Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I have nothing to post about XP
I have nothing to post about. XD I'm just really bord.
Well I submitted two fanarts yesterday. One is the famous picture of Sakura dressed like a pink kitty. But I just shaded it so it's not pink. ^^;;; And the other is just a line art of Lacus in her Commander uniform from Gundam SEED Destiny. Nothing to speacial.
Thanks for all the comments from yesterday. 19! Wow. O.o I feel loved. *hugs* Thanks everyone. Oh yes the quote of the day from yesterday was from the Batman movie. Too bad no one could help me with the Sango and Miroku picture thing. I haven't started it yet so I have time. I'nm actually working on another picture of Lacus in her nija type outfit from Gundam SEED Destiny. So far I only got her head done and Haro. It looks intresting. XP
Well not to bore you anymore I'll end post now. Picture and quote of the day.

"The turest form of something can be found in the smallest things"- from me. *made off the top of my head* ^.^
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