I see we have my normal commenters. ^_^ Yeah Fruba right. ^_^ If you have no idea what I'm talking about, check last post. Well I love this theme if some of you are wondering way I haven't been my normal self and have been changing it. ^_^ I am also working on that grpahics site, so that has taken up most of my time fixing it and such. I used a new name for it though. I wanted to get a name that didn't stand of a character so I had to be tied to that character. Well I was watching One Peace (One of my new fav animes now) and I heard Nami. Well Nami Graphics is opened. Well not really I am adding pages and linking. XP Pain in the but.
And doing that quote yesterday is making me think of doing one every day. ^^ So I'm going to do that. Oh yes, today I am going to try and get my dad to take me and bro to see the new Harry Potter movie. It looks kick ass and Vanessa-chan really likes it so I want to see it so bad!!!
Well I feel sorry for ya KP. You aren't putting up lights. (Also from last post) That stinks. My mom couldn't stand it. And Vanessa-cahn, my mom couldn't stand that either. My family is very pro-christmas. We love it. Our favorite hoillday. My mom likes it because she can take out stuff from her grandmother and look through out the house and remember her. I love making cookies and our polish foods. ^~^ So good.
Well this is the end for me. Haru: I guess that is just another part of the curse for those of us who have dirfferent colored hair. Yuki: Yes, but whenever the other kids who tease you, you would go black and chase them around the school yard. Haru: I'm better then Kyo, he would actually beat them half to death.
Christmas lights
Sorry I didn't update earlier. I was putting up christmas lights. And if you know me outside the internet, which no one really does (which is a shame if you ask me), but it is a big deal outside in the real world. We always do alot. If I get a camera with film or something I'll take pictures of it. It is really pretty at night. ^_^ Though we don't have snow in our front yard, we have palm trees. *Ha ha* I live Fl, what do you think.
Well also this...
Also picture is Tohru from Fruba. I started watching Fruba again went I got my break and I still laugh at the same jokes over and over again. It is just so funny. Shigure:And all we have left of our sweet Tohru is the small traces she left over the house. Like this strawberry towel I found hanging in the bathroom. All I need to do is take a big sniff and the sweet smell of Tohru is coming back. Kyo: You sick bastard!
Well I am getting swept into my music land so I better cut it short. Well I'm working on a graphics site. So later guys. Comments (2) |
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Last day of school!
Yes! Finally! We get off from school. My arm has been hurting like crazy for the past like two days. TT.TT It hurts and I don't know why.
Today is Thanksgiving. And I have been thinking of things I should be thankful for. Well I am making up an list.
Well we have to start off small.
I am thankful for...
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Anime
4. Manga
5. the Otaku
6. Otaku friends
7. Food
8. To have a roof above my head
9. music
10. Adult Swim
11. And for me as well.
Without me I don't think I could have seen so much and done so many things. Well what I mean is that I am thankful for being here to see so many things.
Well I have started a graphics site. I will have a link up after this, but if anyone wants to donate then please feel free to e-mail me or PM me with the codes you want to enter. I would love to have donations. ^_^ Well here is the site.
Well that is all I have for today. Later guys. Happy thanksgiving! Comments (5) |
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Hi everyone. XP today was like blaaaa.
It was so cold too. I was freezing. Two jackets for tomorrow. Good gray it was cold.
Well good points about today. I got to stay inside for gym, thank god. I got to watch a movie in 4th period, and we had a sub in third period.
Well about that movie in third period, Million dollar baby. That movie is good so far. We just got to the part where she is knocking out all the girls in her divsion in the first round. And her coach has to pay off other mangaers to get them to fight her. I would hate to fight her.
Well I was once again bad mittin queen again today. I was doing really crappy in serving but then I had the best serve out of all 4 of us. I was happy. But my arm hurt like hell the rest of the day.
Well when I got home I downloaded more AMV's. I got one with a song from the musical Wicked. It's about, Long before Dorothy dropped in, two other girls meet in the Land of Oz. One, born with emerald-green skin, is smart, fiery and misunderstood. The other is beautiful, ambitious and very popular. How these two unlikely friends end up as the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch makes for the most spellbinding new musical in years.
It is called What is this feeling. I thought it was love song before I read the lyrics because it can trick you so I made a video for Athrun and Cagalli in it, so I'm laughing about it now. It was actually saying Loathing, but I thought is said love. XP way off right?
Well that was it for my day. Oh wait I was walking down the hall today, minding my own bussiness getting ready for lunch then suddenly there is a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see this really tall guy. @.@ EEEP!! Right. Well he says, "I like your headband." I said thanks and ran away. He was really tall and weird looking. XP And puls he scared me. TT.TT
Well you can see the new BoA layout. I hope you all like. Right at the last minute I found this great BoA site were I got my wall and got the picture for my icon. I actually got alot of pictures from there. I got my BoA GIF in my post as you can see to the left.
I must say I enjoyed making my banners. The welcome banner has to be my favorite. ^_^ The side rabow is so cool to me.
Well monday is monday right? I hate Mondays. But we only have three days and one is down so two more left. And this sinking filling of looming homework is coming down on me. Well I still have some math I have to do. Well it can wait a bit longer.
Well tomorrow is tuesday. Not much about them. Well I wore my Naruto headband today. Some remarks that are bad, some knew what it meant, and others wanted it. I thought I got away with it in 4th period before a girl came to me and said, "What is on your head!" I have to say I was a bit embarssed but did nothing about it. She made her trunky girl to laugh, but others thought it was cool. I don't care. I'm going to wear it again. At first I wore it like Hinata then I wore it like Sakura.
