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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Monday, December 12, 2005
Don't touch me, my Beta-strand Anthrexona(TM) is active

Today is a day of days, I have treats for all, for it is Christmas in two weeks [or there abouts] and I am your faithful Santa.
I have rather amusing excerpts of an absolutely inane [also insane] conversation I had with Flynn the other night. It basically consists of him running for Prime Minister of Australia, gene therapy, and Anthrax as a potent deoderant.
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
[..I had nothing else to go with. Cake is wearing off and sitting in a lump in my stomach..]
Harlequin says:
Sucking your creativity and/or soul into its vast spongy vacuum?
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
Harlequin says:
Well, I'm sure you can reabsorb it later in the digestive tract.
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
but it's quite possible that my body, feeling it has all the intellectual juices it needs, will simply not compact or convert it
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
wow, intellectual Diarrhoea
Harlequin says:
I think they have tablets for that kind of thing....
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
I can't believe I just pursued that line of thought
Harlequin says:
I can't believe you made that pun...
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
or managed to spell diarrhoea at this hour...
Ah yes. See? Bizarre.
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
...I still can't believe I used the knowledge I gained in LSB255 Anatomy for evil
Harlequin says:
It needs to be used for something, doesn't it? In fact, if you don't get all the use you can out of it, both good and evil, then it's not as fun.
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
We're going to make a pair of seriously twisted medical professionals, aren't we?
Harlequin says:
Oh, no doubt about it. But then, the normal avenues have been pretty well exhausted.
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
We have to wrangle it so we end up working in the same hospital
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
because that would be sweet
Harlequin says:
Hehehe. I'll probably spend most of my time doing research at UQ.
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
..then I will be forced to visit
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
and steal office supplies
[GB] I'm Australian for ass whuppin'! says:
and by "office supplies", I mean the beta strand of anthrax
Trust me, that idea gets further developed, hence this post's title.
Actually, I'll add them to other posts. I'll milk this content as much as possible, it's not as thought I have anything interesting to post about usually, lol.
The main porpoise of this post?
The main purpose is to introduce you to my new baby. Please don't crowd him, he needs air. After all, he was only just born and may need to grow a little. You know how it is ^_~

Peace Hangs Them
War makes thieves and peace hangs them. ~George Herbert
Source of the Force: The Humble Beginning
War is a constant threat in the proverbial melting pot of the world’s cultures. The need for resources; the need for insults to be avenged; or the need for “pre-emptive strikes” for the defence of liberty, all of these and more have resulted in conflict. Whether the war of words or to the extremity of shedding of blood, man has not been satisfied with the status quo. War has been a necessity for thousands of years, a tool in the hands of those in power. Armies have been massed and soldiers have been trained to do what they have to, in order to carry out their objectives.
In recent years, now that war is easily analysed, investigated and decried by the people, all out war has been all but banished in the first world. Instead, secret “snatch and grab” missions are utilised to the same end. Specially trained squads in various sections of the military are created and used to “resolve” situations out of the public eye. Rapid Response Recon units are situated all over the world, placed especially so they can be the first on scene. They have been sourced from all branches of the American Military for their superior skills and field experience.
Many members of 3R are battle-hardened veterans that are bred on their own love of country, with a side of love of money. However, there are a few members that have been accelerated straight from boot camp into the field for their promising aptitude for battle skills and weapon proficiency. They are a gamble on the government’s behalf, but nine times out of ten, they pay off. Those that do not are given the funeral they deserve, and are then never spoken of again.
Soldiers, once used to the art of combat in the field, are trained by their nation’s S.W.A.T. and N.S.A leaders to be the best of the best in the urban environment. A gruelling course is set up, taking the best of two years to complete. Their field experience is honed down to suit a claustrophobic environment and a political nightmare. Many are found wanting, and are simply shuffled across to their respective military special forces. The remainder are squeezed in the vice to a diamond-like quality and applied to the world.
Present Day:
The success of these units is second to none. Their ability to assess any situation and apply the correct amount of force has caused many a crisis to be avoided. All has been done outside of the public eye. The military heads have decided to expand the jurisdiction of the 3R from a defensive role to a more…aggressive one. Units that have been trained to resolve kidnappings and terrorist acts on foreign soil are now being fine tuned and engineered to commit these crimes, all in the name of “pre-emptive strikes.”
