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Friday, July 1, 2005
Happy birthday to me and Vanessa-chan!
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Vanessa-chan,
Happy one year to you!

GIF for you!!!!!!

Okay in case it is going to fast I’ll tell you what is says.
1st- It’s your Otaku birthday…
2nd- And I wanted to say….
3rd- Happy otaku birthday sister
4th- From Lie74 To Vanessa
It is made from only pictures of the Hawke sisters from GSD. Because Vanessa-chan is like a great sister to me. *glomps*
And yet do we forget it’s my birthday as well. ^_^ I’m officially 15 years old today folks. My only regret is that Alex-oni-chan isn’t here. Lord Alex for all Otaku people. He’s like my big brother so he is oni-chan to me. But don’t get me wrong LGL80 you’re my real oni-chan. *hugs oni-chans* For course I can’t forget my great Onee-chan’s as well. Speaking of great Onee-chans does anyone know what happened to Sara-onee-chan?
Can you stop the chain letters. I have no love life people so please don’t send me the chain letter anymore. I have gotten it about 6 times now. Trust me I don’t need it again. Also my summer theme is up on Stellargirl’s site. Mix between fireworks and Tsubasa. I really really like this one so I have it up. ^_^ I can’t believe how many comments I am getting a day. I know I said this everyday since I was back but I got over 20 for the past two days. Just a little shocking for me. ^^;;; And also glad everyone under stood my little rant yesterday. Seems like everyone feels that once in a while.
Yes everyone I know there’s always room for more friends. Which brings me to my next topic. 460 Guest Book entries. 0o0;;;; It’s on my birthday too. I’m just so shocked everyone is coming and being friends and all the comments and birthdays and such. Wow! It’s making my head spin. *glomps everyone* I love you guys!!!!
Well layout contest thing. The test wouldn’t show up for me. ^^;;; So there was a tie between 3 different show if I remember. Hiro and Kisa, Chrono Crusade, and Cagalli and Kira I can tell by the comments left and what I remember from the last time I saw it. So vote between these 3 please. Either of the 3 will do. Thankyou. *bows* New fan arts up as well. The Lacus one for you if you haven’t seen it and one I used from Angel Kat’s site that I drew and dedicated to her. ^_^ Also Shanny (Dark Phoenix) is holding a art contest. And I’m one of the judges. So if you would like to enter click the button right before the post to see info about the contest the Kanme one. Join if you want. It is up for everyone. I would have entered but I’m not in a drawing mood lately so I wanted to be a judge. Oh yes and Shanny said you can’t bribe me either so XP to anyone who trys.
I plan to make a separate page for my sister sites and such. I’m just full of codes in my profile and can’t add much more. XD So I figure just dub up a page for my great friends and that will be fine. And because I don’t have a side bar for my friends list. Also if you’re my friend and don’t have a button, well your getting one. ^_^ I’m not leaving any friends behind. *thumbs up* Brothers get there own page, sisters get there own page, and anyone who isn’t in those groups goes on the other page. Along with my brother’s an sister’s. New song. Kesenai Tsumi from FMA. I love this song.
I would also like to place my banners for my birthday below. But before I do I must say Thank you soooooooooo much to ob53zt tang3rtin3. I would share it with you all but it’s very special so I’m going to keep it away from you all for a bit. *evil laugh* Only me and tang3rtin3 knows what I’m talking about. ^///^ *glomps* Thankyou tang3rtin3!!!! Ramen puff for you!
Now my great banners!
Thankyou for my first card blackki.

Thanks Shippo-souten

Thanks a ton for my very special card Vanessa-chan I love it so much. I am going to add a link to it. *hugs* It almost made me cry. Thankyou. *hugs more* Click here to see it.
Thankyou very much Cagalli Yamato

I will eat lots of cake, thanks sweetshnara16

Thanks for the cards everyone. *hugs* So I’ll see you all around!
Quote and picture of the day.

“I’m 15 years old, dammit!”- Tesu from Peace Maker.
Comments (24) |
Thursday, June 30, 2005
*Huffs* I got it and layout help
Okay I got my new Otaku site up. The user name is Stellargirl. I signed my own GB. How werid it was. I was trying to pretend to be a fan girl *laughs at self*
I feel bad for my dog. The door locked while she was in my parents room and this guy was here and he used a credit card to open the room. 0o0;;; Yes it actually works. And I heater works now because of him. And we have rats. XP
Well I also got 20 comments yesterday. Gosh I feel loved since I've been off.

Yes one more day until My and Vanessa-chans birthdays. I can't wait till you see what I made for you. I made it a long time ago but still good.
Well this might sound crazy but I'm feeling a bit down. Well yesterday I was looking around sites and I relized how much I miss my old friends. Like not from school but from the Otaku. I'll explain. I use to be great friends with Peite and other older Otakus a long time ago. Then I took about a two month break from the Otaku for personal reasons and such and when I came back in December I had like no friends. The first person to greet me again was Chibi-chan. And well she's like never on. I'm not trying to complain to you guys because really I love all my Otaku's. I just wish Peite would talk to me again. XP I really don't want anyone to feel bad. I love all my friends. From Vanessa to Shanny. I just miss some of my older friends from here that's all.
I'm complaining to much pardon me. Sorry guys. XP Well I know something that would make me feels tons better. A POLL!! Yes a poll. I need help to pick a new theme. ^^;;; hard to see right but I do need help. So vote please!
I know there are alot of them but I forgot to add Peace maker. It is also in there so don't forget that one too. And when you comment can you tell me which one you voted for. Thanks.
Picture and quote of the day.

"Will power is the strongest of powers"- from me. ^_^
Comments (22) |
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
No right clicks and Xanga
I got the code for no right clicking on my site. ^_^ Sorry guys. If you want a picture on my site PM me and ask please. XP Well I also got a Xanga site. I love the song Hazel eyes by Kelly Clarkson so that's the song up. And also the code broke for I wanna go to a place. TT.TT I love that song. I have the song Going under by Evansence. I love the song keep me away from me, but I couldn't find the URL for it. TT.TT So this will do. I like it.
Well Surprisingly I finished my Lacus picture earlier then I thought. So I submitted it but I have no idea when it will be up. I'm working on Stellar, Sango/Miroku one, and a kitty one I found on Angel Kat's site. Also Angel Kat's and Shiori hana's fanarts are up. There really good. ^_^
Whops I said I got an Xanga site and I didn't put up mt link. ^^;;; pardon me.

