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myOtaku.com: lieiavalon2044

Saturday, August 27, 2005

'ello! How are y'all today? I am bored. Which means, that as soon as I get around to finding a picture of cargo pants and can draw 'that hair', there shall be a couple posted here. Miichitsu and Sanlaku, two homicidal insane people who, for a moment, are not looking all that homicidal or insane. And Miichitsu has giant claws.

So yay. *waves flag of utter joy*

Also... I need to work on a couple things. *yawns* Such as the little Ophir pic (which is bloody adorable! SQUEE! XD) and various other ones...

... And beware, for when I am done, there may very well be Digimon fan art done by me here. Beware the giant cute creatures. *huggles*

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