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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Thursday, December 8, 2005
'No! Lu Bu has come to destroy us all!' [Infantry man in Dynasty Warriors 4]

Okay, Liam has been very bad and is sorry. Also Liam would appreciate if he weren't spanked and sent to the corner without dinner.
The TV made me slow! The TV set me up! Set me up!
Okay okay, I have a new RPG being prepared in the docks, being prepped for the pipeline. Bear with me, I'm having a scary amount of mental blocks and I'm unhappy with it. The original idea is very sound, but I'm having difficulties fleshing it out. Apparently being a necromancer is harder than I thought.
All my zombies want to be skeletons..
Anyhow, karma caught up with me as I managed to completely axe myself on the way home from work. At around 5, the sky was black. At 5:30 it just started bucketing down, and winds started blowing spray into our humble supanews shop.
Everything was drenched when I left, but the might of supanews does not shirk in the face of mere water!
So yes, when I finished at six, the roads weren't draining properly because of the sheer amount of wet. I managed to walk through it all with the careful amble that becomes ingrained in a man because of a boyhood spent in the harsh winters up in the hills of highfields.
Basically that is to say, I couldn't care less about the rain or getting wet because I was in my work clothes. Meanwhile, a lot of people were running around and clustering together like frightened school girls. I'd hate to see these people in the apocalypse.
The might of supanews fears nothing!
Back to my point.
As I was walking along, I came to this rather large intersection on Adelaid st. I was standing diagonally opposite to the covered walkway into the Central train station, and waited for the beginning of the phenomenon known as the "scatter crossing"
Around me, people tensed as one as the last vehicle stopped before the final red light, hailing the beginning of The Mad Dash.
I mused on the happy thoughts of the body free of employmental restrictions, and a warm fuzzy feeling enveloped me. The rain beat harsh against the pools of water that sat on the bitumen, reflecting the grey sky above.
The green man flashed. People dashed past me, barely giving me any warning to the danger of short people and umbrellas. Those little metal tips on the side of the open umbrella are not fun, especially when at my eye height.
Momentarily distracted by the assault of The Menacing Umbrella, I began to join my fellow pedestrians in their lunatic perambulations. I broke into a run, not wishing to be caught by the glare of the red flashing man, entirely forgetting the lack of grip that adorned the underside of my soles.
The sight of the bleeding sky is such a beautiful one, especially when one has been dealt a sudden shock.
Somehow, as I sidestepped out of the way of another deadly umbrella being weilded by an advancing couple, I managed to slip. My right knee and shoulder somehow hit the slick bitumen in quick succession, but my bag managed to land comfortably on my chest.
I remember a quick scream from the couple I avoided, though I do not know if it was from my fall or my original looming presence.
Somehow, I managed to land perfectly, as in I feel no aches nor pains now thanks to sheer luck or my quick reflexes. But I still remember the relief that came from that split second when I lay flat on the ground in that puddle, and looked up into that sky.
Then quick as a flash, I was on my feet and through the entrance as though nought had happened.
So yes. That's what happened today. That wasn't meant to be my feature narrative for this entry, but you get that. Besides, I thought it was hilarious that I slipped, and it serves me right for being in such a hurry for no reason. I should be kind of cut that no-one stopped to see if I was okay or whatever. Meh. That's life today.
Anyhow, double dosage. Here's SYF:
[Please enjoy. I do love to make you happy ^_^.]
Liam had been holding Rae now for several minutes, while still kneeling on the floor. His soldier sense was screaming and drumming a tattoo in his head, ordering him to resolve the situation. He had a squad member completely incapacitated psychologically, which was incredibly bad. He was frightened; Rae was essentially in a self-made coma and wasn’t going to come out of it any time soon.
Rae’s cold eyes looked up at him, through him, on to her own personal hell. Liam looked back at her, his face blank. She was shivering slightly so he awkwardly removed his bulky bullet proof suit coat and lay it over her, carefully tucking it underneath her.
“Now now Rae, we can’t have you catching a chill, can we?” He muttered wryly.
Rae’s expression didn’t change, but her arms shifted under the coat. Her arms clutched its comfortable weight with a fierce grip, pulling it closer around her.
Liam smiled to himself and patted her cheek softly with the palm of his hand. A split second later, he had it over her mouth and pinching her nose shut, effectively cutting off her air supply.