The funniest thing ever was on Vandread yesterday. Okay let me explain this show. Men and Women are thought to be enimies to each other. We first look at the men's side which thinks women are out to get them and eat there guts with there tenecles. ^.^;;; And our main boy character is caught on a girl prite ship. There are to other guys there. One's a doctor and the other is a battler person. But one of the deck girls fainted because of a fever. Well the guy doctor looks after her and when she wakes up later she goes back to the deck with the doctor. Well... let me just write how the sence went.
Girl- I'm sorry I fainted earlier.
Learder- Glad to see your back. What was wrong with her?
Doctor- There seems to be a parasite growing in her body.
Girl- No you don't understand. I'm going to have a baby.
*everyone gets excited*
battle guy- But I thought babies where made in factories?
Other Girl- No you idiot!
*laughs* They thought she had a bactiria in her body, but she was pregnant. Boy the men sure are stupid in this show.
Thanks for alot of comments yesterday too. *hugs* I still feel loved. And I'm glad you all liked the quote even though I made it up. ^^;;;
[EDIT: XD Dummy. I forgot the best thing I got so far for my birthday. Thankyou very much Blackki for my early birthday card. I love it.

Yay for Gundam SEED stuff]
Well picture and quote of the day.

"Take each day one step at a time, and time will take care of the rest."- Random quote. *No idea where it is from*
Comments (20) |
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I have nothing to post about XP
I have nothing to post about. XD I'm just really bord.
Well I submitted two fanarts yesterday. One is the famous picture of Sakura dressed like a pink kitty. But I just shaded it so it's not pink. ^^;;; And the other is just a line art of Lacus in her Commander uniform from Gundam SEED Destiny. Nothing to speacial.
Thanks for all the comments from yesterday. 19! Wow. O.o I feel loved. *hugs* Thanks everyone. Oh yes the quote of the day from yesterday was from the Batman movie. Too bad no one could help me with the Sango and Miroku picture thing. I haven't started it yet so I have time. I'nm actually working on another picture of Lacus in her nija type outfit from Gundam SEED Destiny. So far I only got her head done and Haro. It looks intresting. XP
Well not to bore you anymore I'll end post now. Picture and quote of the day.

"The turest form of something can be found in the smallest things"- from me. *made off the top of my head* ^.^
Comments (17) |
Monday, June 27, 2005
Post cut short
Sorry my post was cut short yesterday. My bro and my dad where going to leave me behind if I didn't hurry up. To what you may ask? To Batman the movie. It was dark. Very loud but very good. I really liked it.
And yep I'm backalready and have changed my theme. It is still Stellar but it is for Banunizzu1's contest thingy going on. And many thanks to Shippo-souten for helping me get ride of my side bar. ^_^ Banner for yous!

And Hackers be aware. I am so pissed off that I have at least 2-3 Guest book entries deleted everyday. I had 456 at one point. now I have 451. I'm tired of this so here is my warning to you.

And that is crazed Mia from episode 36 of GSD! That's how pissed I am.
Oh yes alot of things going on when I was gone. First off it was Sippo-souten's birthday.
I know you already got this but here is my banner for her b-day anyways.

Well I figured out alot of stuff when I was off the Otaku about the fan fictions site. So now I have one story and two one shots up. You've read one of them. The other is new and the other story you guys haven't read. So you might want to check them out later.
Well it is me and Vanessa-chan's week. Her site is one year old on friday and I'm 15 years old on Friday. Yay same day birthdays.
Well this is all for me. Long post put it is my full first post back.
Picture and quote of the day.

"Why do we fall? So we can pick our sleves back up again later."
Gotta go. New favorite anime is on. Vandread. ^_^ YAY.
[EDIT] Any one who links in there are work can you tell me what pen you use. I am drawing the Sango and Miroku picture above and I want to know a nice pen to use.
Comments (19) |
Sunday, June 26, 2005
I'm back
After sleeping in late, taking long bathes, and fezzing my butt off in my shower today. Our hearter won't heat anymore. TT.TT So cold.
Well I'm very happy for our little Meyrin in GSD. She first tricked the people looking for Athrun by taking off her clothes and spashed water on her head and wrapped a towl around her Bra and stuff and it worked. Found out Mia wasn't the one singing. Yes it was her.

I almost feel bad for making her evil in my fan ficitions now....Not! But Meyrin went with Athrun as he left here's how it happens.
Rey is shooting at them and when they get past him Meyrin is on the floor.

Athrun wants her to come.

She goes.

