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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Sunday, March 12, 2006
'I think we need to talk'

Okay, while that comic isn't accurate of my current situation, I still find it an amusing summary of my past few weeks. But not. Whatever. It's depressing and funny.
Henceforth there shall be a new word with which I shall refer to my current existence, 'de-funny'
Hm. No, that just sucks.
Right. I was going to upload a timetable graphic or something, but it turns out I really hate fiddling around with timetables on the computer, especially after only so many hours of sleep.
Let me outline my coming week for you:
Monday 12pm: Pick up pay, 1-3pm: Microbiology Lecture. 3-7:30pm [yes, right on 3pm]: Work at Adelaide st in the city, 10 minutes walk from uni.
Tuesday 11:30am-1:30pm: Biochemistry Prac, 2-3pm: Physiology Tute, 4-7pm: Physiology Practical, 7-10pm: Work at Central Station [20 minutes from uni. ugh]
Wednesday Meant to be my day off, but currently going to be spent summarising and catching up on the past two weeks of material for all of my subjects that I missed out on. Also, I need to go to centrelink. And apparently I have a 7-10:30pm shift tonight even though I specifically said to keep this day free. I'll see if I can weasel out of it...probably can't..[Even weeks I have a Microbiology Practical 1-4pm]
Thursday 10am-12pm: Cell and Molecular Biology Lecture [the one I missed out on last week because I was plagued with sickness]. Long gap here that, for the past two weeks, has had me passed out on a couch somewhere [literally]. 5-7pm Physiology Lecture, 7-11:30pm Work at Central Station.
Friday 12-2pm: Biochemisty Lecture, 4-5pm: Microbiology Tutorial, 7-Midnight: Work at Central.
Saturday 12-6pm: Work at Adelaide street.
Not quite as stressful as last week, it's getting better. Mind you last week work was; M: 5:30-10pm, T: 7-10pm, W: Off [slept all day, sick. Blah], T: 7-11:30pm, F: 4-Midnight, S: 12pm-12am [yes. 12 hours. Well, 11 if you include the 1 hour break.]
Good pay to pick up Monday, I guess.
I have so much work at uni that I have to do, and I'm going crazy just thinking about it. I'm sorry that I haven't updated much in anything but, as you can see, I adopted a suicidal work load. It's making me incredibly unhappy and incredibly exhausted. I felt like walking death last night, after my 12 hour shift. I'm still exhausted now, even after sleeping in till 10 this morning.
There were a few highlights this week though.
I woke up Wednesday morning sick, and in a bad mood to boot [foul in both regards I guess, Ahaha! Belly laugh!]. I wandered past this massive blue box, looked at it through my blurry glassless eyes, deemed it uninteresting, and got a drink before going back to bed.
That was the lead up to the highlight, not the highlight. Shut up. I know I'm not using correct syntax or grammar or something something..x.x;
Right. So I wake up a few hours later and get up to have a shower. Ben, one of the guys who lives here, says to me; "did you get that package of yours?"
I'm like, "mmf? Wha package?"
"The gigantic blue one. On the table, hang on, I'll get it.."
So he goes and grabs this monster of a box, and passes it over to me.
Sha-zam! Package from Mimmi!
I mean, holy cow. That really made it an awesome day. I opened the box up [cleverly labled "soul food"], and discovered it to be filled with a glorious pantry of goodies. So much ravioli!
*hearts ravioli*
I'll post up some photos later, when I've borrowed Lachlan's camera. Other than food in the box, was a sweet letter and this delightful Joker plushie fellow. He's sat with me in the house ever since, as a pernament reminder to how I used to be before all of this mess happened.
It's funny, trying to remember how you were three weeks ago, a month ago even. I have so many different mindsets striving to make a living in my head, that I'm starting to live as different people in my attitude. Morose Liam is becoming more prevalent, especially in the late hours, even more so in the day. Joker Liam is starting to allow himself to shuffle off the mortal coil, so to speak, much to my dismay.
I enjoyed the funny looks the other guys gave me when I was sitting and watching TV with my Joker on Wednesday night, so there should be no fears that I'm 'losing my funny.' I'm just becoming bitter and opinionated, that's all.
Okay, more bitter and opinionated, moving on.
So yes, point of this little shout out/rant? Mimmi rocks my collective sock to the max. ^_^
Other awesome things?
Right right, the Nifty Fifty!. SYF received a place, and I'm terribly flattered about it. I'm honestly glad that people enjoyed it that much that they felt it was worthy of place.
First thoughts? "Now that is an incredibly cool looking graphic! Hey! I always wanted dogtags like that for SYF, I wonder who did it so well?"
Second thoughts? "Holy cow, Batman! There's some obviously researched information on those tags! I'm pretty sure those dates were the times the RPG's started also..yikes. This is beyond cool and awesome..."
So yes, terribly flattered.
So it was Mimmi again this time, but the rest of the committee enjoyed it also. It's the little things that make life enjoyable. Who said a little escapism was a bad thing?
I love you all, fo' real! I'm not sure that it's just the codral or the sheer overwhelming mass of emotions speaking when I say that, so accept it. I may say it only once this year ~_^
Who am I kidding?
I'm glad you peeps are enjoying and have enjoyed my RPG babies, and I'm terribly sorry that I haven't updated them as often as I would like. I'll try to make it up to you when I can, I have a USB and possible spare time when I'm on campus.
It could work.
Mimmi [Three mentions? Wow, you're on a roll ^_~]Being smothered in undying love would be interesting, but [as you can see] that care package has done me a world of good. ^_^
Harley I bought lunch there once, does that count? It's okay, the black [emo] plague still disgusts me. Or fills me with pity. Either or. ^_^;
JJ Emo Liam is always lovable, unfortunately he's not exactly much of a magnet for love in reality. More like a magnet for self pity, lol. I'll sort myself out and stop being such a whiny little girl at some stage or another, lol.
Asphy *hugs*
Teh Solo It is revolting, but it's getting better. ^_^ Mind you though, that gun and pillow combination is a good idea. I could use the pillow [providing it's filled with feathers and not synthetic] as a silencer and...we'll leave that train of thought where it is before it sets sail.
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