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Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Long time no see
Hey everyone.I didn't post yesterday. Yep it is crazy. ^_^ Well I started school yesterday. I had to get all my things and I saw alot of friends yesterday. And some people I wasn't to happy to see.
And I'm in the 8th grade now. ^_^ The one bad thing is there are to many people are in our school so I have to share a locker. -_-;;
But the good thing is she is one of like my best friends at school. The erson I'm sharning a locker with.
Okay I just want to tell you about my one friend who shall not be named. We will call her "C". Well C is in love with this guy, and after she learned that he was cheating on her they are still together. And she just has to talk about him all the time. And when ever she talks to him she is always like this. (But not Sango) 
She really does drive me insain some times. Well I also saw that boy who really gets on my nerves. we have the same 7th period together. You should have seen him. At every girl this what he looked like.
And was saying things like,"I'm so gald I go to this school."
Oh he got on my nerves. But it was kinda funny that the girl I'm sharning the locker with slaped him like Sango would. It was funny.
Well about the song.
Yah. so I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Okay tomorrow is spelled wrong on the papper but. Leave me alone I have school work to do. See ya later dudes.*runs off before dad fines me on the computer* -__-;;;
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
Last night was fun.
Well last night me and my Famliy went to the mall. It was so fun. I got the next Inu-Yasha DVD. And I got my 2nd Newtype USA Mag.
The frist one i got had stuff about .hack sign twilight bracelet. This one is about games that are going to come out soon. And guess what. There is an Inu-Yasha game coming out. It is for the PS2. I don't have one though. I'm going to buy one though. I want FFX2, Kingdom Hearts,Dark Clould 2, and the Inu-Yasha games. There are 2 out there. So I want both. I need alot of money though.
Well on the DVD of Inu-Yasha I got it had the ep. beatful sister apperintest. And there is one line that made me a little sad. It was in a kind way but it almost made me cry. here it is. *From Inu-Yasha world.com*
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts. Dark Phoeix got the song right. The song line from yesterday was from Simple and Clean. Yay for her. I hope she feels better.
The new song line to day is this= I can never say my loneliness
Every Heart doesn't know so what to say oh what to do
(I) was afraid of darkness cause I felt that I was left alone
So I prayed for help to (the) distant million stars
Round & Round the planets revolve round the sun
And we always seek after love and peace Forever more
Growing growing woe baby we can work it out
Look up at the sky Every Heart is shining all today.
Well can any one tell me. Here is a hint. *I don't think you need it though. There is a bigger hint in the song,Oh well.* 
Well there you go. Eveyone should get this.
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
Hey everyone
Well I changed everything around. I got a new icon if you didn't know. And guess what it isn't Sango. It's crazy I know, but this one is so funny. I have one that is like kikyou with a messed up face. But I will put that one up with a later post.
I got new music. I got alot of people e-mailing me and asking me were I got my music and how to put it up. Well everyone who wants to know I got it at geptz.com. You can see that at the top of my site and all you have to do is copy the code you want and put it on the intro section of writting. that is all I did.
Oh I wanted to say i'm sorry to 2lovinuyasha. I took down your button. I didn't mean to. I will put it up later again. Sorry. I was putting up my music and listening to "Simple and Clean" and I got a little desteacted. So I'm going to put it up again later.
I'm working on some new art and I will be putting up some art soon so look for it. I have school soon so I will be a little behind on the start of Monday on. But our frist few days are easiy though.
So I was just sitting here on my computer and I desided that I'm going to put up song lines for closing comments now.
So here is my frist new one.
"Wish I could prove I love you, but does that mean I have to walk on water? When we are older you'll understand. It's enough when I said so. And maybe some things are that simple." Well that is it. I don't mean to sound like a teacher, but can anyone tell me what the song is.And here is a pic. that I think goes with song.(Note note from this show)
Well see ya around. ^_^
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Friday, August 6, 2004
My feet hurt
Well today was my mom's school oritation. And guess who had to run copies, cut out letters for teachers, and had to go out side and pick up trash at 8:00am this morning. Yep I had to do that. Me and my brother had to do that about all day today. The good thing is we got alot of food for lunch and donuts for a snake, and I get 20$. Yey. But as soon as I got home I feel alseep.
