Monday, June 20, 2005
Fashion show
Well my friends has a lot of cloths that she grew out of. Well she gave them to me. ^_^ My friend Vanessa has cool clothes. Not Bebopinutrigun 188 Vanessa. Another Vanessa. I have to say my favorite thing is a orange jacket that had money’s down the sleeves. But I have a whole bunch and I have to try them on today, so I’m having a little fashion show. ^_^
Well I saw the movie Madagascar yesterday. Me, my dad, and LGL80 wanted to see the new Batman movie but the tickets where sold out when we got there. T.T I wanted to see it. But Madagascar was funny. Great movie for little kids. Maybe not so much of teens but some of the jokes where more adult wise for understanding them. Like a pansy joke that the older people got but I could hear the kids in front of us asked there parents what a ‘pansy’ was.
Well here is the first chapter of my longer fan fiction I’m typing. It is all mushy like and easy going at the being so can any one give me a kind of plot twist after reading the first chapter or any for a high school fan fiction type setting. Thanks now read on!
Chapter 1- The new guy
“Time to wake up once again.” mumbled a sleepy blond haired girl and she tumbled out of bed. It was 6:30 and school started at 8. Why get up so early you may ask. Well living with her brother and mother and father who also have to be at school or at work for 8 it can get crazy trying to get really for the day. The blond made her way towards the bathroom room for the upstairs. She looked in the mirror at herself. Her blond hair was flying out like crazy. She then took her shower and went back in her room and put on her uniform. The skirt was never to hot for her. She hated skirts and never wear then normally. She pulled on her blue jacket over the white t-shirt they normally had to wear. Entering her brother room and tapped his shoulder and whispering in his ear “Time to get up, Kira.” The brown haired boy turned over and turned on the light above his head. “10 more minutes Cagalli.” the boy said. “No because then we will be late.” Cagalli said walking out door. Kira got up and took a shower as well and put on his uniform after. There Chinese collars really didn’t like him as he fidgeted with the neck. As he made his way down stairs he could smell toast. “Morning Cagalli.” he said sitting at bar type bench and started eating his toast. Before Cagalli could answer there mom and dad entered one talking on there cell phone and the other grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door. Then there mom finished her talk on her cell phone and grabbed a piece of toast and followed there dad right out the door. Cagalli and Kira looked like they just got whip lashed. “Okay..” Kira said a bit suspired by there parents actions. Normally they would at least good morning to them but not today I guess. Kira and Cagalli finished eating they made there way out the door to a car that just pulled in. “Morning Mrs. Haww.” Kira and Cagalli said getting in the car. “Morning kids. I see that your parents are really busy today.” Mrs. Haww said to them as they shut the door. “Yes ma’am.” Kira said her. “Morning Kira, Cagalli.” Mir and Lacus said to them. “Morning girls.” Cagalli said to her two best friends. “Morning Lacus, morning Mir.” Kira said to them. On the way to school they talked about there English homework and such until they reached school. “Thanks again mom.” Mir said getting out of the car. “No problem honey.” Mir’s mom said pulling away from the school. “Morning Mir.” Dearka called with a sulking Yzak behind him. See as more fan girls where trying to hit on him they decided not to ask what the problem was. “Morning Dearka.” Mir said giving him a hug. “Bell’s going to ring gotta go.” Cagalli said to them all. “Poor girl her locker is on the other side of the school.” Lacus said looking at Cagalli’s retreating figure.