Well I have to go. My mom is going to Wallgreens and I want to go. Laters. Comments (2) |
Sunday, November 20, 2005
4800 hits
XP That's alot of hits. Thanks guys. I'm going to take up some more space before I post my thankyou banner though. ^_^ I had fun watching Naruto last night. I just want to get to the part of the Chuun' exam. I think that is how you spell it. I don't have my Manga in front of me so I don't know. But anyway I metioned in my last post I got my Naruot head band. I got it for good grades money. I must say it is quite fun to wear. ^_^
There you go! My BoA banner. If that gives any hints then the next theme is BoA. ^_^ She is sooo pretty. I would love to be able to sing like her. And she's really young too. And when she speaks english it is the cutes thing. :3
I saw clips of her dancing when she was like 12. Well here is the video.
She is so cool.
Well that is really all for me today. Later guys. I'm going to work on the new theme. Comments (5) |
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Morning musume and/or BoA
I have spent some time looking around the net looking for my favorite Japanese bands and singers and such and when looking at stuff from yourtube I have ound stuff from one of my fav girl bands ever! Morning musume! Aibon and Hitomi are just too cute and funny. Then you have Ayaka's Surprise English Lesson and the pocky commericals. There just great. I was also looking at BoA things as well.
So my next theme is going to be Morning musume or BoA. You can tell me which one.
I desided to update today because everyone seemed to be updating all of a sudden. For all the friends I have it seems that it has been pretty low or were all in a lull of some sort. I know the only reason I don't update is because I'm just palin lazy and I can't think of anything to say. I know for some others it is the same way too. But I can't help being a lazy girl. It's a weekend, everyone needs a break sometimes. Right?
Well I was going to make this longer but Naruto is on. Later guys. Note I got my Naruto Head band. ^_^ I wear it like Sakura, so it looks cool with my hair in braids. So I wrap it around them. ^_^
I got something cool to say. But first I would like to say sorry to everyone because I didn't update. But for a good reason. I found out I had gotten a D in Social Studies. -.-lll it's because I suck at test taking. But I don't dtudy. Xp I find it better not to because then you rember more things but I will study for this test. I wasn't paying much attention to when we were going over it, so I might as well or else I'm never going to remember all of this stuff and the Nepolenic empire. I think that's what it was called. XO
Well my good news!
Despit my never being here. Xp
Well I walked into 4th period yesterday and we have a new girl. *Rolls eyes* this sould be fun, another kill joy scaming off my paper is just what I need. I look at her... she looks at me. Both of our mouths drop open in shock. We both point at each other and say,
It was like my best friend from the 7th grade. She had transfered from DA so she could get better classes. She is a great artist. So it shocked me to see her. But she hadn't change, like at all. It was so great to see her again.
So now I things to do later in the month. In December on the 6th there is a concert at my old school and I want to see my now 8th once 7th grade buddies. I want to see them and talk. Then DA is having a concert of christmas on the 8th, so I plan to go to that to see mt buddies from last year who made it. If some of you remember I went to a small concert before. It was neat to see everyone.
Well I think I have wasted enough time now. So have a good day everyone. I'm going to study!
PS. I have a new fanart up. It looks pretty sucky on-line but looks great on paper. You know, image sixe reqirments.
If you don't obey, it will result to death. Either way, at this rate, the world will end. ~Lacus Comments (2) |
Monday, November 14, 2005
A big liar
I am always a big liar when it goes to Hiatus's aren't I? I never stay off for more then a day. 0_0;;; I'm so hopeless. Well I felt like comking back. Though I don't feel like I have anything important to say I just feel I need to be here. Something is going to happen soon I can tell.
Well anyway I have a new theme. Fomr Tokyo Mew Mew I give you... Some girl in a cat costume. Really it's not Ichigo because it's in the back of the book but whatever. ^_^
I hope you don't mind the avatars on the page. I didn't make any for the layout when I made it. XP Oh well. I don't have good memory and I don't have a good graphics maker. I just have paint.
And speaking of which I was wondering if anyone could help me out big time. If anyone can resize images I would like to ask if you could resize the bottom images for me. I have a BerryxTasuku fanlisting but I don't have the right tools to make codes for it. ^^;;; Lame I know but I do need help. Thanks.
Thanks a ton to who ever wants nice and do this for me. And no one does then no body is getting Chirstmas gifts! *J/K*
Well thanks for the comments about my Hiatus sign. I have been hokked on BoA as of late. I think she is the cutest thing. XP Her voice is so sweet as well.
Well I think that is it for me. But I would like to say that we have lost a WWE wreatler, Eddie Guerrero. God bless his soul. I loved him as a character in the WWE but as a man. God bless!
Hey Everyone
Hi everyone. Sorry my activiy here has been so low. It won't get any better I am afraid.
I am doing alot of other things. Between working on new layouts for my site and other types of things I am booked.
If you want to see what I have been doing for the past few days go to my Lacus site. I have been spwnding most of my time doing that.
I can't get here as much as I want to. Heck I don't ever read as many post as I use to. But I have no time for it. Sorry guys.
So check out my totaly cute Hiatus sigh I made for my sites. ^_^ I actually did make this too ya know.
Well on anime side I am racking up a list for Christmas. I also bought a really cool new Cased Closed DVD. And this saturdays new anime is great.
WellI showed you my Hiatus sign but now I'm going to use it. I'm getting off of here for a while. I' sorry guys but this is how it is. I'll get on ASAP when I have time. So later guys. ^_^