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Newsagent Employee [with SUPAnews powers]
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Liam Cameron
QUT Bachelor of Biomedical Science student, second year
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To oscillate the doxy
Well, my alter ego is Captain Random, and I freestyle rap...on request
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Avast ye scurvy gentlemen! I sing ye a tail of the dreaded Surds of the seas and their terrible book vessels!
Avast and ahoy me hearties and beloved mates! Those swabbies and landlubbers that caroused over me death are to be disappointed!
Twas international Talk Like a Pirate Day today, and I made sure of it that I was dressed for the mighty event! Eyepatch, coat and gold piece were all in place for me official uniform. I took the peak hour land barge in [y'know, runs on straight things, rhymes with rain...TRAIN! Thas the doubloon!] and a bunch of scurvy landlubbers looked at me as though they'd nought seen such a salty sea dog as meself!
Me lass was there and she assured me that they were landlocked folk and had naught seen a pirate though they had heard tales of them. Did satisfy me so that I did not run them through with a piercing glare [ cutlass was being cleaned..arr..]. I arrived at me port o' call and bid her farewell and made me way across the water by land. I don't trust those spindly things they call bridges, but I trust 'em more than those leaky tubs they called ferries!
I showed up at me 8am practical and did me work, conversing raucously with me fellow debaucherous pirate pal, Cap'n Aaron. He'd fallen on hard times and had naught of a ship no more, but he assured me next year he'd have a costume.
Two hours later I had a tute, where in more friends lamented the fact they'd forgotten that t'day was t' day they were supposed to be showin' their true colours. T'was a shame, but I were solid in me resolve. A handful of landlubbers there wanted a photomograph with such a handsome sea dog as meself, so I obliged. They were saucy landlubbers, but no where near as saucy as me lovely lass Jess. I tried not t' break their hearts and say that this seaman was taken, so all was well.
Though one enjoyed me pick up lines immensely, apparently I can drop anchor in her lagoon anytime. Avast! Now that's a salty tale!
After such carousin and souvenir's me underdressed crew showed up and complimented their captain on his fine coat 
Tis a fine coat indeed as you can see! Tailor made for me by me lovely mother
After lunch [no scurvy swabbies even mentioned me outfit, 'twas most disappointing] I had a tutorial and a group seminar to give on Blood Gas Analysis. The opening I was was in full pirate talk but it actually hurt and was phlegmy to talk so I changed voices to much amusement of the class. It went well and I managed to entertain myself quite a bit throughout the day, as long as quite a few others.
Right, my lovely lass, Jess. She is lovely and she is my lass and I am her lad. We've been going out now for almost a month and it's been pretty great. A while back we went to the races with Mark and the others, and she received their approval [which is important ;p]

There she is, see? Lovely ^_^. We met in a shift at Supanews, we worked a couple times together and she thought I was cute. I being [typically] completely oblivious, had no idea until she asked me out to the movies a couple days later. After we'd gone out a couple times [first date was amazing. Not going into details ;p] she mentioned that she'd asked around about me because she was new and wanted to find out what I was like. Apparently the staff think highly of the gangly one known only as Liam, which is nice ^_^;
So yes, she is the hotness and a wonderful person.

I know I'm not exactly smiling in there, but out of all the photos it's the only one where my eyes aren't half closed and I don't look drunk. She, obviously, looks stunning in all of them.
Self conscious? Me? No! Don't be daft!
I have had some truly remarkable times with her and I have grown to love her. Talking about those moments so freely on the internets would only cheapen them, but suffice it to say that she has earnt my love and respect in a very short time. She has shown remarkable strength and I've merely bumbled along beside her giving aid where needed. I've liven up to my name I guess you could say.
Uni is incredible. I'm doing my best while trying not to go insane. Once again I've sealed myself off from the world by letting work and uni pile up. Jess keeps telling me I need to take a break from study and spend some me time, and I'm trying. Unfortunately I look at my marks and I know there is no end to the amount of work I have to do to get my smarts up.
Human Cell Biology is the bomb, absolutely fascinating how it all works. Cancer, immune system, everything. I have worked in biohazard safety conditions. I have grown cancerous human lymphatic tissue in a flask. I have cyrogenically frozen life and restored it again the following week to normal growth cycles! Incredible!
The other subjects are good, but Human Cell has really caught my interest. I need to buckle down and work, but that's always the case.
Announcements? Promises?
I will set aside the time for my writing again, my public writing. Asphy has recently nudged me and woken up some guilt that I've been smothering. SYF3 will be completed on OB, and that is my promise to you, my faithful crew. Asphy and I will bring you Liam and Rae and resolve this destruction that has been wrought upon them. I won't give clues away to the plot, so you lot will just have to watch the boards for SYF3's eventual resurfacing.
As it'll be just the two of us working, it'll be much easier to get on each other's backs [anyone who laughs will be shot. We can work this!] and get the ball rolling again.
Also, PHT will be organised into something. I've been toying with the idea of setting up an independant website with my writings on it. Shock horror, I have taken up some basic fine line style cartooning [Ligne Claire style, see Herge's Tintin]. Iono, it's for an assignment, but something may come of it once I get fluid.
If I did make a comic based on my writing, it would be far too moody for the child-like fine line style, but a guy can dream.
Anyhow, comic or not, a website where I could do a weekly update or something of a story would be nice. Maybe in the future, I dunno. OtakuBoards will suffice for now. I just need to get disciplined again.
Love for all!
EDIT: Obligatory "myspace" style photo. Shirt and hat are presents from dress, and said hat never leaves my head in my daily doings ^_^
I have always, always, wanted a fedora
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