Thursday, June 30, 2005
*Huffs* I got it and layout help
Okay I got my new Otaku site up. The user name is Stellargirl. I signed my own GB. How werid it was. I was trying to pretend to be a fan girl *laughs at self*
I feel bad for my dog. The door locked while she was in my parents room and this guy was here and he used a credit card to open the room. 0o0;;; Yes it actually works. And I heater works now because of him. And we have rats. XP
Well I also got 20 comments yesterday. Gosh I feel loved since I've been off.

Yes one more day until My and Vanessa-chans birthdays. I can't wait till you see what I made for you. I made it a long time ago but still good.
Well this might sound crazy but I'm feeling a bit down. Well yesterday I was looking around sites and I relized how much I miss my old friends. Like not from school but from the Otaku. I'll explain. I use to be great friends with Peite and other older Otakus a long time ago. Then I took about a two month break from the Otaku for personal reasons and such and when I came back in December I had like no friends. The first person to greet me again was Chibi-chan. And well she's like never on. I'm not trying to complain to you guys because really I love all my Otaku's. I just wish Peite would talk to me again. XP I really don't want anyone to feel bad. I love all my friends. From Vanessa to Shanny. I just miss some of my older friends from here that's all.
I'm complaining to much pardon me. Sorry guys. XP Well I know something that would make me feels tons better. A POLL!! Yes a poll. I need help to pick a new theme. ^^;;; hard to see right but I do need help. So vote please!
I know there are alot of them but I forgot to add Peace maker. It is also in there so don't forget that one too. And when you comment can you tell me which one you voted for. Thanks.
Picture and quote of the day.

"Will power is the strongest of powers"- from me. ^_^
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