And they leave together in there Gundam

Comments (6) |
Thursday, June 23, 2005

Thanks for all the people who supported me in my art thing. I guess I was a bit shocked at what happened and wasn’t think straight yesterday so my post sounded uber mean and not me so sorry. I forgive her. Really I do. I hope I can be her friend. I don't like to be rude to a person for just one action. And there was someone else that did something but I won't go into it. But I do want to say one thing to OzymandiusJones. I know you run part of the site and go through complaints and stuff but I don’t like how you commented on my site yesterday. I know you run the site and with that I thought you would be a bit less harsh to me but I guess not. I made mistakes in the past and I don’t want them to be shoved into my face when ever I check to see if something has been done, when something bad happens to me. And plus she also stole a wallpaper and just took off the name in the corner. I just don’t think it was right on what you commented. Sorry it felt like you just shoved it in my face and I don’t need to take it if you ask me. So I’m going to be off of the Otaku for a while so I can do more things out and about with my family and so Goodbye till I come back. I will leave you with the rest of the story though. So all who are reading it can finish it up with no regrets. So have fun reading it and I hope you like it. Till when I feel more into the Otaku see ya later.
Chapter 4- Love comes to all.
Cagalli woke up today. A little late then normal but still up none the less. When she went down stairs she was surprised to actually find Kira up. “Hey Kira.” Cagalli said coming around the bench to greet him. He greeted her with a grunt and she continued what she normally did in the morning. This time she sang. “Tanoshii yuuge saakakomimashou, kyouno namidawa hora, asunocikaranishite, la-la-la subarashite love & life, la-la-la aisubeki love & life, la-la-la subarashite love & life.” Cagalli sang as she butter the toast and gave it to Kira. Need less to say he didn’t know she could sing. Kira smiled as she switched songs. Then there parents came in and ate. Before they left they gave them a quick kiss and a “bye”. And left. Kira and Cagalli left and found a new person in the car. “Athrun!?” Cagalli asked a bit shocked. Kira knew they where going to pick him up more often and got into his new seat in the front of the car. Cagalli got in and sat next Athrun. “We saw him walking into the road and we almost hit him.” Mir’s mom said looking toward the road but talking to them. “What where you thinking?!” Cagalli asked shouting at Athrun as them made there way out of the car. “If you must know I was thinking about you.” Athrun said taking her arm while walking down the hall. “Well then your forgiven, but if you got hit you wouldn’t have been, got it!” Cagalli said to him while walking down the hall. “Got ya Cagalli.” Athrun said hugging her and letting her go to her locker. Cagalli ran to her locker then came back to see a girl with short dark purple hair talking to Athrun. Cagalli smiled because he must have found a new friend. So she turned the corner and let the two talk. What she didn’t know was Lacus was going to surprise her at her locker and just when Cagalli left the girl kissed Athrun. Lacus blushed at seeing this. Athrun almost seemed to like it. ‘Player!’ Lacus thought merging with a group of students so she would have been spotted by Athrun.
“Cagalli, can I talk to you?” Athrun asked her after school when she was walking home. She had missed the bus and no one was home to pick her up. “Yeah Athrun?” Cagalli asked him. “There’s another girl that came up to me and kissed me.” Athrun said to Cagalli. She looked at him with a funny face. Athrun couldn’t place it. It was between anger, sadness, jealously, pain, and hate toward the girl. “I just-” Athrun was cut off by Cagalli. “Don’t leave me Athrun!” she hugging him. “I would never do that, Cagalli.” Athrun said hugging her back. “I need a little something though.” He said. “What?” she said not noticing the closeness of there face. He titled in more and gave her a kiss. “That will do.” he said smiling. She just looked into his eyes and smiled. Sure she was mad that he just kissed without a reason but at least he kissed her.
Chapter 5- trouble in paradise
Athrun walked to school like any normal day. “Hi there.” Called a girl behind Athrun. Athrun turned to see his red haired friend. “Hi, Fllay.” Athrun said turning around and walking with her. “Soooo. How’s it going with Cagalli?” Fllay asked. “Were still going good I guess.” Athrun said looking toward the school. “Well that’s good to hear. See ya later.” Fllay called running to her boyfriend. Athrun smiled at the girl. She just looked so happy. He wondered if Cagalli looked that happy with him. He didn’t have to wait long for his answer though. Soon a girl jumped on his back and covered his eyes. “Cagalli?” Athrun questioned his eyes still covered by her hands. “Yep.” said Cagalli removing her hands and walking in front of Athrun. She smiled at him. Her smile was so bright to him. She pulled him along to class and sat down next to him. “Yes miss Attha?” Athrun questioned her. “Well nothing I guess.” she said hugging him. “I’m just glad you’re here.” he said to her with a smile on his face. “Yea me too.” Cagalli said smiling.
“Morning.” Lacus said running into the class room straight to Cagalli. She could tell something was wrong with her. She was way quite in the car ride, didn’t rush off to her locker like normal, and didn’t even see Athrun before she went to class. “What’s wrong, Cagalli?” Lacus asked in a serous tone while pulling up a chair to her desk. “Lacus? Oh hey.” Cagalli said sounding distant. “Cagalli?” Lacus said looking into her eyes. Honey eyes into blue eyes where staring holding there own. Then final the honey brown eyes gave up. Tears where falling from her eyes as she almost banged her head on her desk. “Cagalli?” Lacus asked pulling her arm around her best friends shoulders. “There sending me away…to Yu~.” Cagalli said while crying. Lacus didn’t get the name. Cagalli mumbled finishing her sentence. Kira and Athrun entered class. Kira gave Lacus a sad look. He knew what was going on. I guess he didn’t tell Athrun because he ran to there side and asked Cagalli what was wrong.
“NOTHING!!!!” Cagalli screamed running away from Athrun. “What?…Cagalli…?” Athrun said looking at her retreating figure. It was after school and Athrun was troubled. Cagalli had been down all day and hadn’t answered that one question. “What is wrong, Cagalli?” Athrun mumbled. “Go and meet her.” Athrun hear Fllay behind him. “What?” Athrun said turning around to see Fllay and her boyfriend. “She needs you.” her boyfriend said. His tag read Sai. “Go on now.” Fllay said jumping up a bit and clapping her hands. “Right. But where does she go?” Athrun asked them. “I think it was central park, right Sai.” Fllay said looking to the boy. “Yea. She loves looking at the ocean from the picnic tables there.” Sai said. “Right!” Athrun said running after Cagalli. Kira saw Athrun and then he started running. ’Where is he going?’ Kira thought then looked at the people he was talking to. “Fllay?” Kira said shocked looking at Fllay smiling into Sai’s eyes. “Oh Kira, hi.” she said with a smile on her face. “Central park.” Sai said before Kira could ask the question. “Right. Thanks.” Kira said looking at the direction where Athrun left running to.