Silence reigned in the room for several seconds. Rae began to tense up, lungs screaming for air. Her eyes leapt back to focus and she began fighting for her life, arms flailing beneath the restricting coat. He legs were kicking, trying to throw herself away. Her head twisted and turned, trying to be free of Liam’s confident hand.
All the while, Liam smiled down at her. In one sweeping movement he freed her and hoisted her to her feet.
Rae flailed angrily, beating every inch of him she could reach. Liam grunted and gasped with every hit, while trying to avoid as many as he could. She was too close, too furious to hinder.
Then it was all gone. Rae stopped, and slapped him weakly across the face.
“Don’t ever do that again…” She said in a small voice.
“Same goes for you.” He replied, adjusting the jacket around her shoulders. Some part of him tapped into parental instincts and immediately set about tidying her up.
Rae shrugged him off and started trying to set her hair in order.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” She said, voice cracking.
“I’m not suggesting anything to the contrary.”
“But there will be a reckoning. You can’t just…” She paused, staring blankly at him. “You can’t just switch it off…”
Liam rolled up his sleeves and loosened his tie. “Sure I can. But just between you and me, I can really switch it back on if you like?” As he spoke, he took an over-exaggerated fighting stance, beckoning her slowly with his left hand.
Rae frowned and took a shuddering breath. She frowned at him, and with obvious self-control, shoved him gently on the shoulder.
“Silly.” She said, forcing a smile.
Liam put a gentle arm around her, cradling her close before leading her out of the room. He started silly games as they left, gently guiding her into the wall or playfully nudging her. Pretty soon, Rae’s humour was almost at acceptable levels. He didn’t know whether it was merely out of respect for him or if it actually had clicked her back into place, he was simply grateful for the outcome.
“Rae?” Liam asked quietly.
“Mm? Yes?” Rae replied, her voice still noticeably shaky.
“Please don’t do that again. Zharra would not let me hear the end of it if I had to go all sleeping beauty on you.”
There was something of a cross between a sneeze and a laugh, but there was definitely an honest giggle in there somewhere.
“Hey, what-!”
Liam and Rae froze, wincing as their earpieces went crazy. Liam pulled his out as his mind went into over-drive. That was Ryan’s voice! He was in trouble, but he didn’t give anything away. Also, he thought as he grabbed Rae’s arm and started to run, he heard the cry up ahead, through the doors that lead to the floor’s main foyer. He had possible seconds to get there to at least confirm the attacker or prevent a possible death.
There was the sound of a body collapsing to the floor. Liam positively broke the doors in as he barged his way through. He was reaching for the knife or his whip, but both were in the jacket that now hung loosely around Rae’s shoulders. His eyes sucked in the room.
Ryan, Eve, both down. Two suited security guards, both holding weapons. One had started raising his gun while the other was speaking into his radio. Liam’s head was pounding, and despite himself he was feeling groggy. Instinct jumped into the driver’s seat and he whisked Rae behind him, close behind his back to minimise the target.
There was the pounding silence, and then there was a hiss. Liam’s eyes widened as he realised his chest was protected by a tailored silk shirt and loose tie. He flinched instinctively as he felt two separate puncture wounds…and then he collapsed backwards, every nerve screaming pain as fifty thousand volts of electricity effectively switched him off.
“Liam…” Groaning. “Liam? Could you get off me please?” More groaning, louder this time.
Liam opened his eyes. He had gone from incredible pain to numbness, without stopping in between. His fingers were still twitching, and there was a strong aching pain in his chest. He rolled onto his stomach, trying to get onto his feet. He ignored Rae struggling out from underneath him.
“What…was that?” He grunted, putting a hand against the two puncture wounds. They weren’t bleeding too much, but they stung like the blazes.
“Air taser.” Rae said, standing up. “They-whoever they are- thought we were civilians and treated us accordingly.”
Liam groaned and remained on the ground. He couldn’t get the feeling out of his head, the feeling of being completely restrained. Nothing had responded to the orders that were screaming out of his head, he was perfectly frozen and then everything went black.
Something clicked in his head.
“Where’re the others?” He grunted.
Rae’s expression stiffened. “Bradley and Zharra are apparently keeping the big wigs distracted…don’t know what they’re doing but it’s keeping any inquisitive eyes from coming through that door.”
“Eve? Ryan?” Liam asked. Something was up, Mr-Delta-Force Ryan could have helped Rae in a heart-beat.
