Naruto 1 and 2
Well I'm no fool you guys I see that with a trend is going I must follow. But over the about year I have been on I see that Naruto has been on alot of peoples sites and other things. Bebopinutrigun 188 has that up now. So I desided to go and see what if is all about. So yesterday I asked (begged on my hands and knees) to get Naruto 1 and 2. They where only 7.95 so it was cheeper than most so she said yes. And I started to read. And I would like to say that it is . . . GREAT!! So that is all I have to say about that. Not really because I want the 3rd book now too. ^_^
Also sorry everyone who can't read my post because of my side bar. But I changed the welcome sign to a smaller one and edited my little button box so everything is good now. Oh yes animegirl4ever exstended her contest so I get to make more things. ^_^ YAY And that CD thing is really cool. Sorry if I confused a few people on exspailning it. but it is hard to.
Oh yes remeber I asked people to make buttons and stuff for my Lacus site. Thanks and it is still up in case anyone wants to. But now if you want to make one for the Cagalli and Athrun site you can too. Nothing hard on the button either it can just say Athrun and Cagalli or something like that. Not that hard. ^_^
So nothing much I can say for today. so I'll see you guys later. Comments (11) |
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
New CD thing
Hey everyone. My dad and me hooked up this new CD thing on our computer and I was the only one who understod what to do or how to up load images on this paper. But it is so cool because on the CD cases we got. They open up and with the program and paper they give you it looks like a real CD. I made one that is total Cagalli and Athrun. Oh course I would but It looks so good. It is for burned CDs so I burned one and they give you this paper too that is like a sticker for the CD. It goes right over it but you print images off your computer on it and they give you like this mounting thing to put it on and I put 3 Stickers on CDs and it has never messed up not even once. I am going to scan the one CD to show you. So at the end of the post you can see it.
Well I started my 6th free webs web site today. Thouht better to do it now when I have time to then later. It isn't a Cagalli site like I said it would be. I changed my mine. And now it is a Cagalli AND Athrun site!! Like you couldn't see it comming right. ^.^ I just love that couple so much. And when April comes around it is time for Fllay and bye bye Athrun and Cagalli. But I will still have my own web site. Oh yes I also have the link to my URL helper site here.
Hope you guys find it use full. And yes I have the Kitty hardness scale. Go to the site and see if you want to know what in the world I'm talking about. I still have to finish the wallpapers page and add links to my other sites and such but there it is. And I have linking on there too fokes so don't worry.
Well that is all for me. But wait. Animegirl4ever has her Athrun and Cagalli thing going on now. *evil smile* And here is my entry *well one of them* Comments (12) |
Monday, March 21, 2005
Hi all
I'm on Spring Break now. ^_^ I needed it too. Well I just got done for going to the orthodantest and I had good teeth once again. Well my dad took me to the book store and I got Chrono Crusade volume no. 1. He told me that if I could perswade him to get anything then he would get it for me. And I didn't even have to try and he got it for me. *thumbs up* Yes. Well we also went to Best Buy and I got something for my brother for easter but since he has a site on here now I can't tell you guys what it is. But I know he will like it. ^_^
Oh yes I almost for got. I have like 6 free webs sites and I plan to put up a link for all of them. I think one will help alot of you out there who are just starting. It is a URL codes site. I'm puttin up all codes needed for making a site like mine. Well it is all the codes I have figured out or people have told me about. Just like to say a really big thanks to Dark Phoenix and Hiusi for all the help over the past year I have been on here. Also to Sango 123 who has always made me laugh when I go to her site. And who can forget my Dear friend 2lovinuyasha. She has been such a great friend to me. And my contest winner friend princess ookumae. God bless her soul and I hope she returns home soon. I pray for her. This kinda sounds like a fare well post. ha ha ha. But its not so don't worry. But speaking of all my friends brings back memories of MJRJ and CTRNikkiM how I miss them. But I e-mail CTRNikkiM every now and then.
Well back to the sites. Here are the sites and there stautes.
Lie74 site-Okay for my frist one
Gundam SEED 01-My frist Gundam page. doing well I guess
Lacus Clyne forever-My best one yet. Doing very well graphics and such.
Understanding Fllay- Well getting started to a rocky start but getting better. I have to work on pictures and graphic images a bit more for when she dies. T.T So sad I like Fllay
URL helper- I have to work on this one and add alot more codes but alright so far.
Tomboy princess-Haven't even started. *Anime fall* I know I'm working on it. ^^;;;
Well That is all I can think of now. My brother has a site up for fan fictions. Well that is all I have for today. But I leave you with this quote I made up. ^_^
New fan club
Well everyone I'm not picture posting any more. And my legs aren't killing me. Only me left one a little. But I'm fine. ^_^ I do have some things to put up tho. I have started a new club. The Cagalli and Athrun Fan club! Yes I have made one. Due to site and the fact that I signed to a site that was Athrun x Cagalli. So here are the banners. But movine *ouuuuuu*
PM me to join or e-mail me. You will see the co-founder is J GUNDAM. Yes because he gave me the idea to start it.