“Cagalli!” Athrun said sounding mad. “Athrun!” Cagalli looked at him alarmed. He walked up to her, looking as if he was going to hit her or something. Cagalli hugged her arms and pulled back a little. Trying to run away from him but her body wouldn’t move like she wanted. When he got to her he hugged her. “Athrun there sending me away to meet this guy! They want me to marry him!” Cagalli said crying her eyes out. Athrun was shocked put kept hugging her. “I-I want to be with you Athrun.” Cagalli said in his arms. “I know Cagalli.” Athrun said hugging her tighter. Not to tight but tight enough to know he meant it. And that’s how they where for hours. Until the sun set.
Chapter 6- small sentences mean a lot
Cagalli got up in the morning mad as ever. She had to leave today and she didn’t want to. She almost broke her clock this morning getting up. She skipped her shower and made toast for her self, leaving poor tired Kira to over sleep and miss breakfast all together. “11 am Cagalli?” Kira questioned her walking into the kitchen. “Sorry, just mad.” she said turning off the small TV in the kitchen. “Oh in an hour right?” Kira questioned his sister. “Yeah.” she told back. “Nice clothes though sis.” Kira told her looking at her outfit. She was wearing jeans and a white shirt but she whore a orange jacket over it that had monkeys making different faces on the sleeves. “Thanks.” she said getting up and heading to the limo that just showed up outside of there house. It as the car that was going to take to the air port. “Bye Kira.” Cagalli said hugging her brother. She was about to cry but she knew that he would come and get her if she really needed him. Cagalli got in the limo and pulled out her cell phone when it rang. Lacus and Mir called her two way and talked until something caught Cagalli’s attention. “Athrun!?!” Cagalli called looking outside onto a giant TV screen hanging off of a building.
~Before with Athrun~
“Dearka, what should I do?” Athrun asked his friend holding a video camera. “I don’t know, maybe help me find a person to video tape so I can get this job. I mean it’s hard to find someone spilling there guts about love to show on TV.” Dearka said looking for someone in the park. Athrun sat down on a bench and Dearka had an idea. He turned on the camera and left in on a tripod and sat next to Athrun after making sure everything was focused on Athrun.
“Athrun I know your girlfriend for about a month now is leaving you. And you might never see her again. Well if there was one thing you could say to her, or maybe a few things what would you say to her, as if she was standing her and about to leave.” Dearka said hopping everyone who was watching under stood his situation and that Athrun didn’t catch on. Anyone with a brain could tell what was going on, but Athrun wasn’t thinking right and went for it.
“Dearka, if I saw her now I don’t know.. I would tell her I miss her and all but I guess there is more then meets the eye to her.” Athrun started
It looks like he was at the park. Cagalli order the driver to go to the park or else she would kill him. Of course she didn’t mean it but the way but he didn’t know that. So he turned around and headed straight for the park. ‘Athrun wait for me.’ Cagalli though zooming through traffic. Soon she was there and running to look for him.
“I mean, Cagalli has opened my eyes to so may different things. I could see things better with her around, smell the flowers more, taste the beauties of life with her right there with me.” Athrun continued as people gathered around him.
When she made it to where she thought Athrun was, there was a crowd of people around them. As she fought her way through the people she heard part of what he said. “taste the beauties of life with her right there with me.” She heard Athrun finish. She had fought her way to the front as the next thing Athrun said stopped in her tracks.
“I guess you could say that- that I love her. Yeah I love Cagalli. She’s my number one.” Athrun said looking up to see a group of people clapping and a video camera on him. “Dearka?” Athrun said looking at his friend who got up and pulled Cagalli from running away and plopped her down next to Athrun. He also quickly ran behind the camera and had the perfect shot of the two kids. “Umm Cagalli.” Athrun said flustered looking at her. “Athrun.” Cagalli said smiling. “Cagalli, I love you more then the world could ever know.” Athrun said taking Cagalli’s hand in his. “Athrun I-I..” Cagalli said cutting herself off. She looked at the cheering people after Athrun said he loved her the crowd started cheering. Then she looked to Dearka who was holding the camera with a smile on his face. “But Cagalli, I want to know, do you love me?” Athrun asked her. “Athrun, You really are a fool, you know that.” Cagalli said shaking her head. Everyone was puzzled by her actions and everyone was quite as Athrun looked at her with a stern face. “How can I not be happy and love you.” She said jumping into his arms and started crying. Athrun smiled and the crowd of people went wide and started clapping and screaming. “Athrun, I-I don’t want to go.” she whispered in his ear as he hugged her. “I know.” Athrun answered her. “Cagalli.” Athrun said pulling back a bit and got on his knee. Everyone soon gasped and looked at Athrun. “I know that we love each other, and I just wanted to give you this ring so that you will never be taken by any one other then me.” Athrun said placing a ring on Cagalli’s finger. “I won’t be with any one else Athrun.” Cagalli said standing him up and hugging him. Suddenly Kira, Mir, and Lacus showed up. Lacus and Mir where almost in tears as they ran to there friend and hugged her. Kira just patted Athrun on the back and said “Treat her good Athrun.” Athrun just nodded as Cagalli made her way back to Athrun and hugged him one more time.
Pulling through the crowd later Athrun and Cagalli found a little place to sit and talk. “Athrun, I really have to go now and do some things but I will come back so wait for me?” Cagalli said looking at him. “Forever.” Athrun said kissing the top of her head. She just smiled. “I’ll be back in 4 months.” Cagalli said to Athrun. “Well it’s October now so it will be December?” Athrun questioned her as she laid her head against his shoulder. “Yea.” She answered him. And with that Athrun kissed her one more time on the lips and Cagalli left.
