Dennis is a coming Mood: In less but still pain Time of Post: 12:05 am Listening to: Behind these hazel eyes- Kelly Clarkson
Well thanks very much to Shanny-chan for her ever so long and hard code for the icon on the side
ß Here. ^_^
Not that hard folks. Easy actually. ^_^
Well Dennis is a coming. I’m on the east coast so it won’t be bad for us. Only rain and wind. So where not going to get a lot of stuff. I can’t wait to get my wall scroll. I know it looks so pretty. Trust me if I had enough money I would buy my great friends on the Otaku one. But alas I don’t have that much money. *cries* Sorry guys.
Well what else is going on in my life right now. *thinks really hard* Ouch brain hurts. Oh yeah now I remember. I got Fruba number 10! Its got Kisa-chan on it. I am happy because that was my nick name at school when we had our own Fruba nick-names. Soraluver is Rit-chan. And Don’t let her fool you by saying she’s not like him. She really is. ^_^
And new InuYasha. They didn’t cancel it. Shock. But LGL80 didn’t want to change from the weather channel. *grrr* But I saw it. XPPPPPP
Now that I have nothing to say how about this. My end stuff. ^_^ A change for today though. It is a comic instead of a picture. So no question for today. Read from left to right.
A little side thing for it. ^_^
“Building is slow and sad. It takes down memories and information.”- my dad shopping yesterday. *Yes my dad said this. Shock*