Wednesday, June 22, 2005
[Taken care off] SOME ONE STOLE MY ART!!!!!
[Edit- Everything is taken care of now guys. Thankyou.]
OMFG!!! I can't beilive this. My fan art has been stolen!!! Look under the Gundam SEED section and there is my art. She stole it. Go to shiori hana's site. Look under her fan art. IT'S MINE!! Well the two Lacus are. Link to my site. Shiori hana's site I mean suport me!
Well the rest of the post as planed.
I finished mt long fan fiction. It has 7 chapters so longer then a one shot. But I will put up the 3rd chapter. I don't want to make it too long. ^^;;;
Sorry if your eyes hurt because of the new theme. The backround was actually bigger but I couldn't get it to show up right so I left it on the smaller side from photo bucket. And once my dad and I have figured out how to get more e-mail adresses I will be getting another one so I can make another Otaku page. It's not going to be like this one. Oh no. I might post a few times on that ine but the other one is for something else. When ever I fine A wallpaper I like I will make a theme for it. Well I know alot of great places for wallpapers and well layouts go buy quickly. I hope by getting the knew site I can just change themes on there and stick with one theme for more then one day here.
Well one wekk for friday is my birthday. ^_^ So I can't wait to see if I get anything this year. It doesn't sound like it from my dad though. Well working yesterday day was hard. We have to move paper, 11 boxes, with 10 packs of papper in each one. It was really heavy. And we had to do suplie list with the book keeper. That part was really fun though besides the fact
*******Girl thing*********
My cramps where hurting like hell when we where moving stuff.
*******Girl thing over*****
Well here is chapter 3 for you all who are actually reading the story.
Chapter 3- Did you say ‘girlfriend‘?
That Monday started as normal as any other. Cagalli woke up and took a shower. Woke up Kira and made toast. There parents said a quick “hi” to them before they ran out the door. Mir’s mom picked them up and dropped them off. Cagalli raced to her locker and grabbed he books. And ran to meet Athrun at his locker. When she was about to reach it she saw a girl with pink hair to her shoulder stick a pink letter in Athrun’s locker. Then the girl ran away. Which looked like trouble because her skirt looked way to big and it was about to fall off of her body. Then Athrun appeared right behind her. ”What cha doin’” Athrun said to her. “Ah Athrun, I-I I was waiting for you.” she said and smiled. Athrun smiled and they walked to his locker and pulled out the note. And he started to read. ’Oh god what if he thinks I wrote it. And what did she say if could to really lovey dovey and crap.’ Cagalli thought looking at Athrun. He just laughed at the letter. “What? What is it?” Cagalli asked him. He just gave her the note. It read: Athrun I love you so much. I want to be your girlfriend so bad. So please meet me at the place we first meet and tell me you love me as well. Love, your new girlfriend Mia Campbell.
“Girlfriend? Her?” Cagalli asked him as they made there way up to class. Athrun just laughed again. Cagalli looked sad but Athrun didn’t see because he was walking in front. She handed him back the letter and he entered class. “But I thought you where my…never mind.” mumbled walking into class.
“Cagalli is there anything wrong?” Lacus asked her during lunch. She was ab-normally quite. “Yea fine.” Cagalli said taking a bite out of her pizza. Then suddenly a junior walked up to them. She had pink hair down to her shoulder, murky blue eyes, and her skirt was about to fall off her butt because it was so big. Mia Campbell Cagalli guessed. “Look Attha. You better stay away from my boyfriend. He doesn’t want you, you got that.” Mia said to Cagalli. Cagalli didn’t say anything because she didn’t want to get involved in this little love triangle. This got Mia mad. She picked up the knife on Cagalli’s plate and held it up to her neck. “Answer me ATTHA!!” screamed Mia. “Umm could you move a bit.” Athrun said calling from behind Mia. “What! Oh Athrun.” Mia said getting all flustered. “Yea, can you move so I can sit with my girlfriend.” Athrun said putting an ethicist on girlfriend. Mia eyes widened but so did Cagalli’s. Lacus smiled as she looked at Athrun who took a seat next to Cagalli moving his arm around her waits and pulling her close to him. “Pardon me but those are our seats.” Mir called from behind Mia. It was Mir, Kira, and Dearka. Mia left with a huff as the rest of them sat down table. Cagalli didn’t know what to do. Athrun talked to Kira across the table with his arm still around her. Cagalli was fine with it after a while and talked to Mir and Lacus about there future quiz in Math.
“Cagalli can I talk to you?” Athrun asked after the bell rang. “Sure.” she said following him by the back of school. “Well Cagalli, I wanted to say that I really like you.” Athrun said looking at her as she smiled at him. “I like you to boyfriend.” she said smiling and then kissed him on the cheek. “Well alright then.” he said smiling. “Bye then.” Cagalli said smiling leaving him to catch her ride.
Well please supprot me in my art. and here picture and quote of the day.

"May the force be with you."-Star wars.
Now I'm going to report her art. Bye.
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