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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
4 finals done
I got Lang. Arts, Math, Scince, and Gym all done. Now I have orcestra (x2) and Socail Stuides. So I'm going to pracrice and study tonight. I also have to scan things and makes copies of things for friends. There is a really good picture of Lacus in her blue dress that I'm going to use for a wallpaper so look for it soon.
Well I don't know what to say. Not much happened today. Granny Gray was there though. ^.^ I still love that.
Well that is all for now. Off to download more AMV's of Excel Saga.
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Monday, May 9, 2005
The poem
I would like to share the poem my orchestra teacher told all the 8th graders at the concert. It is called after awhile.
After Awhile
After a while you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul
And you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning,
And company doesn’t always mean security.
And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts
And presents aren’t promises,
And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head up and eyes ahead,
With the grace of a man or woman, not the grief of a child.
And you learn to build all your roads on today
Because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans
And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
After awhile you learn that even sunshine burns
If you get too much,
So you plant your own garden
And decorate your own soul
Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers
And you learn you can endure,
You really are strong, you really do have worth,
And you learn and you learn and you learn.
With every goodbye you learn.
So there it is. I love this poem now. It is so true.
Well it was also finals day. Math and Lang Arts. I almost fell asleep in the Lang. Arts one. And I was sitting right in front of her and I thought she was going to say something but she didn't. I got it done so it was okay. And Math was okay. the graph questions where hard. They didn't make sense to me but I tried.
Well it was so funny today because Soraluver had this little blanket on her shoulders and *her last name is Grey* So everyone was calling her granma Grey. And she was like my my kids came to see me. Because we were at her locker. That cracked me up Soraluver. ^.^ Too funny.
Well that is kinda all for me. Oh yes a question. You know how there are some shows that can be sumed up in a song. *i.e Excel Saga one week by Barenaked ladies* Well what would my site song be. ^.^ Just wondering. Well bye.
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
New theme
I can't help the craving for a new theme. It happens okay. Well this one is bright and pink and the last one was dark and purple so big diference huh. Well acutually I am in the middle of writing a new fan fic. Called Rock, Roll, and love. It is a AxC and LxK. I am in writing of the 11th chapter but I shall post the first chapter now and if you all like then I shall post it all. Well here is the first.
Chapter 1 Riding on a jet plane
“Oh Lacus why do you have to leave us for school.” called out Lacus’s mom while hugging her daughter. “It can’t be helped mom.” Lacus said “Me and Athrun are out doing all of our classes and they thought we would get more learning in the US.” Lacus’s mom gave her a little smile. “I know.” she said “My smart little girl.” Lacus’s mom smiled and kissed the top of Lacus’s head and left the room for her to pack. ‘I hope everything will be alright for her.’ wondered Lacus’s mom.
*A few days later*
Lacus walked out of her house and saw a car waiting for her. “Well time to go.” she said to herself. They had already sent her and Athrun’s bags in ahead of time. Athrun got out of the car. Lacus noticed she hadn’t moved since she got out side. ‘Come on Lacus.’ she thought to her self ‘smile we can do this.’ “Are you okay?” Athrun said when he got to her. “Yah I’m just a bit nervous. You?” she said while walking to the car. “Me too.” Athrun said after opening the door for her. *What a gentlemen*
The car ride to the airport was silent. Lacus wanted to talk but didn’t know what about. She sat there until she couldn’t take it anymore. “Where are we going to stay?” she looked Athrun for an answer. Athrun just smiled and looked at her for a minute. She looked away. ’Fine then don’t answer’ she thought. “Where going to stay with a friend of mine who goes to the same school where going too.” said Athrun. He knew he pushed it a little much by not answering at the second she asked but he thought he could repent by telling her where they where staying. Lacus opened her mouth to ask more questions but the driver called “Where here.” Athrun told him thank you and they left on there plane. Lacus had never been on a plane before so she was a bit scared. You would think the princess of ZAFT would have been on one but she hasn’t. Lacus asked more questions when they where on the plane. “What’s your friends name? Boy or Girl? Brothers or sisters? Have any pets? Coordinator or natural?” She just kept them coming. “Hold on” Athrun said “Lets see if I can answer them all. Ummmm Kira, boy, 1 sister, no pets, Kira’s a coordinator and his sister is a natural. Well they both think that we don’t know for sure.” “Okay” Lacus said and smiled. Before they knew it they where in the USA. “Where are we?” said Lacus would was turning at every noise around her. She was moving so fast her pony tail was swaying with every turn. “Athrun, Athrun Zala. Is that you?” a boy called out. “Hey Kira how is it going?” called back to him. “Hey Kira where are you?” you could a girl say behind him. “Sorry Cagalli” Kira called back when she reached him. “Cagalli this is Athrun Zala.” Kira said pointing to Athrun. “And Athrun this is Cagalli Yula Attha” Kira said Again pointing to the girl behind his shoulder. “Hi” They both said at the same time and both laughed. That only left one more person. Lacus.
