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myOtaku.com: LightFaerie

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Hey there! My name is Caitlyn, and i am a major anime lover - hence the participation here. I am improving my anime drawing skills slowly but surely! Please check out my fan art and send me your tips and/or suggestions. I would love to hear from you, and not just on that either. Feel free to talk to me about whatever you want!!!

Animation from Gpetz.com

Animation from Gpetz.com

Monday, April 12, 2004

   i dunno, pick one
ok so ya this is my first post in forever but whatever. i'm excited cuz i had candy yesterday for easter, and i hadn't had it for a week cuz i gave it up for holy week. i also got a new manga book on saturday and finished it already, so now i'm out of manga and i'm sad, but it was really cool. it's psychic academy, and its realy cute and i like it. it makes me much happy. i also got the pirates of the carribean soundtrack and it makes me happy too. ok, well i need to actually start my homework now. *sigh*. later!
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Monday, November 3, 2003

  Visit*. haha.
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  OK, this one is going to be short cuz i'm very stressed and i have a lot to get done! I am freaking out!!!! but i did get a new piccy loaded today and I really hope it goes through right cuz i really like this one for some reason. i did it in 8th grade math too. go me. that was a great art class for me. i didn't learn much math tho. oh well. anyhoo, i have to go do all that stuff that is stressing me out now so ya. later. Come back and visint again!!!
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Thursday, October 30, 2003

   A bit more miffed and still sleepy
Okay, so the miffed is because Inuyasha was recently removed from TV in my area so now i can't watch it. :'( (tear) And then my dum little picture thing didn't load right on my last little posty thing. And I'm rather tired. As it's midnight, i'm deciding to finish my homework in the morning, as i haven't been working on it for the last half hour or so anyway, and i'm going to go to bed to remedy something of this sleepiness, though as i have to get up at 6:15 i'm not going to be a whole lot less tired. Later yo.
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