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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
'If Heaven doesn't take his feet, I think we get to keep them. Technically.'
Okay, I'm back in a manner of speaking. Four weeks of lovely holidays where the stresses of examinations shall cause me harm no more! I've more than made a note to myself to avoid the 5am starts and such, which was a little intense I assure you.
[I had a couple 8:30am exams, one after the other, not cool, not cool at all]
All that aside, I feel incredible about the exams I had, and though I wish I had prepared more for my human Physiology exam, I believe I did well. Out of the four exams I had in total, my Microbiology exam was absolutely incredible! Knowledge just kept flowing through me.
Clostridium Perfingens, the gas gangrene bacteria, commonly afflicts cocaine addicts who use dirty needles and inadvertently inject this bacteria deep into their tissue.
I feel really good. The stress is ebbing away still, but it was great to sit down and think, "what do I have to do? Oh that's right, nothing!"
The YSA [Young Single Adult] Regional Ball Committee that I'm on have asked me to prepare a few things for the upcoming ball in July, and I'm finally able to dedicate some real time to them.
This year's theme is "Pride and Prejudice," and while I would have preferred the earlier proposed "Pirates of the Caribbean" theme, one has to enjoy what one is given.
Or as Tycho Brahe would say, "A General goes to war with the army he's got."
Personally, I believe we can make this really work. I sort of leapt aboard the committee at the first mention of Pirates, and then suddenly my ship became a pleasant carriage ride through the British country side and I felt my cutlass was a little out of place and I felt somewhat improper.
Ah well. There are still a few neurons firing upstairs and I've managed to suggest a few things that have been surprisingly well received. We are to cater the venue for 500+ people and the intention is to make the entire venue transported back in time. I don't want to give too much away, because I'm planning to do an indepth detailed update after the event. ^_^
So yes, the major things I've been asked to do. Right. I've been asked to develop a sculpture to use as a household ornament, ie representing the "fashionable" antiques of the ancestors as a visable demonstration of one's blood and heritage.
Almost immediately the person in charge said, "Liam, you did art didn't you? Would you be able to do this?"
"Well I did do two years of senior art and put a bit of work in sculpture-
"Excellent, you're our man"
And now suddenly I've found fascination in the rudimentary methods of creating a bust. Oh and then a few people agreed, "you should totally make the mould from your own head!"
So, when people are dancing they shall find my stern stony white visage staring impassively across time. And my more comfortable and approachable self strutting through the dancefloor in a stylish Dragoon Brocade evening coat. ^_^;
Unfortunately marble is expensive and I am inexperienced in stone work so I will be looking into developing a plaster-cast version and will probably be putting up a phase-by-phase blog of my efforts on here.
The other major thing that I've been put in charge of is writing a script for a skit to introduce the Pride and Prejudice ball to the general YSA at the next regional YSA fireside coming up. I wrote it the other night with a healthy incorporation of quotes from Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and even Wuthering Heights. I emphasised subtle humour and wrote something that even surprised myself.
The set is the general congregation of 500-1000 people in the Karawatha Stake Meetinghouse and the poor hapless "actors" that have to perform this will need to march straight into the fireside itself to "interrupt" the general announcements.
I have the sneaking suspicion that I will be asked to perform this skit myself fairly shortly, and my roomate insists that I wrote this skit with myself and he in mind. However, I must disagree, as I merely wrote them out because I do enjoy a good bit of playful banter.
You may feel free to judge for yourselves as I shall be
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