lifeless song
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
So much has happened in one day I think that I'll be changed forever.... Or maybe not who knows? I guess I should make and attempt to tell you what happen and be as understanding as I can. Okay so I skipped school first, second, and third with my boyfriend. I go back to school and they have me wait in the office for thirty minutes and I get an asshole who gives me saturday detention for two hours which starts at 8:30 -_- I go home and my moms starts being nice to me and buys me Chinese food for not failing and classes and on the way home I just remembered that I had to tell her. So I tell her and she literally starts screaming at me and then she tells me to stop yelling and I was just sitting there doing nothing and I told her and she goes yeah I know. 0.0 Then late at night my dad calls me and he's drunk and starts saying all these horrible things about my moms and I'm yeah whatever sure and my mom (which I didn't know) picked up the phone and started to listen in.... So my mom got uber upset that I didn't defend her and yeah there came so crying from her. After that my moms goes you can still go to the movies with your boyfriend. That's only the half of it.
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Some time
I haven't had any time alone with him where it was just the both of us. Then my mom goes you can't be in the house alone together. How am I am going to really get to know somebody if we never have that much time alone besides thrusday? Bah Bah WTF there is a sheep in here?!? Anywho if I am on your friendlist and your not on mine just pm me and I'll add you. I'm not sure yet if I want my poems to get published because I wrote them for myself to express how I was feeling. I don't know its just that they are really personal to me. I don't mind sharing them with people that I know or what not it's just my family and certain people. I just might decide to I'm not sure.... Last night was the first time in two weeks that I didn't pass out. I guess I don't have any picture for ya'll oh well maybe..... I went to my therapist and she keeps on asking me how do you express you anger over and over again. Grrr I threaten to stab people with my shoe yeps yeps you heard it. My friends birthday is coming up and I know that I just have to get her something ahhhhh I better hurry and do something. Well this post seems long enough and that's why I'm going to stop typing..... I'm a little hyper today.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
About what?
I have time to post and I don't even know what about -_-
Well I thought that this year I was going to stay on top of my school work but somehow I already managed to get behind and I go everyday to school. It's just that my friends are very important to me I just don't know what to do. I think this is my first time posting a quiz.....
 You want Acceptance out of life. You are alone and want others to notice and appreciate you. Sometimes you may step into your own imaginary world to escape the desolate one in which you were born. Word of advice: your internal world may be appealing but it will never be real. Learn to accept reality before it is too late.
Color: Black
Symbol: Shadow
Element: Darkness
*What Do You Want Out Of Life?* (5 detailed answers + anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, October 3, 2005
Time to post
w00t!! Anyways I seem to always be busy doing something.... Not that that is a bad thing it's just I miss the time when I had oodles of time. Well I went to my cousins bridal shower and it's weird seeing her all grown up with a 4 year old I rememeber her in highschool. I just remembered I got my hair cut saturday just like major off of ghost in the shell I can't think of her name right now -_-' Well sweethearts I'll be on after school hopefully and I'll try to get to everyones sites.
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
I might get to go to the movies tommorow
I might get to go to the movies tommorow since my boyfriend is off work. I want to see corpse bride that looks like a good movie if not I might end up seeing the exorcism of emily rose. I heard the movie was okay.....
This block today I have math class and I'm going to try and hold my temper in check. Also in one day three of my friends tell me they think their bisexual. Their reason for telling me is because I'm bisexual and I was like okay then.....
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Not again
Last year I didn't do any of my homework and I'm trying really hard not to fall in to that again. In math class yesterday I almost got into it with this weasel boy that sits in the front arcoss from me. He starts talking to someone I've known for a long time and he goes shut up queer boy. Since Rueben is actually gay I got so pissed I almost let lose but somehow I managed not to do or say anything. That weasel boy thinks he so hot and apparently he's afraid to talk to me..... But if he ever says that again to him I will give him a reason to be afraid of me. I don't like violence unless it is nessicary but in this case I'll make an expection.
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Monday, September 26, 2005
When will it end?
When will it begin? I'm fighting a losing battle it feels like I'm never going to win. I can feel it clawing at my back the demons the want to get in. The question is will I give in to all the screaming all the tears. Just one moment I can feel you near.... Oh how I wish you were here to hold me in your arms and whisper sweet nothings into my ear. The reality is your not as close as you seem in reality your only standing there staring at me. Reach out and embrace me, for a moment you will let me see a world without hatred. For a moment it will only be you and me.

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Friday, September 23, 2005
bah bah black sheep
I don't know why but suddenly I just had an urge to say it. Well today after school my friend he is going to come over and we're going to have an anime marathon. I know this probably sounds corny but I really want to spend time with my boyfriend. He called me last night at like 9:50 and I passed out so I wasn't really able not willing to talk on the phone. I feel bad about that actually I'll have to do something about it. I think my heart is slowly starting to melt into the caring person I used to be or maybe I'm finally realizing how much some people mean to me.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Made me think
In American History where were watching a movie about the KKK and I kept on getting upset. When I was leaving for next period this poem popped into my head.
Remember the Love
Look at the cripple on the street.
Guy don't have enough to eat.
You're to black, You're to white.
Your beliefs are wrong, mine are right
Look what hate has took away
No more love like yesterday.
When fellow man was a friend.
So sad that has reached an end.
Look at the girl with all the scars.
Her dad is a drunk at the bars.
Butterflies are pretty, but you're a moth.
He dresses in black he's a goth.
Why do we call each other names?
I thought God made us all the same.
The young don't know they're just childrenk
What kind of world we really live in.
That guy can't talk right he's got a stutter.
That girl keeps bleeding she's a cutter.
You're to fat so you can't run.
You're insane so grab that gun.
Words so mean and unkind.
World so deaf and all to blind.
All so bad and no more good.
Can't we remember the love like we should?
You can't join don't even ask.
You were a druggie in your past.
He makes more money, she makes less.
She's a loser, he's the best.
I am me, you are you.
Tell me please what can we do
To take a stand and rise above
Kill the hate and remember the love?
I didn't write it and I don't know who did but the poem touched me.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Busy busy busy
Man I have been busy lately so much has happened since I last updated. I would go on and on about it but hey who wants to read about my life? Last night I was watching Gravitation and then the electricity (sp?) when out. I turned over and went to sleep not even bothering to turn it on again to finish watching. Band pratice thing is Thrusday and woot woot he still wants me to come even though I have a boyfriend. I'll try to get to everyones site today cause I only get on in the morning and at night if I have time. Also I got my first kiss yesterday from my boyfriend *blushes*...... Ahhhh I have to get a move on!!

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