Tuesday, June 21, 2005
New and favorite club
Well I have a new club. YAY!! PM me to join....
I Hate Mia club! (banner)

YAY!!! I really don't like her and neither does LGL80 so we made a club to hate her. ^_^ And I think LGL80 is going to make a Athrun's a pimp club. I mean he has...*counts in head*.. 3 other girls and Cagalli. He has 4 girls.
Well I also have to work today so I hope you all will forgive me for not visiting all of you as much. Sorry. But read below for a treat.
Well I think most of you wanted another chapter so here is the second one. XP
Chapter 2- Now or never
Athrun made his way home from a long day of school. Athrun sighed. It had been 3 weeks since he had started school. When he meet Cagalli. “And I still haven’t told her.” Athrun said aloud to himself. “You haven’t told who?” asked a girl from behind him. She had red hair down a bit past her shoulder. She had light skin that bounced the light from setting sun. She had clear blue eyes as she looked at him. “Umm do I know you?” Athrun asked as nice as he could that question to someone. “No but I know you. Your Athrun Zala. Your going to my school.” She said walking down the road with him. “And I know Kira and Cagalli.” the girl said. This caught Athrun’s attention. “Really?” he asked trying not to show he was interested but failed. “Well my name is Fllay.” the girl said with her hand out for a shake. “Well I guess you already know me.” Athrun said shaking her hand. “Well I use to go out with Kira.” Fllay continued on there talk. “And I got to know Cagalli and Kira very well.” she said with a forced smile on her face. “Why did you break up, or is it to hard, oh I’m prying pardon me.” Athrun said to her. “No it’s okay.” Fllay said looking at the ground. “He broke up with me.” Fllay said. “Now that’s hard to see.” Athrun said knowing how Kira is. “Yea I thought so too, but he arranged someone for me to go out with as a rebound I guess and it turned out to be the love of my life.” Fllay said with loving eyes thinking about her boy friend. “Well he broke up because he said he like another person.” Fllay said looking forward once again. “Sorry but you found someone new. That’s great.” Athrun said with a smile to Fllay. “Your too kind for Cagalli.” Fllay said laughing. As they came to a cross road Athrun had to go one way and Fllay had to go another. “Well see ya tomorrow.” Fllay said waving back to Athrun and she skipped down the road to a boy with sandy hair, a leather school bag, and wearing yellow sunglasses. He kissed her when they meet up again. Athrun thought of him and Cagalli like that. When Athrun got home he changed clothes and put on some jeans and a white shirt. Walking back into the living room he plopped himself on the couch until his pocket started to vibrate. Athrun forgot he left his cell phone on in his pocket. He only gave his number to Lacus, Dearka, Mir, and Cagalli. He figured Kira could ask Cagalli if he needed it. The caller ID on his one said it was Cagalli. “Hello?” Athrun asked half said into the phone already know who it was. “Hey Athrun. It’s me Cagalli.” Cagalli said on the other side of the phone. “Who could not know that sweet voice of yours.” Athrun said smiling with a blush on his face. Of course Cagalli didn’t see it. “Well I just wanted to talk, so if your expecting anything out of this talk then I suggest you tell me now.” Cagalli said to him. “I would love to just talk to you.” Athrun said. He really did though. To learn more about her. That was good. “Well I just want to know if you have ever loved someone?” she asked kinda bluntly but politely. “Well…” Athrun started. He had been in love ..well is in love but he couldn‘t let her know. “You?” Athrun asked back. “Well as a matter of fact I thing I like this one guy.” she said to him. “Really what’s he like?” Athrun questioned her. “Well he is smart, athletic, caring, sweet, and has great manners.” she said with a sigh. “Do you like someone?” Cagalli questioned. “Yea. As a matter of fact miss Attha I do like someone. She is smart, great a sports as well, can greet people nicely, and has a great smile.” Athrun said with a smile. Then a beep sound wet off. “Athrun I’m running out of battery can we meet in an hour at the café on 3rd street?” Cagalli asked. “Sure.” Athrun said. “Then it’s a date.” she quickly said hanging up. Athrun hung up too as he blushed thinking about going on a date with Cagalli. He gulped.
With in an hour Athrun left his house a drove to the café. When he walked in he saw Cagalli sitting at a table looking down at her hands. “May I sit or are you waiting for someone?” Athrun said to her. As soon as he talked her head shot up. It was red as an apple. “Hi Athrun, sit.” she said to him. Athrun sat down and ordered a thing of fries and a chocolate milkshake. Cagalli got the same thing. But when the waiter came back they only had one because the machine broke. “Can we have two straws anyway?“ Cagalli asked the waiter. The waiter left with putting down the straws. Cagalli put both straws in and looked down and blushed. Her head was tilled down so you could only see her blush on her face. Athrun mentally laughed, because he looked the same. “We can share it.” Cagalli said looked at him. “Well come here then.” Athrun said using his hand to tell her to come. She stood up and stood next to Athrun. “Well sit.” Athrun said. As he pulled down on her she was going to sit anyway so she almost fell on top of him. Just Cagalli got scared as she felt something touch her lips. It was soft and sweet. As she opened her eyes she saw Athrun. ‘Athrun!! Crap, Athrun!!.’ Cagalli thought when she pulled back. Athrun smiled at her as she pulled her self back up and sat next to him. Then Athrun took a sip of the milkshake. Cagalli gaped a little at him. ‘How could act like nothing happened?’ she thought. As he put the glass down he looked at her. “Not as sweet as you though.” Athrun said. Cagalli gasped covered her mouth and ran out of the place. ‘What did I do?’ Athrun asked himself. He paid for the shake and left. He stopped a pretzels place. He grabbed one and headed for the park. The sun was just setting so it was a good time.
As Athrun sat in front of the fountain he looked at the water. “I wish people could just flow like the water does.” Athrun said to himself. “But where is the fun with out a few sharp rocks out there. Your life is just a chain reaction taking you day by day.” said a voice her recognized behind him. “Cagalli?” he asked. “Hi Athrun, look I’m really sorry I ran off before. I just have never kissed anyone before.” Cagalli said sitting next to him. “That’s fine. I’ve never been kissed before either.” Athrun said. Cagalli grabbed Athrun’s hand the wasn’t holding the pretzel. “Your so nice, Athrun.” she said pulling his hand to touch her cheek. Athrun was a bit surprised but was happy they cleared the air. “Athrun can….c-can you kiss me again.” Cagalli asked him. “y-yea if you want.” Athrun said. Cagalli nodded and they pulled closer and then they kissed. Cagalli pulled away with a smile on her face. “Thanks.” Cagalli said getting up and walked back home. Athrun did know what to say. “Now or never I guess?” mumbled to himself.
Well I like this theme. Not saying it will last long because all of my favorites don't last long but oh well.
So picture and quote of the day.

"Cindy the T.V.s leaking"-Scary movie 3.
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