Chapter 7 -Changes- Time to face the change
After four long months for Cagalli she was finally coming home. When her plane touched down and she made her way through the gates she found her mom, dad, Kira, Lacus, and Mir waiting for her. Cagalli hugged them all and almost cried. “It’s nice to be home.” She said out loud as Lacus hugged her one more time. A lot had happened when she was gone. Lacus and Kira had finally gotten together and Mir finally had gotten steady with Dearka. All this love was going on and Cagalli didn’t see Athrun waiting for her. She felt mad and sad with him. “So where’s Athrun?” Cagalli asked Kira when they got back to the car. “Umm well, Lacus?” Kira said looking to his girlfriend. She just shot him a look and Kira took it as ‘tell her your self. I don’t want to get mixed in with this’ look. “Well Cagalli, when you where gone…Athrun took a big spill over a mountain and died.” Kira said with a stupid look on his face. “Kira!” Mir said looking at him. “Okay Cagalli. After you left another girl filled your spot in at school. Her name is Luna and she and Athrun have taken a good liking to each other.” Kira said. He glanced around before to make sure he wasn’t going to get hit before sitting back in his chair. “What no. No Athrun wouldn’t do that to me.” Cagalli said to her self. Mir just gave her a sad look and touched her shoulder. Cagalli then knew it was true. She started to cry. “Cagalli.” was all Lacus said. She scooted closer to her friend and let her cry on her shoulder.
“Hey idiot!!!” Kira shouted into the phone. “Cagalli came back today ya know!” Kira screamed again. Lacus tried claming him down to no avail. “What really cool.” the voice on the other line said. “Athrun!” Kira shouted once again. Cagalli heard this and picked up the phone but so no one could tell she was listening to her peaking on the talk. “Well that’s good. I hope she had fun. Is that all you wanted to say?” Athrun questioned. Cagalli knew he didn’t sound the same. Soon she heard a girl giggle in the background. “Luna stop it.” Athrun said sounding like he was kidding. Then more giggling came from the background and a sweet voice saying “But Athrun I love.” “Well I love you too.” Athrun said back. Cagalli gasped and blew her cover. “Cagalli!?!” Athrun asked hearing her gasped. “Cagalli?” Kira said. “Crap.” Kira said running into Cagalli’s room seeing the phone had dropped on the floor and a dumb struck Cagalli sat on her bed with tears flowing like water falls coming down her eyes. You could hear Athrun screaming Cagalli name from the phone but she didn’t do anything. Cagalli was numb all over. She couldn’t move. And before she knew it she blacked out. Kira ran to catch her. She fell before he could though. Athrun heard a thud and stopped screaming Cagalli’s name till he heard Kira say something. “Lacus hurry call 911.” Kira shouted to her. “Okay.” Athrun heard Lacus say. “Kira what’s going on?” Athrun said over the phone but Kira had hung up the phone. Athrun hung up to and looked over to Luna. “Luna, my friend is in trouble I need to go to him, I’ll be home soon though.” Athrun said looking at the purple haired girl in front of him. “Okay my hero.” Luna said getting up and walking out the door with Athrun. “I’ll be home if you need me.” Luna said kissing him on the cheek and ran home.
“Where is Cagalli Yula Attha’s room.” Athrun asked a desk clerk. “Up stairs, floor 3, room 203.” the clerk said. “Thank you.” Athrun said running up the stairs. When he got there he saw Kira and Lacus talking to a doctor. After they where done Athrun went up to them and asked what was going on. “The doctor said she was going to be okay. He said she passed out because of mental stress.” Kira said looking into Athrun’s eyes to make sure he was getting across to him. “Can I visit her?” Athrun asked. “Sure if you want. She might not want to see you though.” Kira said letting Athrun in the room. Athrun was a bit shocked seeing Cagalli hooked up to all those machines. “Athrun?” she asked weakly. “Yea.” Athrun said. “Why Athrun?” was all Cagalli said looking at him. “I don’t know.” Athrun said. He saw that she was lifting up her hand he grabbed it and felt something fall into his palm. It was the ring he gave her. “Give it to someone you love.” Cagalli said looking at him. Athrun felt his heart drop with like a ton of bricks in it. Athrun shook his head and put the ring back on Cagalli’s finger. “I really love you. You know that right.” Athrun said looking into Cagalli’s honey brown eyes. It felt so great to Athrun to see those eyes.
Well they still kept Cagalli in the hospital so she could build her strength. It was also a week before Christmas. Everyone was shopping and deals where great. Athrun came to see Athrun everyday. He had also broken up with Luna. She took it well to say the least. It turns out she was dating someone else behind Athrun’s back. Well the week before Christmas Athrun didn’t visit Cagalli so he could find her the perfect gift. Athrun found something perfect for her. It was a necklace that had a red stone on it. The stone was to protect you from harm.
Christmas eve came fast and Athrun’s parents had invited people to come. Athrun had a few friends over. As music started to play as more people came in it was soon a full dance ball. Lacus danced with Kira in her sparkling pick dress. And Mir danced with Dearka in her orange tube dress. While other older couples danced along with them. Athrun noticed the door open once more but the figure before him was the best thing he could see all night. A tired yet beautiful looking Cagalli entered the room in a sparkling green dress that went to her ankle. Athrun ran to her side as soon as he saw her. When she saw him they hugged close and Athrun kissed her forehead. “You look very sleepy.” Athrun told her while dancing. “Yes, well I had to get strong and come and visit you.” Cagalli said in a soft voice. Athrun lead her out side to the garden. “I have a Christmas present for you.” Athrun said pulling out a box. Cagalli opened it to see the necklace. She hugged Athrun. After she put it on. She put her hand on Athrun shoulder and looked as she was asleep. “Now Athrun can always protect me. Athrun my prince.” Cagalli said. “So what’s your present?” Athrun asked Cagalli. Cagalli paused. The clock chimed at twelve and then she answered “Me.” Athrun smiled as Cagalli fell asleep on his shoulder. “Merry Christmas Cagalli.” Athrun whispered to her and kissed her forehead.
Well thanks for reading/comming. I just wanted to say I want you guys to ask me any questions you want. Any. Personal, random, or rare. I just wanted to know if you had any questions for me. ^_^ And you can ask as many as you want. Well I worked my backout from working so I need rest and to relax. So that is my Hiatus. But I plan to be pack when I'm ready. Okay bye then.
Picture and quote of the day.