Well end chapter one. And being the author of this story I can tell you it gets alot better in later chapters. *cough chapter 5, 6, and 7*
^.^ bye.
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Happy Mother's day
Mood: Happy
Time of Post: 1:54 pm
Listening to: Breath by Michelle Branch
Well happy mothers day to all mom's out there. ^.^ I think today we should recognise the anime monthers. Like....
Kagome's mom-InuYasha
Inu-Yasha's mom-Inu-Yasha
Sakura's mom-CCS *dead but still comes back to check on her*
Momiji's mom-Fruba *never going to remember him but she still cares*
And all anime mom's.
Hey I came up with some okay. I can't really think of alot. Oh yes and Sailor moon. ^.^ How could I forget.
Well yesterday was so much fun. There was this giant log tower thing we had to climb up and people whould help you with your rope and when you got up to the top which was 2 times the size of the building *It was huge and there where all made of logs and hanging logs too* you could look at the top and then you would have to fall off the top and the people on the rope had to pull you down. I worked the rope alot. I didn't go on it at all but the one boy who actually made it to the top said it was one of the scariest things he had ever done put would do it again anyday.
Well thanks for reading all my post and everyone who comes to my site. I hardly go to anyones sites beside my sister pages. So I will go and visit people who comment. *biws* sorry for my rudeness to you all.
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
Consert *sniff*
Mood: ready for action
Time of Post: 8:32 am
Listening to: Amgel by The Corrs
Well I'm going to do something ab-normale and answer comments from last post. *Very werid last post I know*
EvlesAteMyRamen-Just this once I was in 3rd person mode. Yes I think I'm about bussy as you were last week. And Imortal Rain sounds great I'll go get it. That would be cool if they made an anime though.
samurigrlKMS-Thankyou very much.
Vanessa-Yes I hope I can get everything too. But I'm loseing money. ^.^;;; I have to take finals for every quarter so yours don't sound so bad. But they do come fast huh.
Scage-No. No one else was posting for me. It was just from Excel Saga thing.
2lovinu-Yes it is alot of work. I hope I can get it all done. I can't wait for GSD either. I want to see AxC stuff so much. And thankyou for caring my shoulder did get better right after I posted. And the ending for GS is great can't wait till you get it.
chubbi chibies-Same as scage.
Smoothlady15-Thanks about the theme. I know it is sad to miss them over the summer but I'm never going to see them again. So I'm really sad.
Supergal16-It is me posting. And the consert was good and I will have fun.
Nittlegrasper-What song would that be. ^.^;;; but Excel Saga is great.
Well last night I cried because my teacher told all the 8th graders to stand up and said that we were with her during the 2 greatest things in her life. Her wedding and the birth of her son. And told us a poem and it made me cry. I don't want to leave. I cried when I sat down and Blake was looking at me and was like why are you cring. I just did a light punch and said it was sad.
Well I learned it isn't swiming it is an climbing thing today at the YMCA. *heart shaders* I can't do anything like that but I'm going to go anyway just for fun so I will see what happens.
Well that is it for me. Long post because of comments but oh well see you later guys. Lie will be going now. ^-^
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Friday, May 6, 2005
Last consert
Mood: mellow
Time of Post: 6:02 pm
Listening to: Feilds of hope by Tanaka Rei. *From GSD*
Well hello everyone. Lie was watching Exsel Saga so Lie wasn't on yesterday. Also Lie wasn't going to go on today for the fact of her last consert ever is tonight. But Lie desided to post anyway.
Well Lie was busy watching Exsel Saga yesterday. Lie and LGL watched it till very late and didn't finish it. *shakes head* Nope indead. Well I just took a nap on my couch and my right sholder is all messed up now. Has that ever happened to you?
Well Lie also has finals next week. Math and Lang. Arts-Monday, Gym and Science-Tuesday, Sinfoina and social studies-Wensday, Consert on Thursday. And that will it. Lie can't wait till this is all over. Lie wants to get school over with very fast. But Lie is also very sad because Lie will never see her great friends ever again. *drops head in sadness* Very sad for Lie yes.
Lie is going to swim at a party tomorrow. Yes. *nods head* Well when I went shopping for Manga I couldn't deside which books to get because I wanted to get Saint Tail if they had it or imortal rain. All Sissy favorites. (Sissy=2lovinu) Well I knew I was getting GS #3 but I didn't know weather to get 4 as well. Well right before I left I desided to get 4. I should have gotten Imortal rain though. Sissy was right. But Lie will get it next time after she buys GS DVD 10. ^.^
Sorry about the 3rd person after Exsel Saga it would happen you know if you have seen it. So I got to go and get dressed now so Pardon me as I get ready for my consert. Bye now.
