Friday, July 30, 2004
Hey everyone. Well I have got the votes counted. And the winner is.........number 3. Yay for Kilala/Kirara. Well I will fix my welcome sign tomorrow. Well Anime freakkk I have your banner. Here it is. I hope you like it. ^__^ I just want to say that it took awhile to find that pic. of Robin. Yep *nod nod* sure did. Look at me I'm so lonley I'm takiing to my self. Well my hole family went shoping today. My feet hurt so much right now. We went to about 5 or 6 dirfferent stors. I got a new book. It is called Figure 17. It is a good book. Oh yah I saw this wreid girl there. She asked me what Mangna do I like to read. I told her Inu-Yasha and SHE said (note big letters) that HER old GIRLFRIEND use to read that too. I saw kinda scared, I thought if she calles her friends girlfriends, Or if she is you know. But I went on reading and didn't really care about it that much. I thought hey whatever flots your boat. You see I don't really care if people have same sex relation ships. How I see it is god made everything so it is all right for them to do that. ^__^ Well enough of me and the way other people live. Well I think that is all I have to say for today. And my Closing thought for today is try to be on time, Well if ya can.
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