Friday, July 1, 2005
Happy birthday to me and Vanessa-chan!
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Vanessa-chan,
Happy one year to you!

GIF for you!!!!!!

Okay in case it is going to fast I’ll tell you what is says.
1st- It’s your Otaku birthday…
2nd- And I wanted to say….
3rd- Happy otaku birthday sister
4th- From Lie74 To Vanessa
It is made from only pictures of the Hawke sisters from GSD. Because Vanessa-chan is like a great sister to me. *glomps*
And yet do we forget it’s my birthday as well. ^_^ I’m officially 15 years old today folks. My only regret is that Alex-oni-chan isn’t here. Lord Alex for all Otaku people. He’s like my big brother so he is oni-chan to me. But don’t get me wrong LGL80 you’re my real oni-chan. *hugs oni-chans* For course I can’t forget my great Onee-chan’s as well. Speaking of great Onee-chans does anyone know what happened to Sara-onee-chan?
Can you stop the chain letters. I have no love life people so please don’t send me the chain letter anymore. I have gotten it about 6 times now. Trust me I don’t need it again. Also my summer theme is up on Stellargirl’s site. Mix between fireworks and Tsubasa. I really really like this one so I have it up. ^_^ I can’t believe how many comments I am getting a day. I know I said this everyday since I was back but I got over 20 for the past two days. Just a little shocking for me. ^^;;; And also glad everyone under stood my little rant yesterday. Seems like everyone feels that once in a while.
Yes everyone I know there’s always room for more friends. Which brings me to my next topic. 460 Guest Book entries. 0o0;;;; It’s on my birthday too. I’m just so shocked everyone is coming and being friends and all the comments and birthdays and such. Wow! It’s making my head spin. *glomps everyone* I love you guys!!!!
Well layout contest thing. The test wouldn’t show up for me. ^^;;; So there was a tie between 3 different show if I remember. Hiro and Kisa, Chrono Crusade, and Cagalli and Kira I can tell by the comments left and what I remember from the last time I saw it. So vote between these 3 please. Either of the 3 will do. Thankyou. *bows* New fan arts up as well. The Lacus one for you if you haven’t seen it and one I used from Angel Kat’s site that I drew and dedicated to her. ^_^ Also Shanny (Dark Phoenix) is holding a art contest. And I’m one of the judges. So if you would like to enter click the button right before the post to see info about the contest the Kanme one. Join if you want. It is up for everyone. I would have entered but I’m not in a drawing mood lately so I wanted to be a judge. Oh yes and Shanny said you can’t bribe me either so XP to anyone who trys.
I plan to make a separate page for my sister sites and such. I’m just full of codes in my profile and can’t add much more. XD So I figure just dub up a page for my great friends and that will be fine. And because I don’t have a side bar for my friends list. Also if you’re my friend and don’t have a button, well your getting one. ^_^ I’m not leaving any friends behind. *thumbs up* Brothers get there own page, sisters get there own page, and anyone who isn’t in those groups goes on the other page. Along with my brother’s an sister’s. New song. Kesenai Tsumi from FMA. I love this song.
I would also like to place my banners for my birthday below. But before I do I must say Thank you soooooooooo much to ob53zt tang3rtin3. I would share it with you all but it’s very special so I’m going to keep it away from you all for a bit. *evil laugh* Only me and tang3rtin3 knows what I’m talking about. ^///^ *glomps* Thankyou tang3rtin3!!!! Ramen puff for you!
Now my great banners!
Thankyou for my first card blackki.

Thanks Shippo-souten

Thanks a ton for my very special card Vanessa-chan I love it so much. I am going to add a link to it. *hugs* It almost made me cry. Thankyou. *hugs more* Click here to see it.
Thankyou very much Cagalli Yamato

I will eat lots of cake, thanks sweetshnara16

Thanks for the cards everyone. *hugs* So I’ll see you all around!
Quote and picture of the day.

“I’m 15 years old, dammit!”- Tesu from Peace Maker.
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