Rae looked over into the corner. She frowned and bit her lip before speaking, “Eve’s…having difficulties…”
A snide remark was hanging in the air, waiting to be spoken, but Liam ignored it and slowly struggled to his feet. It was definitely too soon to mock Rae about her episode, it certainly wouldn’t have given her something to laugh about. Come to think of it, he didn’t feel like laughing either. The taser had really shaken him up.
“What sort of difficulties?” He asked, but the answer was there as soon as he turned around.
Eve was huddled in the corner, two knives in her hands, one bloody and the other clean. Ryan was talking to her in a forced whisper, holding a wound in his arm and looking incredibly determined. Eve’s eyes were glassy, distant. She looked just like Rae, but there was something else there. The knives were a hint, for one. Eve had relapsed or wigged out, or something.
Liam started towards her, but Rae caught his arm.
“Are you insane?” She hissed, “you know how threatened she feels around you. She had only just got accustomed to being around you, you have no idea what’s going on in her head right now…”
Liam looked down at the two tiny holes in his shirt, noting they had stopped bleeding now. Wordlessly he took his jacket back from Rae and wrapped it around his shoulders, taking care to button it up tight. He searched the pockets and pulled out some black leather gloves, putting them on while staring at Eve and Ryan pensively.
“This has got to stop.” He said quietly. He brushed Rae aside and walked forward, pulling Ryan back and stopping directly in front of Eve.
Eve looked up at him, blank features boring straight through him. Seemingly by themselves, the knives shifted into a better position.
Despite himself, Liam was freaking out. Eve was deadly with those knives, and he was only wearing armour graded for low-calibre projectiles. Those stainless steel vipers could quite possibly cut through it like so much rice paper. It had gone through Ryan’s that easily, she must have gotten quite a good thrust in. Liam knew he couldn’t afford to take any chances. As he signalled Ryan behind his back to be ready, he took what he hoped wouldn’t be his last chance.
“Eve.” He said, staring coldly at her. “You’re coming with me, dead or alive. We have Hall, Eve.” Liam made a mental note to thank Bradley for that tiny piece of intel.
Eve’s eyes suddenly focused and she leapt, screaming, at him. Liam almost froze up, but his boot was already up and had kicked her in the stomach. Eve folded up and hit the ground. Within seconds, Liam had pinned her with his weight and both hands holding hers.
Eve struggled like a wild thing. He legs kicked and kicked him in the back, she screamed and screamed, crying at the same time. Meanwhile, Rae tactfully locked the doors shut.
“Anytime now, Ryan!” Liam shouted.
Eve had wormed an arm free, and it was now flailing wildly. Luckily she was stabbing blind, and had only just managed to slap the flat of the blade on his arm. Ryan rushed forward and prised the knife out of her other hand and quickly gained control of the other. With Liam’s help, he used a twist tie and had her arms bonded tightly behind her back.
Eve quietened instantly, sobbing quietly to herself.
Liam collapsed against the wall, feeling for the first time in years like doing the same himself. He was exhausted and he had to act as a psychiatrist, with a violent disposition, for two of his team mates. Rae was okay for now, even though she now looked horrified at what had just taken place, and Eve…well…it was quite possible that she may not be working with them soon.
“What are we going to do?” He said hoarsely, to no-one in particular.
There was silence, and then they could hear the tell-tale sirens of quickly arriving police. Liam dropped his head forward and climbed up again, picking Eve up by the elbow.
“Right. We have a incapacitated agent, a wounded agent, a quickly arriving police force and a room full of Brunei’s upper crust. Any ideas?”
Ryan winced, Rae was checking out his arm. “We need to find out who those guys are, they took Natasha. We walked in on the abduction, and it looks as though…well…she sort of went willingly with them. It’s weird, I know. She didn’t seem to want to go with them, but she did.” He smiled apologetically, “it sounds stupid, I know. But I have a gut feeling about this, sir.”
Liam noted the “sir.” But it was Rae who spoke.
“We have guns in the other room, sitting in the computer.” She finished tying something around Ryan’s arm. “We need to take those and leg it to the extraction point. That’s our only hope right now of finding out what’s going on.”
In the distance, Liam heard the explosion. It came from the general direction of their extraction point. Suddenly, with his heart dropping, he realised that their only hopes were starting to become very scarce indeed.
Sha-zam! Questions? Comments? Criticism?
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