The units don’t care; it’s only a slight change of plan. Now they catch the bad guys before they commit the crimes, instead of cleaning up the mess they make. They have successfully eliminated a handful of terrorist sleeper cells and averted disaster. Working closely with the Central Intelligence Agency, they have kidnapped important faction leaders and delivered them to offshore interrogation facilities. Apart from occasional mishaps, the operations are seamless.
Each unit consists of five members, each a specialist in their field. One, the squad senior officer and operation master strategist. Two, the heavy weapons and demolitions officer. Three, the team sniper and communications officer. Four, the assassination and stealth expert. The fifth and final member of the squad is the medical officer. All members of the squads are briefed and debriefed on the nature of their mission by their senior officer, who has been in contact with their handler. At all times they are on call. While they are in an urban environment, untouched by war, they are on the same level of high alert suitable for a war situation.
They act like a sleeper cell, and as one they eliminate all possible threats for Uncle Sam. Industrial espionage, kidnapping, assassination and more, are their tools. Each squad acts independently of the other but, like in a wartime situation, they can call for reinforcements. That is their one advantage over their foe.
One squad in particular has far outshone the rest. They were recently sourced from a current war, taken from their position as a frontline Recon squad. Accolades of peers and officers have painted a powerful picture of their abilities, and their training officers have applauded their aptitude for an urban environment. They have bonded and become a close-knit group, with S.W.A.T. and military training now under their belts.
After several urban missions, the new “pre-emptive attack” legislation has been approved, and their senior officer has briefed them one last time. The next day, he is gone. They have been informed by their handler that he has been transferred. Also, against the normal “unofficial” procedure, they will not have any input on their new squad member, nor will their be able to recommend a new CO. In fact, their new senior officer isn’t whom they expected, or whom they wanted.
He is a civilian, and he is a thief.
He refers to himself simply as “Larce,” and will tell them exactly what they will be doing, and why it will be completely black book.
Rather nice? No? Never mind. If you enjoyed SYF, you may slide right in on this one. It's not reign as Liam is in SYF. I am aiming for a much more military way in this RPG. After all, these people have actually been through boot camp, chain of command is important to them. It's integral. The more astute of you [well, at least the ones that know me] will have divined that there will be a lot of conflict in this RPG. Not just the standard fare mindless violence, there will be inter-team angst and frustration because of Larce
Also this may offend you. My ability to insert plot twists has developed considerably since my original "Special Youth Force" days, and especially since my "Otakuboards Shipwrecked" days [Don't dig for it. It will scare you].
Note that I will be requesting a short narrative submission containing your character in a military situation. Exploit that backstory and impress me ^_^. You have time to get started, I will post this up in the Arena this saturday.
There will be adult content [minds out of gutter please, thank you] and ideas running through here. Topical stuff, really. I know shows such as 24 have diluted your minds, so you probably haven't got a shockable bone left in your body, but don't say you haven't been warned.
Please also keep in mind that this will rock your collective sock.
After all, this is being brought to you by the man that produced SYF: Garrotted Threats and who is still bringing you SYF: Aguila Del Desierto
[Hm, maybe I should have put that in caps in that banner and then put the title in tiny font along the bottom. Works for hollywood..]
Once again, I say: "Questions, comments, suggestions?"
[PS: Asphy has already taken the position of team sniper, and has the coveted bonus of being the only member of the team still in their twenties. The rest of the team are veterans, and as such are in their mid thirties. [note: at least in their mid thirties]
Yes, this is important for the plot]
HarleyYou know, I honestly can't believe I didn't think of that. That would have been freakin' awesome!
AsphyYou know you can't get enough of these blue pools ^_~. Also, you can call off the lynch mob, for I deliver.
MimmiI know, it's such a vice of mine. When I'm writing and get an idea in my head, I tend to stick with the same word. It's just the atmosphere that's pumping through my head as I write, so I keep up the pace more or less..
That's a dynamic I loved about SYF. Rae and Liam really gave a human side to the story, making it just a bit that more interesting. I'm hoping to keep up the tension in Peace Hangs Them.
Also, we totally need SYF t-shirts!
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