses and lenses packages. I [see: foolishly] thought this was great, and proceeded to browse around with Lauren at the glasses available. We managed to find only one pair that were truly hot, and were different too.
Unfortunately they are $299, but take away $100 for the sale and $150 for MBF, that only leaves a $49 gap to pay, right?
Oh wait, don't forget the lenses.
Turns out that my eyes have decided that they dislike being able to see past my nose. One eye is now even more short sighted while my other is losing its love for the great outdoors. I've also developed stigmatism [see: an optometrist, I've no idea].
Basically, to put this numerically and make it easier for y'all:
Glasses: 299
= $49
Lenses [constructed of the finest non-reflective polycarbonate]
= +$279
Total [for Liam to pay]
I guess I should be grateful for MBF, but all the same, my wallet hurts. A lot.
Ah well. I'm working 29 hours next week [week off uni] instead of studying full time, and that will cover the cost entirely. I only have $228 left to pay [when I pick them up] because I had to pay a $100 deposit on them.
Thank goodness I'm a good boy with my money and have been saving hard. I will still have enough to pay my $250 or so of car rego in November, it just means that I'll be set back a few weeks for my car insurance in January.
Lets not forget christmas, but I'll work enough after uni to find some grease for those wheels.
Anyhow, the girl that assisted me [see: and how! ;p] did sum it all up rather nicely when she said, 'The extra cost will be worth it, cosmetically speaking. If you didn't have the micro thin polycarbonate lenses, you would have to have cokebottle lenses in your glasses. Which is, needless to say, not hot'
I'm a slave to making myself beautiful, baby.
I'll get a photo when the glasses are done.
If you'll excuse me, I'm sleepy.
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