“Love lifts us up where we belong, where the eagles fly on a mountain high.”- Song *I don’t know where*
“Love means never having to say your sorry”-A love story
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
[Taken care off] SOME ONE STOLE MY ART!!!!!
[Edit- Everything is taken care of now guys. Thankyou.]
OMFG!!! I can't beilive this. My fan art has been stolen!!! Look under the Gundam SEED section and there is my art. She stole it. Go to shiori hana's site. Look under her fan art. IT'S MINE!! Well the two Lacus are. Link to my site. Shiori hana's site I mean suport me!
Well the rest of the post as planed.
I finished mt long fan fiction. It has 7 chapters so longer then a one shot. But I will put up the 3rd chapter. I don't want to make it too long. ^^;;;
Sorry if your eyes hurt because of the new theme. The backround was actually bigger but I couldn't get it to show up right so I left it on the smaller side from photo bucket. And once my dad and I have figured out how to get more e-mail adresses I will be getting another one so I can make another Otaku page. It's not going to be like this one. Oh no. I might post a few times on that ine but the other one is for something else. When ever I fine A wallpaper I like I will make a theme for it. Well I know alot of great places for wallpapers and well layouts go buy quickly. I hope by getting the knew site I can just change themes on there and stick with one theme for more then one day here.
Well one wekk for friday is my birthday. ^_^ So I can't wait to see if I get anything this year. It doesn't sound like it from my dad though. Well working yesterday day was hard. We have to move paper, 11 boxes, with 10 packs of papper in each one. It was really heavy. And we had to do suplie list with the book keeper. That part was really fun though besides the fact
*******Girl thing*********
My cramps where hurting like hell when we where moving stuff.
*******Girl thing over*****
Well here is chapter 3 for you all who are actually reading the story.
Chapter 3- Did you say ‘girlfriend‘?
That Monday started as normal as any other. Cagalli woke up and took a shower. Woke up Kira and made toast. There parents said a quick “hi” to them before they ran out the door. Mir’s mom picked them up and dropped them off. Cagalli raced to her locker and grabbed he books. And ran to meet Athrun at his locker. When she was about to reach it she saw a girl with pink hair to her shoulder stick a pink letter in Athrun’s locker. Then the girl ran away. Which looked like trouble because her skirt looked way to big and it was about to fall off of her body. Then Athrun appeared right behind her. ”What cha doin’” Athrun said to her. “Ah Athrun, I-I I was waiting for you.” she said and smiled. Athrun smiled and they walked to his locker and pulled out the note. And he started to read. ’Oh god what if he thinks I wrote it. And what did she say if could to really lovey dovey and crap.’ Cagalli thought looking at Athrun. He just laughed at the letter. “What? What is it?” Cagalli asked him. He just gave her the note. It read: Athrun I love you so much. I want to be your girlfriend so bad. So please meet me at the place we first meet and tell me you love me as well. Love, your new girlfriend Mia Campbell.
“Girlfriend? Her?” Cagalli asked him as they made there way up to class. Athrun just laughed again. Cagalli looked sad but Athrun didn’t see because he was walking in front. She handed him back the letter and he entered class. “But I thought you where my…never mind.” mumbled walking into class.
“Cagalli is there anything wrong?” Lacus asked her during lunch. She was ab-normally quite. “Yea fine.” Cagalli said taking a bite out of her pizza. Then suddenly a junior walked up to them. She had pink hair down to her shoulder, murky blue eyes, and her skirt was about to fall off her butt because it was so big. Mia Campbell Cagalli guessed. “Look Attha. You better stay away from my boyfriend. He doesn’t want you, you got that.” Mia said to Cagalli. Cagalli didn’t say anything because she didn’t want to get involved in this little love triangle. This got Mia mad. She picked up the knife on Cagalli’s plate and held it up to her neck. “Answer me ATTHA!!” screamed Mia. “Umm could you move a bit.” Athrun said calling from behind Mia. “What! Oh Athrun.” Mia said getting all flustered. “Yea, can you move so I can sit with my girlfriend.” Athrun said putting an ethicist on girlfriend. Mia eyes widened but so did Cagalli’s. Lacus smiled as she looked at Athrun who took a seat next to Cagalli moving his arm around her waits and pulling her close to him. “Pardon me but those are our seats.” Mir called from behind Mia. It was Mir, Kira, and Dearka. Mia left with a huff as the rest of them sat down table. Cagalli didn’t know what to do. Athrun talked to Kira across the table with his arm still around her. Cagalli was fine with it after a while and talked to Mir and Lacus about there future quiz in Math.
“Cagalli can I talk to you?” Athrun asked after the bell rang. “Sure.” she said following him by the back of school. “Well Cagalli, I wanted to say that I really like you.” Athrun said looking at her as she smiled at him. “I like you to boyfriend.” she said smiling and then kissed him on the cheek. “Well alright then.” he said smiling. “Bye then.” Cagalli said smiling leaving him to catch her ride.
Well please supprot me in my art. and here picture and quote of the day.