Well besides that I got the rest of the Inu-Yasha icons from Adult Swim. I didn't get the Jaken and Keade one. Unless someone asked for them in name I will put it up. but that is it. So here are the rest=       
Well that is all of them. Well for all FF X2 fan's I have found one of the greatest(at least to me)pic. site for you.Here is the site.http://www.creativeuncut.com/artff10-2.html It has them in costume and regular cloths. Itjust has great pic.s I'm leaving you with some of my fav. from there. 
I would also like to note that Rikku won for the sexest girl car. in a game. 
My closing comment is. FF X2 RULES. Go LuLu. Go Rikku. Go Yuna. here pic. of yuna to close out. See ya everyone. *Note all from that site I told you about*
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Thursday, August 5, 2004
I'm tired
Hi everyone. I'm so tired. Hey just for you guys I stole some icons from Adult Swim.com. They are from the message bords. I have so case closed. Alot of Inu-Yasha and others. So I would like to note that no one can use this as icons. I brought them for show and I may change mine to the icon I have on the bords, but that is it. (And plus to you guys want me to get the people at adult Swim mad at me.)    This one is mine-   And this is mibe now here- And some Wolf Rain- 
OKay that is all I have now. I will get more. There is alot more Inu-Yasha. And Case Closed and Wolf Rain. Like they had 2 Sessy. ones a Rin, Jaken, Keada, and others. I know I'm missing Inu-Yasha put I will put up more in other post. ^_^ Well that is all for me. I'm to tired to do anymore. Oh I did put up a fan art too. So go see it. Later.
*No closeing comment*
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
Over 400 hits. ^_^ Thanks everyone.
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I had to go to my mom's work today. there are alot of teachers their. My feet hurt for walking around so much. Well that is what I get for wearing sandles. Oh well I would go bear foot if I could. You see I hate wearing shose.
Well no one has asked me to make a banner in a while. I've kinda been bord. I have been spending time on Adult swim.com. If you sign up on the borads, you can look for a topic you like and, well you aruge with people. It is actully really fun. I have been on 3 today before I went to work with my mom. The 1st one was about, that Kagome runies Inu-Yasha. the second one was about case closed. And the 3rd one was who is the stupidest in Trigun.
Oh guess what. I saw that guy yesterday at my orentation. If you don't know who I'm taking about, a while ago I put up a post about a guy who was really anoying. Okay he was like a mix of Ho-Jo and Miroku. Okay he is nice but he ask about every girl he sees to go out on a date with him. He get on my nervers, because he was like hitting on me at the end of school last year. ewwwwwww.
Well I did see alot of my friends. I saw my one friend who wasn't sure if she was comming back this year. And she was there.And me and her have 2 classes together. And the werid thing was that she was wearing make up. She never use to wear it. but all is good.
Well I'm just taking a break for my fan art. I'm at a steady rate right now. I'm going to put some up here and there. I would like to note that all the fan art I put up yesterday, I drew and colored yester day. I'm going to start new arts and finish up someothers that I haven't done yet.
I don't have a closing comment for today. If anyone has one will you tell me and I'll use it. I will also try to find a pic. that will work too. I do have a pic. for today. Here it is.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Hey everyone
Well I have to go and take a shower put I wanted to tell you guys that I put up 3 new fan arts. And I want to know if you guys will go and tell me what you think. ^_^ Well that is all for me. Oh I would also like to thank Dark Phoneix for my new look for my site. ^_^
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Hello everyone
Guess what. When I came back after I posted. I had 390 hits. Wow. Thanks everyone who comes to my site. ^_^
Well I came on becasue I need a break from my work. I've been drawing like all day today.
Well I found this cool site with animations on it.^_^
Well did anyone see last nights ep. of case closed. I thought the end was great. With Conan:So this is what they about me when they think I'm not around. Good thing they like me. I thought that was great. I really thought it was Quentin. But I love what he said when they were in the woods lokking for Rika. Okay this is what he said,"Rika, I'm acting conserned,"
I taped it so me and my bro. watched it this morrning. He fell alseep so he didn't get to see it. ^_^
I'm kinda mad though. I'm trying to put up a fan art. And the thing is saying that it is too big. And it isn't. Because I check my art size before I put it up. Every time. So I think I will just put it up on my site and you guys can tell me what ya think.
Well that should be it for me. Nothing for closing comment yet. I might post later. I have to get back to art drawing. See ya.
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This is a little post. Just wanted to say that I put up an art. And I have 380 hits. ^_^ yay for me.
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