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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
'LAMBLOR smash puny studentunion-wraith!'
An explaination for that subject line AND for my absence?
Of course!
"You still have to pay Student Guild fees: Students are required to pay Student Guild fees for enrolment in any teaching period during the first half of 2006. Payment of Student Guild fees is a condition of enrolment at QUT, and non-payment of Guild fees may result in cancellation of enrolment. For more information see Essential Facts 2006."
Basically VSU is king, but not yet. See, our "voluntary" student fees [money which is spent funding "Queer Pub Crawls" and "The Chocolate Lovers club" [[Also another reason to smash]] ] are actually mandatory. Basically I spend my textbook money on people indulging themselves on chocolate, or "Queers" [Their term, not mine] getting smashed and flirty.
VSU was voted in [which, everyone says it's a bad thing, but I disagree] which means that people who want clubs have to pay for it themselves instead of mooching off the students. There are lots of other things too, but I was really looking forward to not having to pay my living+textbook money for nothing in return.
Oh wait, I am paying the "not getting kicked out of uni" fee according to that memo. I'm pretty sure that the $6000 a semester, or whatever it is that the government covers, should be quite enough. I still have to pay all of that back you know.
Not impressed in the least.
What was my original point?
Ah yes. Internet was down because someone moved out but didn't transfer the account correctly. Only just got the net back this morning.
I'm running away from Supanews the first chance I get. After a few weeks of earning between 100-120 a week, I had enough and started applying elsewhere. I have some good impressions from David Jones and Harvey Norman. Should be good because now I really need that money.
Also, papa would like a brand new pair of pants.
Peace Hangs Them is still in the loading dock, which is a shame, but it's gaining momentum. Drix sent me a pm, which I'm in the middle of replying to. We now have a medic, which will be nice. Hopefully others, like Drix, will become interested in PHT. Mimmi surprised me [*see girlish squeal of delight*] with her flattering mention of my RPG endeavours [my little kin, all growed up!] in the OB nifty fifty. *EDIT: James also loves the SYF? My fan base has effectively doubled! Excuse me while I squeal myself unconscious! ^_^
[A rather juvenile attitude not becoming of an aspiring young author, but you get that. lol ^_~]
I wouldn't have even found out if Asphy hadn't pointed it out to me [she had internet, I didn't. Go figure.] I'm really quite honoured to have a mention at all really. I'd say I could die happy now, but I don't like the prospect of leaving my babies in the cold and unfinished. lol.
I must say though that SYF would never have been so grand and refined if it weren't for darling Asphy. Almost every plot twist or development and twist in SYF was bounced of her [especially the emotional flares and fights between Liam and Rae] and always came back sparkling. PHT them promises to be even better. ^_^ [/shameless plug]
Also, James and Mimmi [who I have prodded before, lol ~_^] I would love to have either of you aboard the good ship SS Blow-stuff-up-but-still-havapoint
Right, that's my life currently. Uni is back inside a month, hopefully I'll get the scratch together that I need before then.
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