"May the force be with you."-Star wars.
Now I'm going to report her art. Bye.
Comments (18) |
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
New and favorite club
Well I have a new club. YAY!! PM me to join....
I Hate Mia club! (banner)

YAY!!! I really don't like her and neither does LGL80 so we made a club to hate her. ^_^ And I think LGL80 is going to make a Athrun's a pimp club. I mean he has...*counts in head*.. 3 other girls and Cagalli. He has 4 girls.
Well I also have to work today so I hope you all will forgive me for not visiting all of you as much. Sorry. But read below for a treat.
Well I think most of you wanted another chapter so here is the second one. XP
Chapter 2- Now or never
Athrun made his way home from a long day of school. Athrun sighed. It had been 3 weeks since he had started school. When he meet Cagalli. “And I still haven’t told her.” Athrun said aloud to himself. “You haven’t told who?” asked a girl from behind him. She had red hair down a bit past her shoulder. She had light skin that bounced the light from setting sun. She had clear blue eyes as she looked at him. “Umm do I know you?” Athrun asked as nice as he could that question to someone. “No but I know you. Your Athrun Zala. Your going to my school.” She said walking down the road with him. “And I know Kira and Cagalli.” the girl said. This caught Athrun’s attention. “Really?” he asked trying not to show he was interested but failed. “Well my name is Fllay.” the girl said with her hand out for a shake. “Well I guess you already know me.” Athrun said shaking her hand. “Well I use to go out with Kira.” Fllay continued on there talk. “And I got to know Cagalli and Kira very well.” she said with a forced smile on her face. “Why did you break up, or is it to hard, oh I’m prying pardon me.” Athrun said to her. “No it’s okay.” Fllay said looking at the ground. “He broke up with me.” Fllay said. “Now that’s hard to see.” Athrun said knowing how Kira is. “Yea I thought so too, but he arranged someone for me to go out with as a rebound I guess and it turned out to be the love of my life.” Fllay said with loving eyes thinking about her boy friend. “Well he broke up because he said he like another person.” Fllay said looking forward once again. “Sorry but you found someone new. That’s great.” Athrun said with a smile to Fllay. “Your too kind for Cagalli.” Fllay said laughing. As they came to a cross road Athrun had to go one way and Fllay had to go another. “Well see ya tomorrow.” Fllay said waving back to Athrun and she skipped down the road to a boy with sandy hair, a leather school bag, and wearing yellow sunglasses. He kissed her when they meet up again. Athrun thought of him and Cagalli like that. When Athrun got home he changed clothes and put on some jeans and a white shirt. Walking back into the living room he plopped himself on the couch until his pocket started to vibrate. Athrun forgot he left his cell phone on in his pocket. He only gave his number to Lacus, Dearka, Mir, and Cagalli. He figured Kira could ask Cagalli if he needed it. The caller ID on his one said it was Cagalli. “Hello?” Athrun asked half said into the phone already know who it was. “Hey Athrun. It’s me Cagalli.” Cagalli said on the other side of the phone. “Who could not know that sweet voice of yours.” Athrun said smiling with a blush on his face. Of course Cagalli didn’t see it. “Well I just wanted to talk, so if your expecting anything out of this talk then I suggest you tell me now.” Cagalli said to him. “I would love to just talk to you.” Athrun said. He really did though. To learn more about her. That was good. “Well I just want to know if you have ever loved someone?” she asked kinda bluntly but politely. “Well…” Athrun started. He had been in love ..well is in love but he couldn‘t let her know. “You?” Athrun asked back. “Well as a matter of fact I thing I like this one guy.” she said to him. “Really what’s he like?” Athrun questioned her. “Well he is smart, athletic, caring, sweet, and has great manners.” she said with a sigh. “Do you like someone?” Cagalli questioned. “Yea. As a matter of fact miss Attha I do like someone. She is smart, great a sports as well, can greet people nicely, and has a great smile.” Athrun said with a smile. Then a beep sound wet off. “Athrun I’m running out of battery can we meet in an hour at the café on 3rd street?” Cagalli asked. “Sure.” Athrun said. “Then it’s a date.” she quickly said hanging up. Athrun hung up too as he blushed thinking about going on a date with Cagalli. He gulped.
With in an hour Athrun left his house a drove to the café. When he walked in he saw Cagalli sitting at a table looking down at her hands. “May I sit or are you waiting for someone?” Athrun said to her. As soon as he talked her head shot up. It was red as an apple. “Hi Athrun, sit.” she said to him. Athrun sat down and ordered a thing of fries and a chocolate milkshake. Cagalli got the same thing. But when the waiter came back they only had one because the machine broke. “Can we have two straws anyway?“ Cagalli asked the waiter. The waiter left with putting down the straws. Cagalli put both straws in and looked down and blushed. Her head was tilled down so you could only see her blush on her face. Athrun mentally laughed, because he looked the same. “We can share it.” Cagalli said looked at him. “Well come here then.” Athrun said using his hand to tell her to come. She stood up and stood next to Athrun. “Well sit.” Athrun said. As he pulled down on her she was going to sit anyway so she almost fell on top of him. Just Cagalli got scared as she felt something touch her lips. It was soft and sweet. As she opened her eyes she saw Athrun. ‘Athrun!! Crap, Athrun!!.’ Cagalli thought when she pulled back. Athrun smiled at her as she pulled her self back up and sat next to him. Then Athrun took a sip of the milkshake. Cagalli gaped a little at him. ‘How could act like nothing happened?’ she thought. As he put the glass down he looked at her. “Not as sweet as you though.” Athrun said. Cagalli gasped covered her mouth and ran out of the place. ‘What did I do?’ Athrun asked himself. He paid for the shake and left. He stopped a pretzels place. He grabbed one and headed for the park. The sun was just setting so it was a good time.
As Athrun sat in front of the fountain he looked at the water. “I wish people could just flow like the water does.” Athrun said to himself. “But where is the fun with out a few sharp rocks out there. Your life is just a chain reaction taking you day by day.” said a voice her recognized behind him. “Cagalli?” he asked. “Hi Athrun, look I’m really sorry I ran off before. I just have never kissed anyone before.” Cagalli said sitting next to him. “That’s fine. I’ve never been kissed before either.” Athrun said. Cagalli grabbed Athrun’s hand the wasn’t holding the pretzel. “Your so nice, Athrun.” she said pulling his hand to touch her cheek. Athrun was a bit surprised but was happy they cleared the air. “Athrun can….c-can you kiss me again.” Cagalli asked him. “y-yea if you want.” Athrun said. Cagalli nodded and they pulled closer and then they kissed. Cagalli pulled away with a smile on her face. “Thanks.” Cagalli said getting up and walked back home. Athrun did know what to say. “Now or never I guess?” mumbled to himself.
Well I like this theme. Not saying it will last long because all of my favorites don't last long but oh well.
So picture and quote of the day.

