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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Sunday, January 1, 2006
It's very hard to be a camp lumberjack cum hairdresser named Sven, and vomit at the same time.
John: Actually, Vodafone has pretty cheap rates for internet. I've been downloading stuff and surfing the web a lot, and it still hasn't put much of a dint in my balance. Seriously, the only disposable income I have is the $100 I have left on my phone that I have to use by Monday.
I love the vodafone $49 cap so much. [$49=$230 to use in 1 month]
Flynn: We've already met and exchanged B.F.F. bracelets, I assure you. lol
James: Yeah, my internet seems to run around 56k in page loading times, but I think that's only because the phone lacks the processing power to load anything faster. I mean, I downloaded a 106kb photo my girlfriend emailed me in about 5 seconds, so it's quite fast when it wants to be.
My only problem with using the net on my phone is that I don't have a proper keyboard, hence the lack of html and proofreading in my last update, lol.
But yes, look into Vodafone for it =gooooood. [They should pay more for all the recommendations I've done for them ^_~]
Mimmi: Giraffes are cool, I even have a crazy toy one. I shall post a photo up of him sometime ^_^

I'm back! I'm sure you all missed me, deep down. The internet is apparently being stupid because the modem keeps overheating. I'm not surprised considering it's been hovering around 38-40 degrees.
But now it's cooled down and it's still being stupid.
*le sigh*
Anyhow, Christmas was rather good. Terribly exciting things happening and such. Importantly, there was a whole lot of delicious ham, which is a very integral part of a pirate's diet if you have read Daniel Defoe's PIRATES!: An adventure with scientists. My family loved their gifts, and I shall list them so:
Dad: a Shintaro 512mb USB flash drive [shockproof/waterproof/shatterproof]. You see, there's actually a story behind this crazy little gadget. When I was growing up [he still does it now] whenever Dad was throwing stuff for us to catch, he would cry "shintaro!" and throw it ninja style. Shintaro was apparently a B+W show about a ninja assassin named Shintaro [obviously] and was very popular with him.
As soon as I find the boxed DVD set, I shall have a birthday present for him.
Mum: Sufjan Stevens Illinoise album. It's exactly the type of music she loves, and she does love it. As soon as I heard the Chicago track being played on Triple J, I knew it would be perfect.
Which it is, because she loves it.
Ahem. Also I purchased The Silly Side of Sherlock Holmes from my favourite little book store, Pulp Fiction. It's a rather clever little book that is filled with original Sherlock Holmes illustrations, with even more original hilarious captions. Very amusing, and also well received.
Blair: Matthew Reilly's Hovercar Racer, because it's an awesome story. My parents love Matthew Reilly's books [oddly enough it was my mother that introduced me to Ice Station] and I figured it was a good idea to get Blair started on the goodness. Hovercar Racer doesn't have the..well, vulgar language that frequents his other books, and it's also deliberately written for a quasi-disney audience. Which is nice.
Karen: A Cutterfish shirt from, because it's just incredibly cool. She loves it, and that's fine by me ^_^. I also got her a Jack Skellington "Tall Mug" prior to Christmas, because I knew the shirt would arrive a couple days after. Anyhow, both were well received.
The blessings are in the giving, but the receiving is still quite nice, though rather materialistic.
Mum and Dad gave my brother and I 128mb Creative MuVo mp3 players, which I have fallen in love with. My thirst for an iPod, once satisfied with the presence of the radio on my phone, has began anew with me. You may not be too interested in an mp3 player before you have one, but as soon as one is given to you it becomes your world.
Also they gave me [as I mentioned before] C.S. Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters", which I'm currently making my way through now. It's a very good read, and I'd recommend it to anyone who plans on visiting their library or local bookstore sometime.
Blair [astute as ever] gave me a Gorillaz: Dare single and a The Killers: All These Things That I've Done single. Very nice. Both have now places on my MuVo.
Karen gave me the best gift a Pirate Captain could have, my very own pirate arm patch! It comes with a rather dashing Jolly Roger AND "Captain Liam" stitched in so those lazy deck swabs will know their place around me, lol. Also, she gave me Terry Pratchett's "The Wee Free Men", one of my personal favourites in the Discworld series.
Truly 'tis the season for giving!
I should probably mention the presents of socks and such, so there we go. Ah, relatives. Bizarrely enough [now that I'm an adult, I'm assuming] I received two boxes of shortbread. I don't know why.
I suppose it's a good thing though, I've been snacking on them since I got home on thursday. Stupid, STUPID, Supanews moved the payday from friday to this coming tuesday.
I have no money. At all.
I missed the friday pay day before Christmas because I left for home on the thursday, so I didn't receive money then. It didn't matter though, because I wrongly assumed I was getting paid the day after I arrived home. Guh!
Lucky for me I had the foresight to stock up on dry goods and such, so I'm not starving to death. However, instant noodles wash the goodness of the Christmas feasts straight out of my mind.
Oh how I long for some more of that delicious ham, complete with my mother's nana's secret ham dressing of delicious goodness.
Great. Now I'm hungry again. Blah.
So yes. Lots of good things happened on Christmas, but Supanews has really upset a lot of people over this pay thing. I'm not the only person who got a rude shock when they got back from holidays.
Anyhow, I have some photos of the rockclimbing exploits we got up to. Blair is incredibly good at it, looks like he's found his niche in the sporting world. One of his time trials for one of the walls was 9 seconds flat. Turns out the manager approached mum and dad and said he'd be happy to offer him a coaching job.
Nice one!
Any how, photo's of me climbing. Even Blair says my height gives me an unfair advantage, but you can see for yourself:

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