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Teeth hurt. Dam rubber bands
Mood: in pain
Time of Post: 4:58 pm
Listening to: Emotional by Diana DeGarmo
Let just to get the bad news out frist so I can get on with this post, yesterday I made back for 3rd period right before we started the test. -_-;;; Lucky huh. I plan to re-take it. For some reason my eyes were acting funny and I could see and it was getting blury. This was with my glasses on too. Well also I have to wear dam rubberbands again. And the right side has thicker ones so it hurts more. I just took some asprin and I'm feeling a bit better now.
Well good news. I got my power point done. ^.^ I'm still happy I got it over with because I look at all the people up there and there's won't work or the program won't show things so I was happy to get it done. I find the animals cool but sometimes there really boring so I need to get some new manga tonight so I have something to do. I know that is mean but all of my friends haven't been called yet or aren't really to go so I don't really find it that good. Also my crush was playing eith my hair all durning 7th period. It was so cute because I had my hair in 2 drifferent braids and her picked up the on side and acted like it was a paintbrush and so so fuuny. Note that we were watching a movie and because people sat behiden me I have to crouch down so I laid my head on his desk. ^//^ He is also going to the thing on Saturday. Oh wait I haven't told you about that yet.
Well this saturday Mrs. Griffin *Orchestra teacher* Is holding a pool party for all the 8th graders in Orchestra so My crush will be going and so will other friends of mine. Christina isn't going because she is meeting her dad's girl friend. *Divorsed* And she was showing me some dress she found last night on the internet and there was this really pretty one. It was strapless, had criss-cross black ribbon at the top. Down the middle of the dress it kinda opens up into a perywinkle blue color with the sides that where black. It came with a really bad shall but it was sooo pretty.
Well this is about it for me. Not much at school today. So I can't say much. ^.^ Well bye bye now. Oh yes and I hope you had a good day as well.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
The power of chippy!
Yes feel the power of Chippy! Mwa ha ha ha *cough* ha. Well yes. If you go to the bottom of the page you can see my little Chippy. Chippy's my hamster.
Well I have to go to my Orothodontist today so I have some time. I could have slept for another hour but I desided to go on and update. Well people have been asking me who my favorite sailor scout is. To tell ya the thruth it is Saturn but I like Mars just as much as I do Saturn so it is kinda a tie. And in a close second is Venus. But I have to watch the Japnese version of Sailor Moon because I hate Uasgi voice. It is so anyoying. My left eye starts to twich. But yah that is the answer to all who want to know.
If I am lucky I don't have to go to 3rd period today which has my test in it. But normaly I get out by that time but oh well. I practiced for an hour last night on just that part so I could play it right. I think I will do good.
Well I'm going to leave you with my favorite picture of Sailor Saturn now.

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Monday, May 2, 2005
To many things to list for a topic
I got my power point done today. ^_^ I'm so glad I got it over with. But I didn't really think I was going to do it today so I was kinda off when she told me to go. I got 5 points off for reading right from the point point info but I don't care. And I got 4 points off for my Work cited page not being right but I still got an A so I'm happy. I was the frist person to go.
Orcestra test tomorrow. I have a test on a hard part in orcestra tomorrow. So I have to practice tonight. Pray for me because I have to go into 3rd postion on my violin and that means I have to shift. To put it in lames terms I have to go from piont A to point B within a 2 second time spand.
I finished my Tessallation project for Math today. I didn't turn it in because I didn't feel like it. ^.^ But we are making our own and mine looks like a little dinosaur. My friend told me to called him Frank of pungy. What you think Pungy or Frank?
Well today was locker clean out. I couldn't clean out my locker though because I can't open it. Yes I still haven't goten a new lock. I really should. I'll try this week. Well what else this day. Oh yah I got extra credit in orcestra because she asked me and this boy *My evil stand partener. Inside joke* what the chairs where in one of our classes. She has 5 classes so I guess you could get them mixed up fast enough. But when we were leaving her office she gave us extra credit.
I got my sister and brother sites up. These people are people I think of as brothers and sisters. *Of course LGL80 is my brother but I love him none the less* Also thanks for 425 GB entries. I saw that today and was like WOW. So thanks.
And in 7th period we watched Malcom X. And that movie had pimps in it. They even have the hat with the hug feathers, Striped suits, and there own walk. It was so funny to watch them. But I also found out that finals are next week. -.- Crap.
Well that was my day. I'm just so happy that I could get the power point over with. Well bye now.
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Hello everyone
I'm really bord right now. I have nothing to do. -.- I finally changed the quote and gif under the post. I think the quote works well. Ummmmm nothing else to say really. How about this I'll post the words to the song next. Yes I'll do that. I have enough room.
Well I can't say I'm doing much right now. But listening to music and flipping though my New type. This just came to me, did I tell you about my dad's friend who got the tumor removed? Well he is doing find now. It is still weak and is sore but doing alright. Well I guess that is all. *drops head in disapointment* I can't leave you to end a post like this. hmmmmmm
*Ever wonder..*
Why don't you ever see 'Psychic Wins Lottery'?
P.S. This a question from my bro. Who is your favorit anime vilan?
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