"Cindy the T.V.s leaking"-Scary movie 3.
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Monday, June 20, 2005
Fashion show
Well my friends has a lot of cloths that she grew out of. Well she gave them to me. ^_^ My friend Vanessa has cool clothes. Not Bebopinutrigun 188 Vanessa. Another Vanessa. I have to say my favorite thing is a orange jacket that had money’s down the sleeves. But I have a whole bunch and I have to try them on today, so I’m having a little fashion show. ^_^
Well I saw the movie Madagascar yesterday. Me, my dad, and LGL80 wanted to see the new Batman movie but the tickets where sold out when we got there. T.T I wanted to see it. But Madagascar was funny. Great movie for little kids. Maybe not so much of teens but some of the jokes where more adult wise for understanding them. Like a pansy joke that the older people got but I could hear the kids in front of us asked there parents what a ‘pansy’ was.
Well here is the first chapter of my longer fan fiction I’m typing. It is all mushy like and easy going at the being so can any one give me a kind of plot twist after reading the first chapter or any for a high school fan fiction type setting. Thanks now read on!
Chapter 1- The new guy
“Time to wake up once again.” mumbled a sleepy blond haired girl and she tumbled out of bed. It was 6:30 and school started at 8. Why get up so early you may ask. Well living with her brother and mother and father who also have to be at school or at work for 8 it can get crazy trying to get really for the day. The blond made her way towards the bathroom room for the upstairs. She looked in the mirror at herself. Her blond hair was flying out like crazy. She then took her shower and went back in her room and put on her uniform. The skirt was never to hot for her. She hated skirts and never wear then normally. She pulled on her blue jacket over the white t-shirt they normally had to wear. Entering her brother room and tapped his shoulder and whispering in his ear “Time to get up, Kira.” The brown haired boy turned over and turned on the light above his head. “10 more minutes Cagalli.” the boy said. “No because then we will be late.” Cagalli said walking out door. Kira got up and took a shower as well and put on his uniform after. There Chinese collars really didn’t like him as he fidgeted with the neck. As he made his way down stairs he could smell toast. “Morning Cagalli.” he said sitting at bar type bench and started eating his toast. Before Cagalli could answer there mom and dad entered one talking on there cell phone and the other grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door. Then there mom finished her talk on her cell phone and grabbed a piece of toast and followed there dad right out the door. Cagalli and Kira looked like they just got whip lashed. “Okay..” Kira said a bit suspired by there parents actions. Normally they would at least good morning to them but not today I guess. Kira and Cagalli finished eating they made there way out the door to a car that just pulled in. “Morning Mrs. Haww.” Kira and Cagalli said getting in the car. “Morning kids. I see that your parents are really busy today.” Mrs. Haww said to them as they shut the door. “Yes ma’am.” Kira said her. “Morning Kira, Cagalli.” Mir and Lacus said to them. “Morning girls.” Cagalli said to her two best friends. “Morning Lacus, morning Mir.” Kira said to them. On the way to school they talked about there English homework and such until they reached school. “Thanks again mom.” Mir said getting out of the car. “No problem honey.” Mir’s mom said pulling away from the school. “Morning Mir.” Dearka called with a sulking Yzak behind him. See as more fan girls where trying to hit on him they decided not to ask what the problem was. “Morning Dearka.” Mir said giving him a hug. “Bell’s going to ring gotta go.” Cagalli said to them all. “Poor girl her locker is on the other side of the school.” Lacus said looking at Cagalli’s retreating figure.
Cagalli was half way to her locker. For just one second she closed her eyes for strength to make it there. But when she did she hit into someone. “Sorry.” Cagalli said turning only slightly to see who it was but didn’t really care. And then she when off running. “No it’s okay.” said the person she hit into. As he moved some of his blue hair behind his ear. Cagalli had made it in time and was walking back as she saw a boy with blue hair looking lost with all the people around him. She saw this and she knew she had to help him. She went up to him. He didn’t see her because of all the people and was a bit shocked as he was pulled into a small hallway. “Thanks.” the boy said turning to her. “No problem you just looked lost.” Cagalli said to him. “Oh you’re the girl that hit into me before.” the boy said. “Oh really! I sorry.” Cagalli said bowing. “No problem. The names Athrun, Athrun Zala.” said the boy. “Cagalli, Cagalli Yula Attha.” Cagalli said to the boy. “So where do I go from here.” Athrun asked. “Well let me see your schedule.” Cagalli said to him. “Here.” Athrun said handing it over. “Hey we have the same classes cool.” She handed him back his schedule back. “Follow me.” She said taking his hand. Athrun blushed a bit as he followed her. Surprisingly they made it to class and on time as well. “Mr. ANDREW!” Cagalli called walking into class. Athrun was a bit surprised her just did that but no one else seemed to mind. “YES, CAGALLI!!!!” a man said coming to her side. “I got a new bee.” Cagalli said looking at Athrun. “Athrun Zala?” the man questioned. “Ummm Yes sir.” Athrun said. “Calm down Athrun.” Cagalli said to him as the man looked over his schedule. “I’ll try.” he said and smiled at her. She just blushed and looked at the floor. “You can go to your seat now miss Cagalli.” the man said. “okay.” then she noticed that she was still holding his hand. Both of them blushed as she let go. Her hand was warm and she felt it going to her seat. Athrun let her hand go and smiled. ’There is no way I’ll falling for a girl this fast.’ Athrun thought. “Don’t be fooled with her.” the man said “by the way I’m your teacher Mr. Andrew Waltfeld.” “Okay and what did you mean?” Athrun asked Mr. Andrew. “I bet you mean about Cagalli, well she’s a fireball. Watch out for her.” Mr. Andrew said with a smirk. As more students walked in Lacus and Mir walked in shortly and went straight to talking with Cagalli. Soon Kira entered and saw something. “Athrun?” Kira questioned the boy standing in the front of the class. “Kira? Kira Yamato?” Athrun asked. “Yea hey man.” Kira said giving him a high five as the bell rang. Everyone ran to there seats. Kira and Lacus sat next to each other as where Dearka and Mir. Cagalli didn’t have a partner. So she sat alone. “Okay while we have a new student today!” Mr. Andrew called to his class. “YAY NEW STUDENT!!” Cagalli yelled from her seat as everyone joined in. Then Lacus gave Cagalli a high five so did Mir. They knew what it meant to have a new student. No homework or work. “What’s going on?” Athrun questioned the teacher as he laughed at his students. “They don’t have to do work because you’re here.” he said back. “Your going to be in this room all day. So get use to it.” Andrew said “Why Don’t you sit next to Cagalli.” he pointed to the blond sitting by her self. “Okay.” Athrun said happy that he could sit next to someone he knew. “Hey Athrun thanks for coming today.” Cagalli said patting him on the back. “No problem.” he said admiring the smile on her face. “Well because we where going to have a pop quiz today, but I can’t do that to a new student so why don’t you all go work on the outdoor classroom.” Andrew said. More yes’s and yea’s could be hear from his class as kids got up and headed out the room. “What?” Athrun questioned more confused now then ever. “Come on.” Cagalli said pulling up on his arm and taking him out of the class with everyone else. “Mir, Lacus, Kira hold up.” Cagalli yelled pulling a shocked Athrun with her. Mir, Kira and Lacus waited for her as she jumped on Mir’s and Lacus’s shoulders supporting her self. Cagalli was light so it didn’t hurt and she was very athletic so it was bad either. “Weird one isn’t she?” Kira said looking at his sister and there friends. “Yea but cute.” Athrun said. “You know she’s my sister right?” Kira questioned Athrun. “Crap…Really? I didn’t know you had a sister.” Athrun said. “Yea we found out 2 years ago.” Kira said to him. “Well I can’t help it Kira she is cute.” Athrun said smiling as Cagalli came back wither friends.
Picture and quote of the day.

“Oh my god, there pansies!”-lemur from Madagascar
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