But also I wanted to show you my next themes I have going up. I see shows and or pictures I like so I want to make a theme out of it so they kept building up. And I thought this was crazy so now I have a list. Here they are.
You may wonder why for July Kira and Cagalli. Well because my brothers and my Birthdays are in July and because Kira and Cagalli are brother and sister I thought it would be nice. Also I look like Cagalli and my brother looks like Kira which I think is kinda funny. ^_^ But anyway that is all for me. Yes also I joined alot of Gundam SEED sites so I have alot more afflies now. ^_^
Ha ha
What great comments on I got on the song. ^_^ I sent it to my friend too and she really liked it. Actually I have I think I will leave it up some more. But also I need your help. For Social Studies I have to do a paper about 3 dirfferent things and I need satisties. And my friend said I could use a poll on the web so anyone who comes please vote. I can get this done faster now.
Well thanks for the votes. Also I went to AMV's .com yesterday and got a ton of AMVs. I even got Spritied Away ones! On is ordinary day by vansessa carltin and it is sooo cool.BUt anyway we played Voliy ball in Gym because it is so cold and rainy outside. And we lost. Again. But I love plying it because it is soooo much fun. ^_^
Well Chibi-chan is back. ^_^ Yay I have been waiting for her to come back. So Welcome back Chibi Creator. Well nothing I can think about to talk about so I leave you with this.
Yes tong twister from Inu-Yasha. I can say it now but it took me 2 days to get it right. ^_^ It is funny because Kagome messes up. ^.^ and Shippo is tooo cute. This will only be up for a day tho. I thought it was fun and a great toung twister. So there you go everyine. And thanks to all who told me about the sentence in the profile thing. I fixed it. So you can read it.
I don't have alot to say today. It is raining so I'm going to just download some AMV's now. I got these great ones yesterday for Sango and Miroku. ^_^ Okay that is it for me. I'll come back later and add more. Comments (8) |
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
First of thanks
For . . . .
Yes I spelled it worng but who cares. You guys know me too much anyway to know I can't spell good. Well everyone I'm proud to say that I uploaded ALL of my Fruba pictures. I did it late last night so you can go see them now. Also I worked alot on my Lacus site last night and got the Guestbook up and everything. Well I have a link for the site on my profile part so please go and tell me what you think. Thankyou.
Well now school was boring like normal. I do't have to stay after school tomorrow because Mrs. Griffen cansled our after school thing. Also I don't have to stay after Thrusday either. I have a dentist apptment so I have to go do that. And on Saturday *groan* I have to get up at 5:00 to get to school at 5:45 for festable. -_-;;; the only time is wish they did this over the winter. But all in all it is good.
I really have nothing else to say for today. I am going to work on fade pictures I guess. I have no homwork. ^_^ YAY. But now I'm bord.
Oh wait I got my grades yesterday my mom works at a school. Sometimes a sin or a god sent. Grades this 9 weeks. God sent. Cheack it out 3 A's 3 B's and 1 C. I just can't do anything right in Science can I. -_-;; I finally got my Math teacher figured out and I got a B in her class. YAY. I had a D last time okay fokes. Oh yea also I leraned the scariest thing today. One of my best friends in the whole word is a bysexual. O_______O ummm yah. Not much for that. But Oh well what ever flots your boat I say. I have nothing agasnt it. Just no with me. I have a guy I really like. ^////^
Oh yes for everyone who knows CTRNikkiM She wanted me to tell you hi. I e-mailed her the other day and tld me to tell you. ^_^ So she says hi
Thanks everyone
Thankyou for everyone who has given me things for mt Lacus site. the list inclues. Elves ate my ramen
animegirl4ever and
ob53zt tang3rtin3
Thanks for all the efort you put into making these things for me. So here is a little thankyou sign for each of you.
Hope you like them.
So. that is that. I'm updating my Lacus Web site today. Also putting up the guestbook for it to. Oh yes if you go to the site please sign the guest book for me. ^_^ I would like that alot. Well today in 5th period Our lesson was to pass notes. That was it. She wanted to see how we communicat with notes so that is all we did. It was really fun. And me and Sor luver talked a little today. It is getting harder for us to talk bacuse they are actually infoceing the "laws" of the lunch room. Crazt huh. Oh yes I have more faded pictures. Okay when I had somewhat of a Meyrin Hawke site everyone said she looked like flay....*Evil smile* So here you go.
Kinda hard to tell but it is both of them. I'm planing on doing a drifferent one later. Well I did this one with 2 pictures of Mia. And I think it looks like a music video kinda thing.
Oh yes thanks for 2000 hits. I ment to put this up yesterday. ^^;;;Also I'm changing my song to Iris from the Goo Goo dolls. Such a good song. *.*
There are my faded pictures. And again thanks everyone for the stuff and it is still up to. You can make graphics and things for me to put up too. It will always be opean. I won't stop taking things. So feel free to make anything for the site. ^_^ Thanks all bye now. Comments (8) |