Hello everyone!
Well another day and it was cold! Our weath has been changing so much lately. One day it will go down to 32 and the next day it's back up to 80. It's so crazy! But I guess that's what I get for living in Fl.
Well in yesterday it was number 3! Everyone wanted number 3 so that's cool. I also really liked number 4 but oh well.
So for today we have post layouts, I have four different ones I can do.
2. From Vanessa-chan's site
3. From Lindsey's site
4. From Zoe's site
Okay so those are the ones I can do. Vote please. Next will be side bars. I can have 3 dirfferent ones believe it or not. ^_^
Well I am trying to beat Super Smash brothers Meela 100 battle thingy with my bro. So I'm going to get going. ^_^ Later all!