Cagalli was half way to her locker. For just one second she closed her eyes for strength to make it there. But when she did she hit into someone. “Sorry.” Cagalli said turning only slightly to see who it was but didn’t really care. And then she when off running. “No it’s okay.” said the person she hit into. As he moved some of his blue hair behind his ear. Cagalli had made it in time and was walking back as she saw a boy with blue hair looking lost with all the people around him. She saw this and she knew she had to help him. She went up to him. He didn’t see her because of all the people and was a bit shocked as he was pulled into a small hallway. “Thanks.” the boy said turning to her. “No problem you just looked lost.” Cagalli said to him. “Oh you’re the girl that hit into me before.” the boy said. “Oh really! I sorry.” Cagalli said bowing. “No problem. The names Athrun, Athrun Zala.” said the boy. “Cagalli, Cagalli Yula Attha.” Cagalli said to the boy. “So where do I go from here.” Athrun asked. “Well let me see your schedule.” Cagalli said to him. “Here.” Athrun said handing it over. “Hey we have the same classes cool.” She handed him back his schedule back. “Follow me.” She said taking his hand. Athrun blushed a bit as he followed her. Surprisingly they made it to class and on time as well. “Mr. ANDREW!” Cagalli called walking into class. Athrun was a bit surprised her just did that but no one else seemed to mind. “YES, CAGALLI!!!!” a man said coming to her side. “I got a new bee.” Cagalli said looking at Athrun. “Athrun Zala?” the man questioned. “Ummm Yes sir.” Athrun said. “Calm down Athrun.” Cagalli said to him as the man looked over his schedule. “I’ll try.” he said and smiled at her. She just blushed and looked at the floor. “You can go to your seat now miss Cagalli.” the man said. “okay.” then she noticed that she was still holding his hand. Both of them blushed as she let go. Her hand was warm and she felt it going to her seat. Athrun let her hand go and smiled. ’There is no way I’ll falling for a girl this fast.’ Athrun thought. “Don’t be fooled with her.” the man said “by the way I’m your teacher Mr. Andrew Waltfeld.” “Okay and what did you mean?” Athrun asked Mr. Andrew. “I bet you mean about Cagalli, well she’s a fireball. Watch out for her.” Mr. Andrew said with a smirk. As more students walked in Lacus and Mir walked in shortly and went straight to talking with Cagalli. Soon Kira entered and saw something. “Athrun?” Kira questioned the boy standing in the front of the class. “Kira? Kira Yamato?” Athrun asked. “Yea hey man.” Kira said giving him a high five as the bell rang. Everyone ran to there seats. Kira and Lacus sat next to each other as where Dearka and Mir. Cagalli didn’t have a partner. So she sat alone. “Okay while we have a new student today!” Mr. Andrew called to his class. “YAY NEW STUDENT!!” Cagalli yelled from her seat as everyone joined in. Then Lacus gave Cagalli a high five so did Mir. They knew what it meant to have a new student. No homework or work. “What’s going on?” Athrun questioned the teacher as he laughed at his students. “They don’t have to do work because you’re here.” he said back. “Your going to be in this room all day. So get use to it.” Andrew said “Why Don’t you sit next to Cagalli.” he pointed to the blond sitting by her self. “Okay.” Athrun said happy that he could sit next to someone he knew. “Hey Athrun thanks for coming today.” Cagalli said patting him on the back. “No problem.” he said admiring the smile on her face. “Well because we where going to have a pop quiz today, but I can’t do that to a new student so why don’t you all go work on the outdoor classroom.” Andrew said. More yes’s and yea’s could be hear from his class as kids got up and headed out the room. “What?” Athrun questioned more confused now then ever. “Come on.” Cagalli said pulling up on his arm and taking him out of the class with everyone else. “Mir, Lacus, Kira hold up.” Cagalli yelled pulling a shocked Athrun with her. Mir, Kira and Lacus waited for her as she jumped on Mir’s and Lacus’s shoulders supporting her self. Cagalli was light so it didn’t hurt and she was very athletic so it was bad either. “Weird one isn’t she?” Kira said looking at his sister and there friends. “Yea but cute.” Athrun said. “You know she’s my sister right?” Kira questioned Athrun. “Crap…Really? I didn’t know you had a sister.” Athrun said. “Yea we found out 2 years ago.” Kira said to him. “Well I can’t help it Kira she is cute.” Athrun said smiling as Cagalli came back wither friends.
Picture and quote of the day.

“Oh my god, there pansies!”-lemur from Madagascar
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